Chapter 9: Did i really care?

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I looked up at dream, amongst his friends.  "Dream are you awake?" i whispered hoping to not wake any of them. "Not for long, i think" he mumbled slowly "I got you something, it hope it helps.." she sighed. I had found a the biggest blanket i could and had dropped it over them,  carefully. "Its ok to have ties, duckling.." "Its what makes us human" i winced before replying slowly, "I'm not human.." carefully, i didn't want my anger rising, i didn't want to take it out on anyone, ties or not.  She went quiet and left.

What was wrong with me?!, i was all ready pushing people away. I guess its just a bad habit of mine i just cant seem to shake off. I didn't end up falling asleep, like i thought i would. The rain did eventually stop, and i felt a familiar claw on my shoulder. He leaned his head on mine. "Ranboo?" he chirped back.  "I'm leaving again, ok?" "You cant follow me ok?" "But when the time is right you'll know where to find me." I picked up bad, if anyone could help it was him, we where more alike then anyone really knew. I carried him, around the edge of camp. Taking what i could, ration wise. The closer we went to the middle of the camp, the more we heard the talking. A few voices around a fire. Sam, jack, Phil, Technoblade and a slightly awake tommy leaning on tubbo. I keep quiet but listening, closely.

"Can we even trust him after what he has done?" jacks voice echoed the camp, but everyone was silent.  After way too much uncomfortable silence, Sam spoke up, "I don't want to defend him but think about what he's done for us, in the last few days!" "He's Cleary shown a side, i don't think any ones seen" Sam said kind of reluctantly. "And yet he's still dream" tubbo spoke up. The atmosphere was thick as hell and only got thicker.  "All i can say is" puffy sighed coming into the circle "There's a big fat chance, we wouldn't be here if he didn't do what he did, if he didn't get out of prison would we of really survived?" "Did anyone have amour? did anyone have weapons? Was anyone ready?! Hell no! no one was." "we have to give him some credit, he didn't have to help us, he could of joined the eggs side! but did he?"  "No, he didn't" 

I sighed, puffy cared more than i let her. Sam looked straight at me. oh shit, oh shit did everyone hear me? In the tiniest whisper i could do "Sam, please don't do this..." I left quickly, making sure i was far enough away. 

"Dream what are you doing?" Sam said the seriousness in his voice, getting louder.  

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