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Hi! If you had known or not but this story is being rewritten. So here's a few more bits you need to know about the story and what is changing and other little bits etc

1) pov
So I understand it's hard to tell who's pov it is sometimes so for every chapter there will be ||insert character name|| displayed like this to show which character pov it is from. It worked a lot in my other book so it's being used here.

2) trigger warnings
I will try and add a lot more trigger warnings to the story as more of a warning with almost every chapter. As the story includes swearing and most of the time not very nice things. So I will improve on that.

3) odd and random word counts
So the word counts where very random and different. From 429 to 1100 and something which isn't the greatest I must admit. So this will be sorted by having all the chapters as the same or around the same word count

4) I don't know how to announce all this news to you guys so I'm sorry about it.

5) I can't think of anything else rn but if you have suggestions or questions I can answer if you would like.

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