Chapter 17: oh no

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((ok i lied it is very long but, its low-key some filler so you guys can have a break :0 ))

We stopped and revealed a secret small prison under ground, not to far away from the main part of the smp. Night was thrown in  it, handcuffed and everything. "You'll pay for what you did", the words rang out from each of them all expressive in there own ways.
I wasn't bothered too much, but I knew I would be stuck here until dream woke up...

We finally stirred having all slept well, well as good as it was going to get. Bad got up to stretch while puffy woke up skeppy and Niki. Sapnap moved over to dream and held him. Once everyone was awake (apart from dream) Niki started to check him over. He was breathing fine and his stomach was nearly healed properly. But Niki's hands where sore, nightmares powers hurt and even caused a bit of bruising he was that powerful.
While finishing checked him over Niki knew something was wrong, well for one 'nightmare' was no were to be seen, and dream didn't seem to be sleeping. I checked his heartbeat and it was slow.. I opened his eyes and I was right he was unconscious.
Had he Fainted right before we feel asleep? Was he in a coma? I really didn't want to say anything, they had been through enough..

"Sapnap" I said quietly he looked up still a little dazed. "Please don't be alarmed but dream is unconscious, he's breathing fine and obviously he's still shaky but he's not awake." She sighed I looked over at bad and puffy they had been through hell and back. "What can we do?" I said trying to stay calm and keep my voice down. "Wait for him to wake up? He's basically sleeping but it's a bit more serious than that" I mumbled.
Dream jolted awake in saps arms. "Dream!! You ok?" Sap said as everyone surrounded dream. He coughed a couple of times but nodded, his voice hoarse. "W-where's night?" I stuttered, losing my words. "I saw him leave the tent I think" bad said quietly "he could be anywhere" puffy replied.

"He went outside the tent? Oh that idoit!" I cried. I pushed my self up my bandages holding me together. Everyone rushed to my side "woah, woah dream you shouldn't be going anywhere any time soon!" Niki said the urgency in her voice. "I know I healed you, but you where really badly affected!! One wrong move and you could open it all again!" She looked at me, worry in her eyes. I lent on sapnap, "if I don't though he will be killed by Technoblade, only a few people know about him but that could be all it takes" puffy nodded "ok, me and Sapnap will help you, you three stay here in case he escapes or anything else happens" they nodded.

Sapnap all ready holding dream up helped puffy take dreams other side. The pace they made was slow  and shaky but somehow they made a ok pace but would it be enough?

Technoblade held nightmares head as he looked at him in the prison tied up. Potion in hand. "We will make you pay! But first a little help to sort out the the you problem" potion in his other hand he smiled. "Now we can do this the hard way or the easy way! My preference is the hard way but I'm nice today so I will give you that choice" I took one look at the potion and laughed, looking him dead in the eye "you, you will never win" I smiled.
Still holding my face, Phil behind him stabbed my foot, forcefully making me cry out, letting Technoblade pour the potion down my throat. Holding my head up making sure, I drank every last drop. He put his hand over my mouth, "swallow it!" I did eventually, no matter how much i tried not, who knows what Technoblade would do, what he was capable of? He was very skilled in what he did, no matter how much it pained me to even think it, this wouldn't end well, at least not without blood split. 

Coughing and sputtering, he let go of my face and let me fall to the floor.

"Woah" dream held his head "dream, dream what's wrong, what's wrong?" Sapnaps voice rang out. Dream caught his breath, he knew it might be too late- they got him.

Technoblade smirked, tusks out, a million eyes on me and my next breath my next move my next thought. "If your sick, we will just have to keep doing this until you keep it in!" Techno looked down at me, everything was hazy and blurry. Dream they gave me something, a potion I don't know what it was but you got to get here quickly, I think I think they took my powers. I-

I lay on the floor of the cell, the knife had been pulled out of my foot but left bleeding no one even batted a eyelash. i had fucked up, why why did i leave daydream? why, can i even do anything? can he do anything? He's weak all ready! and now thanks to me I'm just as bad, i cant do anything right! i knew we shared thoughts, i knew this was painful for him but i had to stay awake, i couldn't let myself be cut off from him. 

Word had got around camp everyone knowing about what happened even finding out about nightmare for those who didn't. I left Niki and skeppy in the tent, skeppy looking after Niki she was so very tired and incredibly warn out, it had taken a lot from her.  I overheard, ranboo and tubbo's conservation, wait oh god nightmare!! they had nightmare!? i panicked teleporting to puffy and sapnap, "puffy take dream back now!! i don't care what dream says drag him back if you have to" i said nearly yelling, absolutely ignoring dream at her side. "What the hell dad!! why?" sapnap shouted, holding on to the shaky dream. "Sapnap Hun we don't have a lot of time, we could lose both of them, if we don't get dream out of here!" i couldn't stop my self from letting my form take over more then normal. 

Sapnap saw this and looked at dream in the eyes, "go with puffy please dreamer, bads never been this serious its got to be bad, y'know we cant have you getting hurt more." i choked back my anger "no... bad you got take me too him! you got to!!" fuck that was way softer then i realised, my voice breaking. i pushed puffy and sap away from me and wobbling i ran forward. "Dream! we don't have time for this!! you know damn well you cant get to him!" sapnap yelled. i didn't listen the blood rushing to my head the blood already staining my stomach. Bad only managed to catch me, holding me tight.  i looked up, bad and sapnap in there full forms, "go home dream, im not asking again.." he growled. i sighed deeply letting mom take my side, "lets go find everyone, they probably want to know how your doing, especially gogy right?" she smiled "oh... yeah right.." i mumbled sure i had kissed gogy to bring him back, i loved him so much but he wasn't sap. No matter how close me and gogy where he was always distant.. or was that just my mind? Was It just me?

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