chapter 18: revenge?

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I felt the fire, fill me up. This was all for dream and maybe I would have a bit of fun with it? God knows I've been bottling it up...

Bad lead the way, as we teleported right in front of everyone. Phil noticed first "bad, sap-" he stopped freezing. Bad's teeth out, his claws sparkling besides saps fire. His horns stabbed through his hoodie, his wings out stretched And threatening..
Sapnaps eyes where as cold as ice no matter how much his fire burned and shook. His whole body a, matches favourite friend.

I looked up at the brightness. My head swimming. "Sap!?" I cried out my voice distorted And helpless. God I was weak.
I heard nightmares cries, h-he was this desperate? I held onto my form, it needed anger to survive.. breaking down would do nothing to help him.
Bads voice echoed hurting our ears "let him go and let us through now!" he wasn't human, not any more at least..
Technoblade stood his ground and no one moved. Out of fear or stubbornness? It didn't matter. Nothing mattered. Nightmare was the goal.
Bbh pushed through the crowd, picking up techno. "Sap, get to him!" He growled. "And don't think about stopping, my boy" his voice rang out over the group.
I ran through the crowd, straight towards him. Nightmare hardly conscious on the floor. Punching straight through it, I picked him up, taking him in my arms. The blood dripping off my knuckles.
"Nightmare?, What did they do? What happened?" I said cradling him. He wasn't dream but.. but he was, even if he hated to admit it. Breathing heavily, all he managed was "potion, powers, weak, dream" he could hardly hold his eyes in focus let alone keep consciousness..
"Dad we are going, now-" he nodded quickly setting Technoblade down. Techno stood there lost for words, he hadn't seen Bbh like this at all, no one had, not even skeppy...

Techno knew better then to mess with Bbh when he was like this but this wasn't the end, he would win!

We teleported back quickly, holding nightmare closer and tighter to me. Puffy and dream where in the middle of camp, arguing. "MOM PLEASE!! HES A WHAT CAUSED ALL OF THIS BUT Y'KNOW I NEED HIM!!" His cries rang out, everyone watching all most scared again, or was it sad..?
"No dream", she said in tears "we can't let you! I can't let you do this to your self!" They both stopped and froze as skeppy ran forward, tears in his eyes.
"B-bad?" He mumbled looking up at him. Bad tried to get a answer out but didn't. He was scared?.. HE WAS SCARED!!??

No one, no one including skeppy had seen him like this. Not Bbh the soft happy one, now the monster before them. Bad picked up skeppy and sat down letting sapnap, with nightmare limp in his side, finally come into view. Bads form hiding them.
Bad couldn't turn back.. he had gone to far.. "Night?" Dreams pained gasps only just escaped his body. Sapnap solemnly kept walking towards the shelter, with dream just keeping up at his side. Bad saw this and picked up Puffy and carried them towards the shelter, Skeppy in his arms all ready. Sapnap sat down with nightmare on his lap, checking him over. Making sure his touch was the softest it could be. Nightmare wasn't used to it as demonic as he was, comfort wasn't his think. He's brash and forward thinking, he cut dreams ties for a reason. That's why dream is at his most vulnerable point now.. he's got no one to tell him no, well no one he actually would listen to. Nightmare no matter how much hell he puts dream through he's till his anchor.

There was no main problems but the blood keep dripping like some rusted tap.

Why was he suffering so bad? Dream sat beside me, crying into my jacket. They where a mess, they both where as bad as each other. "What happened, nightmare? We need to know. We need to know more" his eyes looked so pale it was like he wasn't there. He looked more like ghostbur especially compared to the brightest of dream next to him. Dream looked up at me and then looked at nightmare. "He's been drugged with a potion, he can't use his powers which is taking everything from him..." Dream said between sobs. i paused, looking at Puffy as she got ready to speak. It was the only thing i could think of, all i know was i had to do something. "You two need to share your body, it's the only way you will be strong enough.." puffy said. Looking at us both, nightmare still cradled in sapnaps arms. Sapnap looked up. " ok if your going to do this, your going to have to come and sit with nightmare, he's very weak.." i sighed. Dream looked at me nodding. "night? you ready?" i held his face. He shivered at my touch. He was still so limp in my arms, so tired. Dream got up and sat in my lap next to nightmare. They formed together slowly in my lap. Dream, now whole in my lap, shivered quickly. I smiled and set my body temperature rise, not like a fire but more like a water bottle. Being born in the nether had its perks, even if i was too young to remember my parents or what happened to them. I hardly remember bad and skeppy taking me in. I had found my family, all around me. For once i didn't care about blood my found family is here and they are my everything.

Dreams snuggled up to me, puffy's smile wider then the love this found family had. No matter what happened..

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