chapter 21: goodbyes?

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Deaths a hard thing to set in stone isnt it?
He hadn't said a word, hadn't murmured his last words..
In fact he never got the chance to,I walked into the tent silence gripping my shoulders.
My magic wasn't enough to do anything but as I look over my face fell. I couldn't control the misery I had before me. The boy I had tried to kill, the boy who fought in wars at the age of 9, the one who was tormented by the server..
Was gone. No cry out. No last gasp of pain. Nothing.

I held my breath as I shakily pushed back the tears. I would have to be the bearer of this and I don't think I would be ready for the conflict it would start...

I jumped at the sound of ghostburs humming. "When I saw Vienna.." he continued. "Wil- ghostbur!" I came out of the tent hiding my tears. "Niki? It's Niki right?" He gasped putting his guitar on his back. "Ye-yes ghostbur! That's me" I nodded still not in as much control of my tears as I've would of hoped. "I need you to go call a meeting and I want everyone there, all they need to know is there is big news ok?" He nodded furiously "yes yes!! We can get everyone back together again!! Oh Niki Thats a great idea!! I wonder if I have enough blue?" He pondered wistfully. "Ghostbur now please.." the urgency escaping my voice a little bit. "Oh sorry right off I go!"

Surely but quickly a rather grumpy, on edge group came together. Tensions high and faces narrowed.
"Ok ok, hello everyone." I tried my best to stay calm but it was hard enough when people where seconds away from attacking into a fully fledged war. "I know there's been a lot of hate and prolbematic events going on lately but and I'm sorry, but there's something you all need to know." I sighed, took a deep breath and tried my best.

"Tommy has been unconscious for ages now, we where worried about his condition. It hasn't been looking good.." "and I can't say this with more of a heavier heart but- he's gone-- for real"
"He died in his state not too long ago.. I'm sorry"

The silence was all be it threatening and.. scared.
Puffy looked at dream and hugged him right, the eggpire looked down in shame and regret. Phil didn't even say a word, just gripped onto technoblades coat and held it in. The poor man, two sons now..
Techno looked at me with bewilderment in his eyes, mad furious lighting strikes of colors. Sam was silently crying but what really broke the silence was two things.
1) tubbo
2) Wilbur

Tubbo on one hand had absolutely started balling his eyes out, ugly crying, with a sad ranboo pulling him in for a tight hug. His face in shambles, unable to cry..

Willbur? Ghostbur? Had frozen. His eyes glitchy and harsh. Maybe will didn't care but Ghostbur did.. he couldn't cry like ranboo but what else was there?
Letting go of technoblade, Philza slowly came up to me. "How? How Niki?" He murmured
"He was hurt but the corrupted, and suffered because of it. We didn't know the damnage was undoable.. so he took his last breaths. I am so sorry philza.. I did everything I could."

Was this the thing to start it off? And philza of all people? We all knew who Niki ment by the corrupted.. Jack and tubbo.. Philza glared at tubbo only to get shouted at in enderman, and I separated philza from Jack manifold. "Phil it's not there faults, there weren't in control, you know that!" He didn't say a word. "No but my son is dead! It's his fault!" He growled pointing at the eggpire. Bbh was quick to shelter ant and skeppy. Growling growing louder and louder.

In the distance a horde a crows zoomed at philza. "What? What is it now? CREEPERS? big q? And Karl?" "Oh god-" he murmured

Before anyone had any time, think Bbh grabbed ant and skeppy by the scruff and ran out of camp. The whole ground shaking. "WAIT BBH!!" Sap yelled
With one last look at dream, he nodded and ran after them. Dream only just managing to smile. The tension not any better..

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