~The looping curse~

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After school ended Mono went back home and flopped on his bed, he started thinking about Six as he took off his paper bag leaving his messy hair all over his face covering his eyes. He got off of the bed and went to his little mirror and brushed his hair with his bare hands that he could see. He sighed and took his backpack and pulled out his notebooks that he could do his homework he went to a small table turned on his little lamp, and started writing while he was sitting down on the floor, it was uncomfortable but he'd got used to it. As he was writing and now allies with Six he couldn't stop thinking about her and the looping curse. He looked upon his gigantic window and saw the bright white moon. He sighed once again and put his hands on his lips thinking of what he should do now. "What should I do now? I'm now beginning to grow a friendship with Six but how should I if the looping curse is not knocked over, we could all be in great desperation if it isn't lifted". *Mono closed his notebook, stood up and climbed on the bookshelf, he grabbed a book and climbed back down he opened the book and found the chapter called "curses" he flipped the page to read it once again.
"The looping curse, many generations ago an evil mistress who had spread a curse to all of the children that had suffered from a terrible existence that they gave birth to live in, how it works is when a child has been spirituality chosen to grow up evil especially it wasn't their decision to be, and as they grow up to adults their job is to be wicked and destroy everything pure and innocent, and when it's their time to die they will reincarnate back to a child once again and grow up back to be the same wicked man or woman."
*Mono stopped reading and closed the book shut*
"N-No! I don't want this to happen to me I-I don't want to go back to being him again!!! *Mono's past glitched to his head*
~Mono's past memory~
"H-How could she do this to be I- I thought we were friends!"
*Flashback ends*
N-NO MAKE IT STOP!!! *Mono cried*
"Huh?" *Mono looked at his small mirror and saw thin man as his reflection*
N-NO YOU STAY AWAY!!! DON'T YOU VISUALIZE ME!!! *Mono grabbed the book and smashed it into the mirror*
AHHHHHHRGHHHHHHH!!! *Mono screamed*
*Mono sat down on the floor tears dripping from his face to the floor*
"M-Mono don't cry be brave! This is all for your sake for lifting the curse well not only mines but six and the other children as well that had lived suffering lives" *Mono talked to himself as he wiped his tears away, washed up and tried to have a good sleep. "It's alright I can escape this, We can escape this" *Mono said as he closed his eyes to sleep*

Oh my gosh, this chapter is so traumatizing and upsetting I'M MAKING MY POOR BABY MONO SUFFER!!! 😫😭 but (Idk why I wrote this) don't worry he'll feel better in the next chapter "We can escape this" I hope you enjoy this chapter and have a great day and P.S don't make the little nightmares bite~ :D see you later!

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