~Reavealing the truth~

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pictures at the end
~Six's P.O.V~
As I escaped by going through the window I went back to Pale city to go back home and ditch school. I think that the teacher wouldn't care if I went missing. As I was about to open my door to enter my house a hand reached out and grabbed me, and pulled me inside.
"Found you, fool!" *A random guy said as he tripped me to the floor*
"Ack!" "Hey who the heck are you-
*I looked up above the floor and it was Mono crossing his arms with a lunch box bag on his shoulder*
"M-Mono?! What are you doing here in my house?!"
"What are you doing?! you were supposed to stay in the nursery with me!" *Mono grunted with frustration* "You shouldn't just run off like that without telling me!" "You did not know how much I got worried about you, you know!" *Mono argued*
"Why do you need to worry about me?!, I can handle take care of myself " *I argued back*
As I told him that "I could take care of myself" He facepalmed and sighed unzipped his box bag and took out a black box that had my name "Six" on it and hands it over to me. "Here it's for you, I wanted to give it to you before school starts but since I was late and you ran off, I...I was thinking maybe I should give it to you now *Mono said shyly reaching the black box to me* I took it from him and opened up the lid as I opened it I saw big flat circles stacked together with pretty decoration on them. "What's this? Did you make me another gift? *I asked*  Valentine's Day had passed a long time ago you know *I said*
"N-No I cooked breakfast for you again I wanted you to try something new since the only thing I can give you is just bread and water, it's called "pancakes" it's a food that you can eat and it's really tasty. *Mono put a thumbs up* "Try it Six!" *He smiled inside his paper bag* I gazed at the new food called "pancakes" grabbed one in my hands and took a bite
*chomp* Mmm! Taste good! *I said chewing on the pancakes*
"Don't talk with your mouth full! And eat with a fork and knife you dummy!" *Mono said being bossy*
~A Few hours later~
I and Mono were eating our pancakes on plates this time, and yes I did eat it with a fork and knife.
"This tastes so good!" *I smiled* "I'm glad you like them!" *He replied in a happy tone* Especially if I didn't see his face except for his mouth when he's eating or wanting fresh air I still want to know what he looks like under that paper bag, what I mean I couldn't force him to show me or else we would end up in the same problem again.
~Flashback ends~
"He feels so insecure without his paper bag" *I thought to myself holding my fork and spoon* My eyes widened by a random flashback that I don't know about
~Unknown Flashback~
"Come on Six! Pull me up! What's taking you so long?! Hurry!"
"#### that face, those eyes... YOUR RELATED TO THAT MAN AREN'T YOU?!"
"Six?! What are you talking about I don't understand!"
"Goodbye ####"
*I let go of his hand*
"Six?" "Six!" *Mono called out to me*
*I gasp and looked at him in the holes on his paper bag*
"Six are you alright? You've been..... spacing out" *Mono said worried*
" N-No! I'm fine! I was just thinking about something! My apologies! Hehe... *I giggled awkwardly as I let go of my fork and spoon and moved my hands to the side at the table*
"S-Six if you're feeling something that you don't want to feel you can tell me-
"No seriously I'm fine!" *I said as I stopped his sentence, grabbed my plate walked through the sink and placed it  to wash later* I turned around to face Mono and tried to brush off his worries off his shoulders about me spacing out. Later on, both of us started chilling and had fun together until it was nighttime.
Mono: "Wow we did skip school..."
Six: Mhm... Hey, wanna stay here tonight?! We can go to the playground tomorrow Saturday!" *I said as I crawled up to him in the carpet that we were laying on in my room*
"S-Sure I'll love too!" *Mono replied*
"But how will you sleep here when your gonna wear that paper bag at your head?" *I questioned*
Mono sighed and looked at me
"Well I don't want anything bad to happen to it, so I guess I have no choice..." *Mono gripped on the carpet*
"Mono?" *I looked at him worried*
~Mono's P.O.V~
Ok, this was it! This is the time to show my face to her, I'm no longer scared anymore I want to continue my friendship with her without hiding my identity ... I know it was terrifying for me back then... but  I've gotta show her!... I need to show her who I'm am I want to escape from this fate of hiding... I can escape this! I know I can. I grabbed all my courage, lift my hand grabbed my paper bag and pulled it off, from my head revealing Six my full face to her. She looked at me in the eyes shocked and surprised... I looked at her traumatized as I thought she was gonna stop being friends and leave me all alone... I wrapped and covered my face with my arms in embarrassment. "Mono... you..." *Six started to say something* "D-Don't look at me I'm hideous..." *I stopped her* The truth is... before the day I've met you... Everybody in the world had hated on me and called me Thin man, which I had no clue about him, so I tried to research him by reading books I researched every book that I could find to figure out who he is... but unfortunately, I couldn't find any information about him... So I gave up... But until one day I encountered another book called "Curses", I began reading it and reading and reading... Until I found one page that had been related to me... and then I figured out that I had one of those curses.. *I looked at Six sadly* "I didn't want this hate to get on me anymore... so that's why... I DECIDED TO HIDE!!!" *I cried* "Mono..." *Six said sadly* *I wiped my tears and turned to my shoulder starring at my paper bag. "So Six... that's why I was scared about you seeing my face... but you see me now don't you?" "So... are you also gonna hate on me too?" *I stared back at her again with tears in my eyes*
"SIX?! WHAT THE?! - AHH!" *Six tackled Mono down to the carpet her face laying on his chest*
Mono: "S-Six?" What are you... *Mono blushed*
Six: "Mono... I'll never hate on you... I honestly don't know about this Thin man thing and... I'll always be there by your side when you need me... because I love Mono... We'll be best friends forever"
Mono got up from the carpet to face Six
"Promise?" *He'd smiled*
"Pinky promise!" *Six pointed out her pinky*
Mono giggled and crossed his pinky with Six's
"Pinky promise!"
Six: "A pinky promise may be small"
Mono: "But the secrets it holds are huge. If I ever break this promise"
Six: " I'll cross my heart and hope to die"
Mono: "And spread my wings and fly away"
Both of them giggled and laughed. After the giggling Mono looked at Six's window and saw the big bright moon
"It's getting late now" *Mono looked at Six* "Come on let's go to sleep..." *Mono yawned*
"But where you should sleep Mono?" *Six asked*
"I can sleep on the carpet, If you have an extra pillow and blanket it will be more manageable for me"
"Sure here!" *Six tossed A pillow and blanket to Mono*
"Woah!" *Mono caught it* "hehe thanks" *Mono placed the pillow and the blanket on the carpet and laid down*
Mono: "Where do you get these Six?"
Six: "Oh! I.... probably stole it from my neighbour's house"
Mono: "YOU WHAT?!"
Six: "What?! They were too addicted to the T.V anyways"
Mono: "Alright... fine..."
~ A few hours later~
Six: "Mono are you still awake?"
Mono: "I'm wide awake"
Six: "You know Mono... next week is my birthday! I'm turning 13!"
Mono: "Birth...day?"
Six: Do you know what a "birthday" is?
Mono: No... I don't think so...
Six: A birthday is like a year you celebrate yourself! You get to have fun with your family and friends!
Mono: But didn't you say that you can take care of yourself?
Six: Well... No, I don't think so either...
Mono: Today is June 23rd so after next week school ends then it's your birthday! *Mono smiled*
Six: Mhm! But hey Mono! When's your birthday?
Mono: I... I don't mines... I don't have a birthday, to be honest... but I know that I'm already 13 because of how many years I've been staying here on this earth.
Six: You can have mines!
Mono: Huh?
Six: You can have my birthday! That we could celebrate together with each other every year! *Six got up from her bed* So Mono for now on next week is gonna be our birthday! Ok! *Six smiled brightly*
I smiled at Six very happy that I wanted to hug her so bad... but instead, I used my manners and thank her dearly for the offer.
"Thank you Six... Thank you very much!" *I said*
"Mono" *Six said*
"Yes?" *I replied*
"What is this curse thing?"



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The shading, blanket, pillow and Mono's paper bag were drawn by me

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The shading, blanket, pillow and Mono's paper bag were drawn by me. And the rest are made from Gacha club. Yes, I confess I use Gacha so no hate plz! >_<. But I still hope you enjoy this chapter and survive this day of quarantine I love you guys! See you later!

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