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Before you read this chapter I want to give a special thanks to @MonsterBendy5423 for commenting an inspiring and kind message on one of my chapters I wish you the best and have a lucky day!!!

Mono's P.O.V

We were floating on this door for hours, We felt unsafe. But my goal is to find Six and I'm not going to rest until I find her...


"OW" *I turned around and it was Seven who whacked me behind my head*

"What was that for Seven?!" *I exclaimed*

"This is all your fault!!!" *Seven shouted at me*


"If it weren't for you finding Six, I and Rainy wouldn't have tagged along with you by floating around, IN THIS STUPID DOOR AROUND THE OCEAN, FOR HOURS!!!"

"Hey, I was the one who wanted to find Six in the first place!"

"And you're the one who asked us for help to find her!"

"No! I've just told you she was kidnapped then you two tagged along!"

"If you didn't tell us when she was kidnapped, THEN we wouldn't have tagged along with you!

"Uh, you guys..." *Rainy tried to stop the argument*

"How can you be so selfish?! Do you even care about Six at all?!" *Mono questioned*

"Oh yes, we do! But we careless about you! Your always around Six since the day you've met her! You were always so loyal to her!

"But Isn't loyal a good thing Seven..." *Rainy whispered to Seven*

"Yeah, but his loyalty to Six had gone TOO FAR!!! When it comes to him helping Six he always freaks out and calls us for backup or help!

"But Seven-" *Rainy tried to talk to Seven*

"He is some sick loyal dog that always yelps for help!*

*Mono widened his eyes out of anger*


"Oh please!"

"Yeah and unlike you! You always run away from your problems! You are like a rat! And despite that, you make your problems worse and make Rainy fix them for you!

"Well, at least I come for her to fix my own problems! And unlike you! YOU NEVER FORGIVE ANYBODY YOU NEVER FIX YOUR PROBLEMS WITH ANYONE Even if it's the SMALLEST MISTAKE THAT SOMEONE EVER DID TO YOU!"

"And what about that!"

"It's all according to the trust issues you have on everybody besides us and Six!"

*Rainy gasp*

"OK THAT'S IT I'VE HAD IT" *I rolled up his sleeves and grabbed Seven on the collar"

"STOP!" *Rainy exclaimed"


I wanted to punch Seven on the face until we felt a small force of gravity pushing us on the right. I turned around, then I recognize we landed in a forest...

"We... We landed..." * I said softly releasing my grip on Seven's collar*

"Maybe this is the only place to find Six!" *Rainy got off of the door, finally touching her feet on the land*

*Come on you guys!" *Rainy said running*

"Yeah, we're right behind you..." *I glared at Seven coldly straight to the holes of my paper bag, I let go of his collar then ran after Rainy*

The three of us ran for a mile, I can feel Seven running after behind me on my feet at the ground. We kept on running until we encountered a T.V and a building block on the long strands on grass? It seemed suspicious. I told Rainy and Seven to stay behind me while I walked towards it to take a deep look, I turned around to see if nobody's there beside us. I picked up a building block and flipped its sides to check a look on it, it looked kinda cute... I flipped the other side and there was a picture of a girl who looked identical to Six but except she was wearing Rainy's raincoat? I got so confused I called out to Rainy and Seven to take a look at it, they've had no opinion on it except starring at the static T.V. "Hello you guys are you listening" *I questioned* They've said nothing... I turned to the static T.V and walked towards it I felt drawn to it, it felt like it was calling out to me. I touched the screen with my hand and I felt pain running through my head that I put my head down feeling like I'm giving in to my own body to the T.V. I suddenly had a dream by teleport into a dark hallway with one door that was facing straight into my eyes, I got so curious that I've run towards it and tried to open it. But then.

"MONO!" *Rainy exclaimed when she pulled me out of the screen*

"GAH!" *I yelled as I landed on the grass*

"Are you okay?!" *Rainy kneel to me*

"I...I don't know...It was so indescribable... *I hugged my legs and rested my head to my knees*

"You were spacing outputting your hand on the screen! we  thought you got electrocuted by it!" *Seven said as he also kneels to me*

"I know... but how did you two help me?" *I raised my head*

"What?" *Rainy and Seven were spacing out"

"Before, I was asking you about the building block... but you've said nothing but stared at the T.V"

"Then how didn't you got spaced out?" *Seven asked*

"I... I don't know...I felt so drawn to it all of a sudd-

"Okay let's forget about this and find Six... Because you care for her don't you?" *Seven questioned*

"Yes...I do" *I replied*

*Seven glared at me then ran off, Rainy looked at Seven in each step that he was taking and she watched him go further, further away from them*
"Ugh..." *I groaned... as I placed my head to my knees, Rainy looked at me with a very upsetting face looking like she's going to cry*
"I'm...I'm so sorry... You may think that he's rude and stubborn... But he can be nice and generous once you get to know him..." *Rainy said kindly*
"I believe that! That's why there's no wonder that you two get along easily! *I said happily with sarcasm*
"Well, the truth is... I thought Seven might also despise me too... just like he despised the bullies at school" *Rainy said wiping the tear from her eye*
"What?!" *I raised my head*

"How can he despise you?! You two talk to each other every single day, have fun and enjoy each other's company!!!" *I've said*
"Wanna talk about it?" *She asked*
"Talk?" *I tilted my head*
"Yes" *She smiled*
Many hours had past me and Rainy we walking together holding hands just in case if we get lost... Every time I held her hand she reminded me of Six...
"When me and Seven were young we used to play with each other every single day and have fun...
But until one day something happened to Seven and his mothers relationship... I wanted to talk to him about what happened, but all of sudden he avoided me... And I didn't know why..." *Rainy sighed* "I got so worried about him... And I've thought he was never gonna talk to me again... *Tears fell from her cheeks*
"Rainy" *I gripped on to her hand*
"I'm sorry... I've got you all upset..." *She pulled her hood on*
"No... Rainy it's just... I didn't knew about you and Seven together... About your friendship..."
"It's alright! Because at least you know now... That Seven is not that kind of a person that you think!"
"Yeah...I, I guess"
~Mono's mind~
"Seven might be stubborn and harsh sometimes but especially if he's like that.., He is still our friend!"
"Oh yeah and besides my real name is Five, not Rainy" *She pointed out her finger*
"Five?" *I questioned*
"Yes! Five Lane" *She pulled down her hood and blushed a little*

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