Pale city EXTRA PART

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"AH!!" *The team landed on the sand, they were on an island*

"Sand?" *Seven took a handful of sand as the wind blew it away*

"*Sigh* Were back home..." *Mono put on his paper bag again*

"Can't believe we're back..." *Five said getting off the door, her feet touching to the squishy sand*

"Never knew we could ever return to this place..."

"Mono, what else should we go? It's our home..." Six held Mono's hand.

"I know..." Mono held hers.

Six's P.O.V

"Ever since Mono came here, I knew he hid his fear by being traumatized in this place especially school...

he has never shown his face when he's around here until I begged him to"

"Mono..." She gripped his hand tighter

"Yes?" He gripped on hers too

"Don't be scared... Were here for you"

Mono was widen his eyes out of surprise, Six has known his soft spots since the day they met.

"Thank you..." He rubbed his thumb to her fingers

"Where am I going to be when you're not here with me?" Mono thought.

"Okay, everyone!" He snapped back to reality

"Let's go sleep on my apartment for tonight"

"Alright," Five said holding Seven's hand

" isn't it nearby?" Seven asked.

"Trust me it's close" He replied.

Six went up to him and they suddenly started a random conversation. Seven looked and Five and asked her.

"Five..." Seven said. Five turned her head to him.

"Five?... Who's Five, Seven?" She asked.

"You're Five" He pointed at her.

"No silly, my name is Rainy remember? Did you get sick because of the ocean?" She giggled then let go of his hand then walked away.

"No, I'm not!" Seven said

"Hey... who's that?" Six pointed at a random kid who was wondering in the sand

"Oh! Maybe is another kid that's in trouble we should help!" Mono went after the kid.

"Mono! Wait!" Six tried to stop him but it was too late.

"Hey, are you lost? Do you need any help?" He grabbed the kid.

The kid glitched out and mysteriously attacked Mono from somewhere.

"Gah!" He touched his head.

"MONO!" Seven screamed

"Ugh!" Mono grunted his head was getting dizzy, his eyes became glitches like he was having another vision.


"Stop trying to escape! YOU KNOW YOUR FATE! YOUR DESTINY!"

A tall slender man chased him.

"You don't know anything about my destiny! Your just another timeline that had made bad choices in this world! I'll never be like you!" Mono grabbed onto a door handle

"You may escape this place but you'll never escape your faith"

"I'M NEVER GOING BACK THERE!!!" He released his powers to him.


"Mono! Mono! Six shook him on the shoulders.

"Wake up! You gotta wake up! OPEN YOUR EYES" She shook him more.

Mono had fainted onto the sand when he touched the kid.

"Mono?..." Six got worried.

"That's it! Move aside I'm tired of these jump scares!" Seven pushed Six away.

He rubbed both of his palms together to slap him to awaken.

"WAKE UP, MORON!" He slapped him hard that his paper bag got off from his face.

"OW!" Mono woke up touching his face.

"Ah...!" He grunted from the pain

"Mono!" Six grabbed his shoulders reassuring him if he was okay.

"Are you okay?..." She asked.

"I'm fine..." He opened his eyes and they were black as night

Six removed his paper bag then saw his eyes

"Mono your eyes..." Six said.

"What happened?" Mono went to the ocean then reflected on himself.

"My eyes... MY EYES!!!" Mono cried and shrieked then landed on the sand, he had fainted once again.

"Mono! Mono! Mono!" Everybody freaked out as they went up to him.

Meanwhile, little did they did not know somebody was watching them like a T.V show.

"Perfect he touched him, maybe I'll just use my powers to go forward through time, besides the faster, it is the faster that I could have my revenge, Lady I'll never forgive you"

A Tall thin man smirked sitting down in his wooden chair he had a cigarette and he was dressed up as a gentleman with a fedora hat on his head. He giggled then he grabbed his remote for the T.V, then click everything went forward.

~We can escape this~ (MONIX)Where stories live. Discover now