The truth

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"This isn't us..." Mono said, he placed his hand on the coffee table.
"Wha... What are you talking about?" Seven replied.
"Listen to me, this place where we are now we have been there, probably for more than 1000 times already" He replied.
"1000 times?" Six said.
"What are you saying this doesn't make any sense!" Seven said.
"Alright, so let's just say we lived before, then died then were back here again whatever what we're going to do now it's going to repeat again when we die again"
"Can it might be... reincarnation?!" Five said.
"It might be, Five" Mono said
"Five?!" Seven thought.
"But not exactly because our lives are going to repeat, again and again and again, and we have to stop it!"
"Wait! If we were here before, how did we end up in the same place?!" Seven said.
"I...I don't know" Mono touched his forehead.
"Maybe we were meant to be in this place, no matter where we go we're always going to end up in this town" He said.
"Cut the nonsense! I had enough!" Seven stormed off from the apartment
"Seven!" Six went after him. They heard the door shut. *SLAM*
"I...I'm so sorry" Five said.
"No... it's alright" He replied.

"I... wonder why he's acting like this all of a sudden, I swore he was never like this before!" Five said looking down.

"C'mon we should get after them" Mono said.

-Time skip-
Six and Seven
"Seven wait!" Six tried to catch up to him.
"No... this can't be happening!" Seven mumbled to himself he ran away that Six couldn't catch up to him, he stopped at a bench then sat down, he took a deep breath.
Seven's P.O.V
"I remember the nightmare I had I was with a lady with a mask"
It's been almost a year and yet I can still remember it.
Seven flashbacks to his nightmare.
"Hello, there little boy"

"Who.. . who are you?"

"I'm the one who has control over this place, but not exactly... I only control the people here.

"Wha... what do you do?" He replied.

"I suck the lives out of them" She said, Seven widen his eyes.

"Well, that's not all I can do I also turn little children like you into gnomes." She continued.

"Why... would you do that?"

"I only turn them into gnomes if they only completely loathe themselves.


"Yes, my child I've seen a child like you before, hating himself because his mother doesn't love him anymore right?" The woman asked.

"I... I didn't understand what I did wrong, did I say something so badly that it affected her so much?" Seven replied.

"Well, that's the point I'm here my little one, here's the deal if you want to forget that your mother ever hated you I will turn you into a gnome, but that wouldn't be that bad  wouldn't it? You can be just a pure little gnome then just a pathetic little child you are, and if that will be the case the only memories that you'll is your mother loving you"  She explained.

"But if that wouldn't do, I'll suck the life out of you" She said.

"You're kidding you would never, you're just a nightmare!" He replied.

"For now on" She replied, she laughed evilly, then he woke up.

After that nightmare, I saw Five in the hospital, it's been said that she got into a car crash.

"Five!" Seven went up to her she was in a coma. He saw her mother crying in the waiting room, he looked at her in pity, then he saw his mother, she was furious.
"Mom-" He said, she slapped him across the face.
"Who do you think you are?! How can someone like you be so careless these days! YOU'RE UNBELIEVABLE!" She slapped him again.
"Mom! Please I didn't do anything I'm sorr-"
"Shut up! Get away from her get out of the room!" His mom pointed at the door, for him to get out. Seven dashed back home crying. After crying he went back to the hospital where Five was he was sitting right beside her where she was sleeping in her hospital bed, then the woman from his nightmares appeared to him right behind him.

"So? Nightmare you say?" She whispered, Seven turned his head and gasped in fear.

"How did you- WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?!" He yelled.

"Well, since you denied my deal a while ago I decided to take her life instead"


"Oh no! Not exactly and besides she is way too young to be sucked out from me, she's too tiny and thin for me to feed from her, so I took her memories away including her own self and her own identity"

"You... what?"

"She hated herself more than she hated anybody from this city, so I erased herself so maybe.... that she can have a fresh start, but do not worry she'll only remember herself when she's only with us"

" "Us?" Who is this us?! Seven asked, the lady laughed wickedly as she faded away into her black magic

"Let's hope to meet again, "Little gnome" Find me in yellow" she disappeared.

"Hey! Come back!" Seven called but she was gone, he turned his head at Five.

"Find me in yellow" She says" What did she mean? Find me in yellow? Us? Reincarnation? What's going on?"

"Seven!" Six went up to him.

"You..." He said.

"Where is he?!" Mono said.

"OH MY GOSH!" Five gasped as she pointed to Seven beating up Six.


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