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~Last night ago~
~Six's P.O.V~
I was sleeping peacefully in my bed rolling around a bit to find a comfortable position to sleep. I kicked out my blanket off and decided to sleep with nothing on top of me. A few hours later I heard a window-smashing, I thought I was lucid dreaming so I continued to sleep, then I felt a huge hand that had grabbed me and pulled me up to face him, I opened my eyes and saw the ugliest creature in the world... it was a man he was similar to Mono because he had a sack with a hole on it that was covering his identity, he wore a dark brown Gatsby cap, a puffy green jacket, baggy pants and big boots. He stared at me coldly gripping his cold hand at me. He giggled quietly and whispered "You'll  be great for my taxidermy collection"
"T-Taxidermy?!" *I freaked out* "MONO!!!" *I called out his name but he didn't hear me because he was in a deep sleep* I got taken away by the man and we went off to a boat at the end of the Pale City, he tied me up into ropes and rowed me all the way to somewhere where he lived* After we landed we went inside into his house... I've never been so creeped out before I saw bodies of dead people rotting but were stuffed and stitched up together. I wanted to scream but instead, I stayed silent... the man placed me inside a room nothing inside but big walls and a table to hide in... and most importantly there was a music box? After the man left somewhere I looked closely at the music box and held it to my hands... it looked identical to mines that I had especially the melody that it played when I turned the crank around. And somehow I got connected to it quickly... not only because it was identical to the music box that I've had but it felt I've met it before. I held it close to my arms and hugged tight since it was the same music box that kept me calm and gave me comfort... Whenever I've had a hard time I've played it. I've looked around at the walls and I saw carvings on them... it looked like someone who'd also stayed here and counted their days on the walls I follow my hands to the carvings and saw a drawing it looked like a girl that got her face scratched out, I placed my palm to the drawing and rubbed it with my thumb to get more of a closer look until another random flashback had hit my head
~Six's mind~
"Are you ok?!" *A girl with a white gown said to the braided hair girl with the yellow raincoat*
"Yeah, I'm fine!" *she looked down to the girl with a pastel green dress and silver-white hair tied into a ponytail with the rest hanging down, that got crushed by a boulder*
"We... we... we did it!" *The girl with raincoat exclaimed!*
"Come on jump! I'll catch you!" *The girl with the white gown reached out her hand at the edge of the cliff*
"Ok! Here I go- *The girl with raincoat was about to jump but until*
"NOT SO FAST!" *The girl with the pastel green dress got up*
*The two girls gasp*
"I'm not gonna rest until I finish you!!!" *She charged to the yellow raincoat girl*
"NO! ####!!!!" *The girl with the gown exclaimed*
"Don't forget about me... MY DEAR FRIEND!" *The girl with the yellow raincoat jumped off the cliff with the girl with the pastel green dress jumping off with her both leading to their death*
"NO!!!!!" *The girl with gown cried out*
~Flashback ends~
Ah! *Six freaked out as she let go of her hand off the wall*
"What was that all about?" *Six said to herself, she touched her eyes and there were watery*
"What the? Am I... crying? Impossible!" *She walked back to the music box and played it*
"At least I still have this with me..." *She played it*
Mono's P.O.V
I took Seven and Rainy to Six's house and showed them the smashed window I was so worried about what will happen to Six out there I got so terrified...
"So you're saying someone kidnapped her from there?!" *Seven freaked out as he went up to the broken window"
"Oh no! We have to find her!!!" *Rainy cried out*
"But how?!" *Seven exclaimed*
"This!" *I showed a piece of fabric to them*
" When the window got smashed into pieces I saw a piece of fabric that was attached to one of the broken glasses! This might be a clue to find Six!" *I exclaimed*
Seven went to the middle, where I and Rainy were standing he wrapped both of his arms to us and huddled us up in a trio circle
"Seven what are you- "This is an investigation... this fabric might help us to find Six if we find more clues like this piece of fabric the more we will discover where Six was taken"
*Seven said as he stopped Rainey's sentence
"We know that!" *Rainy said as she got off of the circle blushing a little*
"Seven we knew since the very beginning" *I faced palm*
"Oh... sorry," *Seven said awkwardly*
"Anyways what are you two waiting for?! Let's go find Six!" *I said as I jumped off the window*
"We're right after you!" *Rainy said following me out the window"
"Wait for me!!!" *Seven tagged along"
~To be continued~

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