It was all just last week

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"Little boy I've had warned you many times to this but you refused to listen to me! Now, you're going to face punishment!" A tall slender man approached Mono.

"The one who's going to face punishment is you!" Mono replied, he faced the Tall man. The world began to glitch, then Mono was in another place he was with Six holding his hand, she give him a smug look then glared at him.

"I hate you" She whispered to him then letting go of her grip.

"No! Wait! Six I didn't do this for myself I did it for us! SIX!" He cried.

"Goodbye..." She let his hand slip from hers then fell.

"Mono! Mono! Wake up!" Six called him.

"AH!" Mono got up from his bed.

"S-Six?..." Mono stared at her.

"You were just dreaming Mono" Six replied.

"Everything was just a dream?..." Mono whispered to himself.

"Oh crap! Fiv- Rainy, Seven! I got to check if they're okay!" Mono got up from bed, but Six stopped him.

"Woah! Woah! Mono!" Six grabbed him "Calm down, There okay, they're back home"

"Home?... But we were just at the beach weren't we?!"

"Mono, it's okay it's just last week" Six replied

"All just last week?..." He whispered to himself again.

"When you've guys saved me from the masked man with a hole in it, it was all just last week."

"Last week?... So after all this time, it was all just last week, what happened back there was all just a memory?... No that can't be possible if I could've remembered more I touched a kid last night then I fainted, there's no absolute way I could have fainted for a week right? I'm strong enough! At least that kid or somebody might have got forward towards time. No it can't be" Mono got up from his bed, he climbed up his window opened it then jumped out.
"MONO!" Six said, she reached her arm tried to grab him but it was too late. *whoosh* He was gone.
"Everything! Everything is a lie! My life is a lie! This world is a lie!" He cried out. *Bump* He bumped into someone.
"Mono?" Seven said with Five beside him, the two were both in an abandoned pastry shop.
"Seven? Rainy?" Mono replied.
~Time skip~
Mono and Rainy we're both in a room talking to each other in private, but meanwhile with Seven and Six they're tried to get the information themselves from them, they were both leaning their heads on the door
"Don't you know what they're talking about?" Six asked.
"No, I don't hear anything that much"
The door creaked open they both got off.
"So... Rainy what did he say?" Six asked.
"I need to talk to the both of you" Five said.
Five took Six and Seven to a room where she can explain everything.
"So you're saying... he had a nightmare of who now?..." Seven asked.
"He keeps on saying before he met us all, he had repeated nightmares about him getting chased by a skinny tall man, some of the nightmares were different, he also says that he was opening a door to that man, and he doesn't know why..." Five tried to explain.
"And now, he says that Six was part of the nightmare" She said.
"Me?" Six pointed to herself.
"Yeah you, I don't want to hurt your feeling Six, but he says that he a nightmare about you letting go of  his hand on a broken bridge it's like you... betrayed him..." Five said, Six was shocked.
"Me? Letting go if his hand?" She looked at her hand.
"I'll never do that won't I?" She thought.
"Of course you won't Six!" Seven said.
"Hey everyone..." Mono appeared in the room.
"I think it's time I should tell you all... And couldn't keep this to myself anymore!" Mono said.
"What is it?" Six said.
It went silent for a while then Mono said.
"This isn't us..."

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