~The time has come~

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"The curse is about what?!" *Six exclaimed* "Yes everything what I've said is true" *Mono sighed*
Six: "I-I couldn't believe it! How come?!"
Mono: "I don't know Six but... please don't get upset... it's only me who has it... not you!"
Six: NO! What if I also have it, I've been through the same thing as you did Mono... Everybody bullied me at school and called me "Monster" and the teacher wouldn't even help me because she doesn't even care"
Mono: "I- I'm sorry Six... but especially if it's not our decision to become wicked people we have to grow up to be them... It's been in our blood Six... it's our faith. If you did not know...it had been happening to us more than 100 times. We had ancestors who suffered... and they grow up to become wicked and die alone. And then they reincarnate and become the same wicked adults that they become before, in their past lives that's why its called "The looping curse" 
Six: I don't understand... I don't want to grow up to become wicked... *Six eyes became watery*
Mono: Hey don't cry! It's not your fault it's that mistress who had cast it into us-
Mono: Six...
Six: I- I don't want to grow up wicked... *sniff* *Six tears fell to her face*
Mono sighed, searched around his pocket and hand in a handkerchief to her.
"Huh?" *Six looked at the handkerchief*
"Please don't cry..." *Mono wiped her face with it*
"Mono..." *Six took his hand with the handkerchief*

Mono: "I'm sorry that I've made you involved

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Mono: "I'm sorry that I've made you involved...but hey I know what can comfort you...
Six: What can? *sniff*
Mono looked around a bit then founded her music box "Oh!" *Mono picked it up and went back to Six*
Mono: "I know this can..." *Mono sat down and turned the handle around the music box that played a beautiful melody*
"Mmmmm~ Mmhmmm~ ~Hmmmmm~" *Mono hummed to the lullaby with the music box*
Six sniffed and crawled up to Mono and hugged his waist
"MONO!!!" *Six cried out*
"Woah!" *Mono almost lost his balance*
Mono sadly smiled at Six and rubbed her back
"It's alright now...Everything will be fine... And besides your not even there yet..."
"What do you mean "I'm not there yet?" *Six questioned*
"Because your not in the future yet... your still safe here with me... in the present" *Mono whispered as he placed his other hand at her head*
Six widened then closed her eyes and continued crying making Mono's shirt wet, but he didn't care
~Mmmmm~ mmhmmm~ hmmmm~ *Mono continued humming and rubbing her back until she was asleep*

 in the present" *Mono whispered as he placed his other hand at her head*Six widened then closed her eyes and continued crying making Mono's shirt wet, but he didn't care~Mmmmm~ mmhmmm~ hmmmm~ *Mono continued humming and rubbing her back until she...

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~Mono's P

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~Mono's P.O.V~
Six was finally able to calm down and fall asleep. I felt such a shame for telling her the truth but I just had to tell her... her tears were all over me soaking my shirt but I didn't care as long she was ok. I carried her in bridal style and placed her back into her bed. I tucked her in and laid down on the carpet and continued to sleep. But in every single hour, I open my eyes to check on Six, I did this for a while until I got so tired and fell in deep sleep... and left to be unconscious... as I was asleep I had another nightmare again
~Mono's Nightmare~
"###?! Where are you?! ###! OI!!!"
"Huh?!" *Mono turned around to his shoulder... it was the same girl that was in his last dream that had helped him up... but this time she was trapped inside a T.V
"###!!!" *Mono went up to the T.V touched his hands to the screen and pulled her out*
"It's ok ###! I got you!" *Mono exclaimed as he pulled the girl out of the screen*
"I'm almost... there!" *Mono grunted*
Mono was almost there to get the girl out of the T.V then all of a sudden a huge hand grabbed her and pulled her back inside.
"NO!!!! ###!!"
"MONO!!!" *The girl screeched*
"NO- *Mono reached his hands to the screen*
"Ugh!" *Mono's head began to hurt, he opened his eyes and saw multiple unknown glitches of himself and the girl*
What he saw was a mature man wearing a suit with a fedora on his head, he was super tall and he could go through television, the next vision he saw was a mature woman not as tall as the man but she wore a pale white mask and has a bun as a hairstyle with the rest hanging on the top of her back and she hates mirrors ... the glitches scared Mono so bad that he wanted to wake up
"Come on Mono! WAKE UP!, WAKE UP!" *Mono screamed to himself*
~Nightmare ends~
"GAH!" *I got up from the carpet*
I looked around my surroundings for a bit and tried to go back to sleep, but instead, I checked on Six again to see if she was still sleeping I didn't want to startle her. I peeked on top of her bed and all of a sudden she was gone.
"What the?!" I looked upon the window and recognized it was smashed into pieces, SOMEBODY MIGHT HAVE BROKE INTO SIX'S HOUSE AND KIDNAPPED HER!!!"
"OH NO! SIX!!!" *I freaked out*
~At the very next day Saturday~
~Mono's P.O.V part 2~
I've decided to go outside to meet up with Rainy and Seven I saw them in a little café and caught up with them.
"Rainy! Seven!" *I went up to them*
"Oh hey Mono what's up?" *Seven greeted me*
"Where's Six?" *Rainy asked*
"SIX!... SIX HAS GONE MISSING!" *I exclaimed*
*Rainy and Seven gasped*
~To be continued~
Who had kidnapped Six last night? Will our protagonist Mono and his friends will ever find her?
The answer will all be in the chapter...

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