Chapter 9: Awesome Surprise

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Not enough people for the competition sorry, thanks for the people who did send them, it's fine anyway it's your lose not mine, you could've got free advertising and stuff but whatever. Anyway on with the story!!
Ginny POV:
I woke up, and remembered yesterday, I smiled, I think it's really sweet what Ron did for Hermione, I helped, I was up in the tree casting spells and stuff to set the mood, it was really hard but I don't care, and I sing with Harry in the background, yes we do sing. "Gin!!!!" Said Taylor bursting in, I sat up and yawned, "yes?" I asked, "I haven't seen you in ages!!!" She complained, you saw me yesterday morning, "I know but still" she whined, "well I'm here now" I said, "get up!!!" She cried excitedly, "why?" I said getting out of bed, "cuz I'm bored!!" She said, "honestly Taylor, you're like a six year old" I said shaking my head, she just shrugged, we walked downstairs, everyone stopped and stared at us as we did, "what're you all looking at!?" Said Taylor, "you" said Dean, "why?" She asked confused, "Taylor, some bad news came for you" said Neville sympathetically, "what is it?" I asked, Harry who was sitting down on the sofa examining some parchment with a look of concentration, beckoned me over, he showed me the note it said,
"Taylor, I'm so sorry to inform you as you know, you're father, is fighting in the muggle war in Afghanistan, I received a letter from you're mother telling me she wished I spoke to you about this tragic matter, you're father died on battlefield but he died a hero, his friend, Stewie was running across the battlefield to help a fallen member of the military, and he didn't see a bomb that had fallen next to him as he ran, but your father did, he ran forward and knocked Stewie away as the bomb blew up but he didn't escape it himself, Stewie and the fallen member were unharmed but your father died immediately, they had a few minutes silence for your brave father, I will have a word with you if needed, I'm sorry
Professor Mcgonagall"
Harry looked at me, "you have to tell her" he said, he hugged me, and then I stood up, "what is it?" She asked "tell me, I can take it, bring it" she said bunching around like a boxer, "I-your- I can't say it, here" I said handing her the note as my voice cracked and failed, she took it and quickly scanned it, her face fell, she looked up at me with tears in her eyes, "I'm so sorry Tay" I said, I hugged her and she cried on my shoulder, "my dad-" she said crying "I know, I know" I said soothingly, there was a knock on the door, Professor Mcgonagall was stood in the door frame, "Miss Daniels, let's have a word in my office" she said kindly, she looked at her and nodded, "it'll be ok" I said giving her one last hug, "thanks Gin" she said wiping her eyes, she left with Professor. "Well done" said Harry reassuringly, "I feel so bad for her" I said, "I know "she'll be ok eventually" he said, he hugged me, everyone else dispersed. Hermione and Ron came down the boys dorm stairs, "what?" Ron asked looking at our faces, Harry shook his head, "I'll explain to you both later" he said, "let's go to breakfast" said Hermione, "let me get changed first" I said running up the stairs, I quickly changed and we set off not knowing the best surprise in the world was just down the corridor. I heard a voice that made my blood stop, it was so familiar, but it couldn't be he was dead, "wait" I said stopping, "what?" Asked Ron, "shh" I said, we stopped, there was a voice, "-to see them, their reactions" it said, I gasped so did they, they heard it too, "come on" said Harry we walked forwards a hit and the voice grew louder, I stopped dead in my tracks, tears in my eyes and fainted, there in front of us was Fred Weasley, my brother who died in the war.
Ron POV:
"Wait" said Gin stopping, "what?" I asked, "shh" she said, not moving, we all stopped and listened, there was a voice "-to see them, their reactions" it said, i gasped so did everyone else, I knew that voice, could it be? I looked at Hermione, she held my hand, "come on" said Harry, we continued forwards, I stopped dead in my tracks, my eyes filled with tears, suddenly Gin fainted, there was Fred, no joke, no trick of the eye, he was there but how? Harry knelt beside Ginny, but not taking his eyes off him, Hermione couldn't move apparently, he saw us, "FRED!!!" I cried happily rushing forwards to hug him, I didn't though, I looked behind me, he was there, "hey Ron" he said grinning, "what?" I asked confused, "I'm a ghost now, a Hogwarts ghost" he said overwhelmingly happily, I cried, I'm a tough guy but I had my brother back well kind of, and I couldn't be happier, Hermione was still frozen, Fred looked at her, "hello Hermione" he said, she was still in shock but she had regained the ability to move, "Fred" she gasped, "still little Ronniekins' girlfriend?" He asked smiling "yes, I can't believe it, you're here" she said with tears rolling down her cheeks, Ginny sat up and cried
Ginny POV:
I sat up, tears of happiness escaped my eyes, my eyes hadn't played tricks, Fred was talking to Hermione, "FRED!!" I cried standing up, "I'm a ghost of Hogwarts" he said, "what?" I asked dead in my tracks, "I'm still dead but I'm a ghost, I have great news though" he said, "what?" I asked happily, "I'm not bound to this place, I can go anywhere, I can still work at Weasley's Wizarding Wares, I can go home, I can do anything, except I can't touch people" he said finishing sadly, "wait, so you can live the life you lived, but you can't have relationships, you can't hug us?" I asked sadly, "yes, but I'm still here, I can still talk, you've got you're brother back, I have more good news" he said, "what is it?" Asked Harry who was now, standing next to Fred, "guys!" He called, more ghosts floated next to him, I nearly fainted again, Sirius, Lupin, Tonks, Dumbledoor, Snape, Colin and Cedric floated out of a wall next to him, "this is a dream" said Harry, "I'm afraid not Potter" said Snape, "Harry" said Dumbledoor, smiling, "sorry I'm a few years late" said Cedric, he wore his challenge uniform he died in, "I- h-" Harry said but couldn't finish he fell onto his knees and cried of happiness, "Harry, it's ok" said Sirius, "we have all our friends, who died back" said Hermione in shock, we were all crying by now, "yes, and I'm headmaster dead or alive" said Dumbledoor, "Potter, you have showed bravery and you're a good man, as was your father, I guess I can be a bit more, bearable torwards you" said Snape giving as close as what he could to a smile, "nah, it wouldn't be the same if you did" said Ron laughing, "fair point" said Snape slowly in his deep voice, "I'm potion master once again" said Snape, "I'm sorry for interrupting this touching moment but where's George?" Asked Fred, we heard a thud, George had fallen into a table in front, "George what are you doing here?" I asked, "I got an anonymous letter saying to come here" he said shocked, "ghost" Dumbledoor said, "you're all back as ghosts" said George in shock, Lupin nodded, "Fred!" Cried George in tears, "George" said Fred also in tears, ghosts could cry? "I have announcement"mi said remembering they don't know, "what is it, Gin?" Asked Fred, "me and Harry are engaged" I said, Harry stepped back, Fred would either be very happy or very protective, "brother!!" Cried Fred happily, everyone clapped. "Breakfast" said Hermione remembering, "let's make an announcement" said Dumbledoor, we all ran to the great hall as fast as we could eager to let everyone know. 20 minutes later, me, Ron, Harry, Hermione and George (for this exception) sat down, "Students!" Called Dumbledoor, everyone gasped, "I am back as a ghost and am headmaster once again" he said, everyone stood up applauding happily, a lot of people had fainted, "settle, settle" said Dumbledoor over the noise, everyone sat again, "the following people are now also joining us as ghosts" said Dumbledoor, everyone on the edge of their seats listened intently, "Fred Weasley, Sirius Black (everyone knew he was good), Remus Lupin, Nymphadora Tonks, Cedric Diggory and Severus Snape" Dumbledoor said, everyone went crazy applauding and whistling, we will carry on with our normal positions if we had one and be around if we didn't, dig in" said Dumbledoor, and today was the greatest day of our lives as it was Saturday we caught up with the ghosts all day.

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