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Ginny POV: ++++++time skip September++++++
Today was the day we went back to school. Harry was awake and reading a book I yawned "hey" Harry said softly putting his book down and looking at me "hey Babe" I said I kissed him and climbed over him out of bed "I guess we're getting up then" he said standing up "haha Yep" I said smiling he walked over and kissed me, I had to look up a bit but we were just kissing a bit, flash, we broke apart and I saw George smiling holding a camera, "George! What are you doing here?" I asked "just thought I'd take a picture of the happy couple" he said cheekily "but my hairs a mess and I'm in my pyjamas!" I said "send me a copy" mouthed Harry George thumbs up him, I slapped Harry's arm "what?" He asked "ugh boys" I sighed "come on" he said grabbing my hand, we went down to breakfast George on our tail snapping photos. "What is George's obsession with photos this morning?" I asked "he needs some photos of people for advertising" said Ron with a mouthful of toast "oh, George I told you to do your advertising at the beginning of the holidays!" Said Mrs Weasley crossly "sorry mother but holidays are for relax" said George sitting at the table and putting his feet up "George take your feet off the table!" Said Mr Weasley coming in and slapping them with the newspaper, he sighed "never a bit of peace in this house honestly" he said to Hermione "Nope it's just you George" she said half joking he sighed. "Come on eat up we need to be leaving soon" said Mrs Weasley, I grabbed a piece of toast and ran upstairs to get changed. About 5 minutes later Harry knocked on the door "are you decent?" He asked "yeah come on in" I said I was just brushing my hair "you're beautiful" he said as he walked in and shut the door "I'm just wearing some jeans and a tshirt" I said looking down at myself "doesn't matter you are beautiful" he said "aww thanks Babe" I said putting down the hairbrush and turning around "well I've got yo get changed" he said pulling off his shirt I gasped at his abs he laughed. Then walked over to my closet where a few of his clothes were. "Hmm, what should I wear?" He said "how about this?" I asked pulling out a blue and red checked shirt "hm alright thanks" he said hugging me from behind "no prob" I said with a warm shiver down my spine from the feeling of his hard chest against my back. He pulled it on and took off his pyjama bottoms don't worry he had a pair of black boxers on underneath. He then reached into the wardrobe and grabbed some jeans and put them on. From his pocket he pulled out a comb and tried to control his messy black hair but failed. I ruffled it a bit until it was fairly ok. "How do I look?" He asked "fit" I said with a giggle "haha thanks Gin" he said "oh but your glasses are cracked. Repairo!" I said "thanks" he said taking them off polishing them a bit and putting them back on. "What about me" I said biting my lip a bit "as I said beautiful, as always" he replied happily, I blushed. "Harry, Ginny grab your trunks we're going!" Mrs Weasley called, "Levito!" Harry said pulling out his wand and making the trunks hover in front of us. We went downstairs and into the living room everyone was already there in front of the fireplace "Harry, you first" said Mr Weasley. Harry stepped forward into the fireplace holding his trunk with one hand "Kings Cross Station!" He cried, "right Gin" Mr Weasley said, I walked forward holding my trunk, grabbed some Floo powder and said clearly said "Kings Cross Station" I held my breath and closed my eyes as it felt like my body was being separated and I stumbled out of the fireplace, Harty caught me. "I'll take this" he said placing my trunk on top his in a cart "wait, where's Hedwig?" I asked "Oh, he's in my trunk with an expansion charm, I couldn't be bothered to carry him" Harry said "oh okay" I said. We waited and out appeared Ron, then Hermione, Percy who came to see us off, George, Mrs Weasley and finally Mr Weasley. "Alright let's go" Mr Weasley when we had all got our carts and things sorted. We walked to the wall where 9 and 3/4 were. Me and Harry grabbed the cart and ran forwards through the wall. "Here we are!" Said Harry happily "Yep" I said taking in the familiar surroundings "hey guys!" Called Neville on his way past, holding Luna's hand of course. We waited and the others appeared next to us. "Right 11 O'Clock go on you lot" said Percy "ok, see you later, love you" I said hugging him "love you to Gin" he said smiling "love you" I said hugging George "see you on your trips to Hogsmeade" he said hugging me back tightly "love you" I said hugging mum and dad "be safe!" They said. We all boarded the Hogwarts Express and found an empty compartment. "It's great to be back!" I said enthusiastically "yeah!" Hermione agreed "hey guys!" Said Cho on her way past "hey" I said coldly "Gin chill, I love you" said Harry pulling me closer to him "I know, I love you too" I said I rubbed my nose against his and kissed him. When we broke apart the old lady with the trolley was coming around "anything from the trolley dears?" She asked kindly "yes can I have two chocolate frogs, some Every flavour beans and a large Pumpkin Juice with 2 straws please" said Harry reaching into his pocket for some money "that will be 2 Galleons and 1 sickle dear" she said handing Harry his stuff "anything else?" She asked "yeah can I have the same please?" Asked Ron "of course, here you go dear" she said handing Ron his he payed her and we said thank you before she went along to the next compartment. Harry put his arm around me and we drunk our Pumpkin Juice together. Ron and Hermione were having they're own conversation so we did the same. "Aww is it Potter and his little girlfriend" snarled a voice, Malfoy was leaning on our compartment door "just cuz yours has worse hair than a Hippogriff" said Ron overhearing Malfoy's cold voice "oh excuse me it's also Weasley and his Mudblood" added Malfoy coldly "don't call me that" said Hermione pulling out her wand "what are you going to do, hex me?" Laughed Malfoy "don't talk to her like that!" I said "what are you going to do about it Weasley? Set your little boyfriend on me?" He said laughing "where's Crabbe and Goyle? Oh that's right that great idiot Goyle set himself on fire and Crabbe ran away in fear" said Harry sharply "Listen Potter, just because you defeated Voldemort doesn't mean you're any more powerful than I am, you're just a weak excuse of a wizard!" He said angrily "you only hate me because when you met me, I rejected your offer for us to become friends and ditch Ron, you thought I was great then" I said with a laugh "yes and I used to think Wandsnatchers that show for little kids was great, people change Potter" he said with a sneer "why aren't you off snogging Pansy?" Hermione asked sarcastically "don't speak to me Mudblood" hissed Malfoy "go bother someone else" Said Ron swatting his hand "fine only because I don't want to be seen talking to such low down scum wizards" Malfoy said once more before turning on his heel and storming off somewhere "honestly he's a nightmare" cried Ron "nice one Harry about in first year" said Hermione "heh thanks" he said "love you" I said "love you" he replied rubbing his nose against mine "ugh I don't want to see that" muttered Ron so he started kissing Hermione as I did Harry, most people my age just kiss they're partners on the way to Hogwarts. We stopped for a bit to change into the robes, Harry closed his eyes and Ron was too busy eating Hermione's face to notice. We went back to kissing after we were changed. "OY you two!" voice said, I jumped off Harry's lap to see who had spoke, it was a voice I knew all too well. There was my best friend Taylor Daniels her hair was brown and choppy hair, she had a pretty but strong face, she had eyeliner on in kind of a badass way. She is a huge tomboy. "Hey Tay!" I replied happily "have any of you seen my mouse? I've lost mine" she asked "I don't know I've been... Busy with Harry" I said looking over to Harry and blushing although he was now staring out of the window miles away "you were eating him, anyway help me look" She said smiling a bit "sure" I said , I searched around the floor a bit and found her cute white mouse eating a few crumbs under my seat, I gently picked him up and said "found him!" I said holding him up "thanks" she said taking him from me and stroking his back "so I take it your summer was good then?" She said grinning "shut up you" I said jokingly "well I'll see you at school yeah?" She said "sounds good" I said, she smiled and left. and left "who was that?" Asked Harry apparently back down on earth "Taylor lost her mouse, but I found it" I said "that's good, do you still have your ring?" He asked I held up my finger "good" he said and kissed me lightly on the lips. Ron and Hermione had apparently stopped eating each other so we talked until we pulled up at the station. Hagrid wasn't there which was odd but I shook it off "where's Hagrid?" Asked Harry "I don't know, but I'm sure he's fine" I said "yeah" said Ron "maybe he had to organise some stuff for this years lessons?" Hermione said but she sounded unsure. Professor Hooch led us to the boats and front of the castle instead. Professor Mcgonagall was there to greet us all as usual. "Welcome Students I hope you had a nice summer go on through into the main hall unless you are first years, first years please line up in front of me" she said she smiled at me, Harry, Ron and Hermione as we went past. The hall was exactly how I remember it still amazed me. "Hello" said Luna walking up next to us holding Neville's hand. "Hey Luna" Harry said "how was your summer?" She said in her dazed tone which had actually became a bit more serious since the war, we had all saw stuff that had changed us "uh" he looked at me "not yet" I mouthed "pretty good thanks you?" He asked politely "exceptional I spent it with Neville and we are moving in together" she said with a grin "that is great congratulations" Hermione said "thanks" said Neville proudly we sat down at the Griffindor table, "we actually have some news ourselves, don't we Harry?" I said looking at him "yes that's right" he said enthusiastically "what is it?" Asked Neville curiously I held up my finger "that's amazing" squealed Luna "well done mate" said Neville fist bumping Harry "thank you" I said "you and Ron of course will be my best men" Harry said to Neville "and you and Hermione my brides maids" I said to Luna "oh thank you Gin it really is wonderful news" she said giving Neville a firm look he squirmed under it "I'm sure it will be great" he said quickly to avoid Luna's stare "hey Gin" said Taylor sitting down in front of I said "hey Taylor" I said "see your already snout deep in food Ron" she said laughing "what?" He said innocently still eating, she just laughed. "So Taylor me and Harry have some big news" I said "hit me" she said "we're getting married" I said showing her my ring "aww that's awesome!!" She said "I know right" I said excitedly, we finished up our meal and I said goodbye to Harry as me and Taylor wanted to check the sleeping arrangements, I said we would meet him in the common room later. "Come on Gin!" Said Taylor running up the stairs "I'm coming!" I called after her we sprinted up the several staircases until we arrived outside the fat lady "hello, have a nice summer?" I asked panting a bit "oh' yes tremendously so dear thank you for asking" she replied "hey" said Taylor "why hello, know the new password?" She asked "Voldemort's been defeated" I said "correct" she said swinging forwards. We ran in, there were a few people in already, the fire was lit, the sofa's were comfortable looking, on coffee table in the middle was a full bowl of fruit. We looked up at the girls dorm room door and sure enough taped to it was sleeping arrangements. "Come on!" I said grabbing Taylor's arm and ran up the stairs. I studied it "yes, you and me sleep next to each other!" I said happily "who's that?" She asked pointing to a girls name the other side of me "hm a girl called Carla Joe, she's probably knew haven't heard of her before" I said "yeah, I wonder what she's like" Taylor replied "we'll soon see later" I said opening up the door. "I guess so but I want to know nooooow" she whined "Taylor you act like a five year old" I said rolling my eyes "you act like a 17 year old" she countered "Tay I am 17" I said sitting on my bed "yeah well live a little" she said shaking my shoulders "I do live, I'm marrying Harry Potter, I'm just not insane like you" I said "fair point" she said shrugging. "Anyway I'm going to meet Harry in the common room, now" I said "ugh, you just eat each other's faces" she whined "wait until you get a boyfriend" I said smiling "ugh boys" she groaned "haha well I'll see you later Tay" I say. Me and Harry spent all evening together and fell asleep on the sofa that night in each other's arms.

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