Chapter 7: I love you- Ron

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Hermione POV:
I woke up and remembered yesterday. Maybe I should give Ron a bit of a break, I mean Ginny's right they don't always act like that. I could've chosen a polite, take me out boy but I chose Ron who is nearly perfect. I to dressed and realised okay was the Hogsmeade Trip. I I ran downstairs to the common room to find Harry, Ron and Ginny. "Guys it's the Hogsmeade trip today!" I shouted excitedly running down the stairs but they weren't there, "huh,that's weird" I said. I saw a note, so I of course read it, it said "Hermione, don't look for me, Harry or Gin at breakfast but go have a nice breakfast then come back up here, I love you -Ron", I re read it confused "ok?" I said as I walked out for breakfast. Sure enough neither Ron, Harry or Gin were at breakfast. "I wonder what's up" I thought to myself chewing thoughtfully on a scotch pancake covered in honey. I did have a nice breakfast though. I as the note told me went back up to the common room, there was a new note on the door. "Welcome to my game Hermione, you have to try and find me, first clue, of seven, you have to go where the clues lead for the next one, we saved you from a terrible beast, when you were sad. Good luck I love you- Ron" it said "hmm where they saved me from a best when I was sad? Where could that be?" I thought, "Oh I know, the girls toilets where a troll nearly killed me in the first year!" I cried out loud. I ran down the stairs as fast as I could to the girls bathroom. A note on the stall I hid in said "well done, second clue, you spent most time here, after we recovered the philosophers stone as you researched what? A. The chamber of secret, if so go to the library, B. The half blood prince's book, if so go to Snape's old potions room, or C. Firebolts if so go to the Quidditch pitch, I love you- Ron" it said, "wow this is easy, the chamber of secrets obviously" I said running to the library. "We all knew that one was too easy for you, third clue, a curse took me to where? I love you Ron" a mite said on a nearby shelf, "a curse, this ones a bit tougher" I said to myself "The Shrieking Shack!" I said running off at once. Taped to the door was another note, "that one technically was a trick question as it was Sirius who took me here not the Grim but congrats, fourth clue, the room of the goblet of fire, I love you- Ron" "this one's hard because I need o remember where it was kept mow" I said to myself. "Was it the Great Hall?" I asked myself "oh wait no it was the entrance hall!" I said, I had to walk that one though because it was rather far away from where The Shrieking Shack is. twenty minutes later I arrived to find a note "haha I knew you had a good memory, clue five, go to the room of the teacher Umbridge tries to throw out, I love you- Ron" "easy Professor Trelawney" I said racing to the ladder leading to her room, I climbed up and on the inside of the trapdoor in the small warm room a more read "well done almost there, clue 6, where was Ginny hide The Half Blood Prince's book" it said, "now this is hard, how will I find the note, the room of requirement got burnt down" i said I pondered this as I went to where the room of requirement door was, but a door appeared, "what?" I said confused opening it, it could be saved, the room was black with burns and had piles of ash where all the stuff was and it smelt like burnt toast but it was still in tact, on the burnt floor was a kite saying "last clue and then you'll find me, last clue, where did we defeat Voldemort, I love you- Ron". I ran to the courtyard where Harry finally defeated Voldemort at last, Nd then there was a note on top of a trail of red rose petals, "finally follow these and you'll find me, I love you- Ron" it said, I followed the path, it lead to the lake, under a tree was Ron, laid out was a picnic rug, with a lit candlelight as it was going dark, a meal was laid out also and some pumpkin juice. "You found me then?" He asked smirking, I ran over and kissed him "thank you, what is this for though?" I asked "Gin told me what you had said about wishing I did more so I planned this" he said taking my hand and leading me over to the rug. "Thank you it's beautiful" I said "Harry and Gin were in on this too" he said "really?" I asked "yeah, Gin's in the tree above us right now, using spells to make the atmosphere even more romantic right now, look up" he said sure enough she was balanced in a tree branch wand out with a look of concentration casting numerous spells every now and then, and Harry's in the lake, making sure the giant squid won't interrupt us" he added, a few bubbles surfaced as he said that "how can he breath?" I asked worriedly "golly weed remember?" He said "oh, ok" I said, "I cooked myself, spaghetti and meatballs, I know you're still insane about the kitchen elves" he said I laughed. Very cliché but there was one piece of spaghetti on our plates that linked up, we kissed and laughed at the cheesyness "I planned that too" he said, "thanks for a great evening Ronald" I said "it's not over yet, I have one last thing planned" he said "what?" I asked "Gin, it's time!" He called she suddenly hopped down out of the retiree next to me "hey Hermione" she said "uh hey?" I said looking up from where she appeared from, she went to the side of the lake and wolf whistled loudly, Harry submerged from under the water, panting a bit and sopping wet "hey Hermione" he said casually walking out from the lake, "dryosa" Ginny said casting her wand at Harry his clothes were instantly dry, "ready?" Asked Ron "not yet" said Harry, he pulled out his wand dried it on his shirt "accio guitar" he said a beautiful Dr Martin's Sunburst guitar appeared, Ginny once again pulled out hers and muttered something, suddenly the moon and stars came out, "you ready?" Harry asked Ginny, she nodded. Harry started playing the guitar, they sang softly in the background, I looked up at Ron he smiled nervously, "can I have this dance?" He asked "yes" I said nodding and grinning like a mad man but I dint care, they did all of this for me, I didn't even know, Ginny sang, she was really good, or that Harry did either and he played the guitar apparently. Ron placed his hand on my waist, I on his shoulder and we slow danced, I put my head on his other shoulder and he pulled me close, "I love you Ronald Weasley" I whispered, "I love you more, Hermione Granger, now let me ask you something" he said "ok" I said, he stepped back, and got down on his knee "will you marry me?" He asked, I squealed "yes!" I said crying, and we carried on slow dancing as Harry and Ginny sang and watched us smiling at their best friends.

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