Happy Birthday Harry

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Ok let em just say this story sometimes runs in normal time sometimes it, it skips time all over the place and it's not perfect but I'm 13, you may think I'm older because I write hood but I'm not, I'm 13 and I'm in at school only in year 8 so deal with it 😏
++++++time skip+++++++
Harry POV:
"Harry" I heard someone whisper, I recognised it but was too tired to think, "Harry wake up" they whispered agin, "babe?" they said, I felt lips on my cheek, I groaned and swiped my hand, "I'm pregnant" they said, I jumped up, "wait what?!?" I said, Ginny was laughing her head off, "oh my- haahhaaha, Har- Harry we- oh my gosh" Ginny gasped whilst dying of laughter. "Gin!" I said annoyed, "I'm sorry, you wouldn't wake up" she said, "what time is it?" I said lying back down, "6:30" she said, "and goodnight" I said shutting my eyes again, "nooo! Come on get up!!!" She said trying to pull me out of bed by my hand, "why?" I whined, "because it's your birthday!!" She said excitedly, "can't I get up later?" I asked, "no because there's something really special!!" Ginny said, "let me sleep first" I said, "ugh fine..." Ginny groaned, she lay down next to me, I put my arm around her and we both fell asleep again. Gin woke me up again, "Oy scarhead get up!!" She said, I stretched "morning to you too babe" I said sleepily, "yeah, love you but quickly you have to have a shower!!" Hinny said jumping up, "why??" I asked rubbing my eyes, "because- just do it!!!" She said, "fine" I said walking reluctantly to the bathroom, I showered and dressed, I realised Gin already was. "Can I at least have a birthday kiss?" I asked, Gin rolled her eyes, but I knew she was joking, I walked over to her and kissed her for about 10 seconds, Ron and Hermione came in, "oy oy oy less of that!" Ron said, We broke apart, "that's better happy birthday mate" Ron said, Hermione hugged me, "happy birthday Harry" she said, "hehe thanks Hermione" I said, "now eat some breakfast we're going out" Ron said, "where?" I asked "Diagon Alley to meet up with our friends, Neville, Luna, Seamus, Dean, Cho, that lot" Hemione said, "yeah alright" I said walking downstairs. I grabbed myself some toast, Hermione made em a cup of tea, I know it's my birthday but they were acting strange... I was munching on some toast whilst they waited for me, "mmm that reminds me Gin, when we gonna get married?" I asked, "uhh, dunno, we need to arrange it with mum" Gin said rubbing her neck thoughtfully, "I think we should do it in October" I said, "really whys that?" Asked Ron, "dunno seems like a good month to get married" I said, "you can't just get married in a month because it sounds good" Hermione said scoldingly, "we can get married in October of he wants!" Gin defended me, "thanks Ginny" I said, "you ready yet? You're taking aeons!" Complained Ron, "let me get my jacket and shoes and wallet" I said, I quickly guy my stuff, "right let's go" I said walking in the living room, "we're flying there" Ron said, "really why?" I asked, "cuz umm the floo system is broken" Gin said, "you know what I'm apparating" Hermione said, she spun in the spot, "why don't we all just apparate?" I asked, "cuz we're flying!" Said Gin, I held my hand up, "ok, ok we'll fly!" I said, she took my hand and dragged me to the broom shed, we grabbed our brooms and took off, we started flying over Diagon Alley, "hey Harry know any good broom tricks?" Ron asked, "nah bet he doesn't" Gin said, "oh yeah?" I asked I flipped over my broom midair sitting on it again, then walked off one end, it dived and I walked back on it and looped the loop standing up, I sat down again. "Nice!" Said Ron, "good boy" said Ginny kissing me, I grinned. We landed and all our friends were there, "Happy Birthday Harry!" Said Neville walking over to us whilst holding Luna's hand, "I wish you a Nargles free day!" She said, I laughed, "thanks" I replied, "hey Harry! Nice tricks!" Said Seamus eagerly, "yeah that was pretty cool" said Dean stealing a look at Gin, I saw and put my arm protectively around her, "I'm not surprised you always were the best at flying and Quidditch" Cho said looking at me in a kind of hungry way, Ginny saw this time and made a big thing of kissing me, Cho turned away. "Thanks" I said shooting a look at Gin. We went to Olivanders to see how he was getting on, "hello Harry! Happy birthday!" Said Olivander as we walked in, "hey Olivander! How's business?" I asked, "great great as always, not long until you and your missus will be taking yours in here" he said with a wink motioning towards Gin, she blushed "not yet we hope" she said, "well, well, since it's your birthday how about a present?" He asked, "oh no! You don't have yo!" I said, "nonsense boy! Here you are top of the market wand shine! Top notch that is!" He said handing me a small box with a cloth in, I took out my wand in curiosity, "just tap the box with your wand" he said, I did, the cloth sprung out and started whirling around my wand quickly when it leapt back in its box slamming the lid shut my wands mahogany wood shone like a new made wands, "wow thanks!" I said, "no problem me son!" He said, as we left I felt like I was being watched but there was no one except Olivander, me and my friends. We also stopped by Flourish and Botts where I got given any book of my choice for free, Madame Malkins where she gave me a fine robe for nothing, Florean Fortesque's where me and my friends all got free ice creams and then we went to Quality Quidditch supplies. "Come on let's go Quality Quidditch Supplies" I said everyone spcheered, "then we can get some butter beer afterwards?" Hermione suggested leading to another cheer, we walked into the shop, the bell tinkered, everyone stopped and looked at me as I walked in, I got several happy birthdays as I went past,"so what'dya want? it's on us as a special present!!" Neville said, "hmmm" I said looking at the shelves of broom and Quidditch stuff, "how about the new Chudley Cannon robes!" Ron said, I looked at them they did seem nice, "can you lot afford this?" I asked Gin, "of course! We're all putting money together! Plus it doesn't matter! It's your birthday!" Gin said, "but it's a lot of money..." I said unsurely, I felt again like someone was watching me, "come on Harry! They'd looks so good on you!" said Cho, Ginny protectively wrapped her arm around mine, after a lot of persuasion I got them, we walked to the counter, "these please" I said happily with a grin, "Harry! Happy birthday son!" The guy I knew well since I come here a lot, said, "thanks" I said with a laugh, "let me throw in a free broom cleaning kit since it's such a day!" The guy said "thanks but you don't have to" I said, Seamus raised his eyebrows, "nonsense!" The guy retorted waving his hand, "well if you insist..." I said with a smile "of course I do!" He said he chucked the kit on the counter. "80 galleons" he said, "right, one sec" Gin said as everyone pulled out their money bags, "let's see 10 from Ron, 20 from me, 15 from Cho, 5 from Dean, 10 from Seamus, 10 from Hermione and 20 from Neville and Luna!" Ginny said collecting the money and dropping it on the counter, "thank you, have a great day!" The man said we walked out and went to grab a butter beer, we sat around and talked having a laugh, "thanks for the great time guys!" I said standing up, "yeah no problem, hardly gonna miss your birthday eh?" Seamus said, the guys highfived me before apparating, the girls hugged me. Cho left last, "bye Harry thanks for the great time" she said biting her lip, she kissed my cheek before quickly apparating before Ginny who was outraged killed her, "HOW DARE SHE KISS MY FIANCÉ'S CHEEK!!! WHERE DIES SHE LIVE?!?! I'M GONNA KILL THAT GIRL!!!" Ginny shouted, luckily we were the only ones in the dimly lit bar, "whoa calm down Gin" Ron said, "kiss Hermione on the lips" Gin whispered in my ear, I looked at her like she was mad, she nudged her head in Hermione's direction, I kissed Hermione, her eyes widened, "HOW DARE YOU KISS MY GIRLFRIEND!!!" Ron exploded, "who's the angry one now?" Ginny smirked, "sorry Hermione, Ron, Gin told me to" I said, they softened, "but seriously where does she live" said Ginny pulling out her Ron and looking a round menacingly, I kissed Ginny, she instantly calmed down. "I still wish my parents could be here to see me turn 18" I said sitting down on a nearby bench, I heard a whoosh like a cape being took off, "why can't we?" I heard a voice say, I looked next to me to see my mum and dad sitting on the bench next to me, smiling. This is the point where I say I did something cool, but no.... I fainted, you would if you saw your dead parents!!!!
Ginny POV:
We all planned this and brought Harry's parents alive, it took a while to hunt down their spirits since they weren't a Hogwarts ghosts... But the had been watching Harry all day in an invisibility cloak, that's why we made him do the tricks so he could unknowingly show off his skills to his dad. They appeared next to him on the bench, "why can't we?"James said, Harry took one look and fainted. James looked down at him, "ummm maybe that was a bit to much for him" he said, "is he alright?" Asked Lily, slightly worried "yeah one sec" I said, I bent down and kissed him, "wha?" He asked jerking awake, "Harry your parents are here" I stated, "what? My parent are dead!" He said getting up, "turn around" I said.
Harry POV:
"Turn around" Gin said, I turned around and there stood my parents, I fell to my knees, but stayed conscious this time, I ran my hands through my hair and held my head in my hands. "What? How? When?" I asked at last with confusion, "we've been working on this for a while as a special birthday surprise" Hermione said, she was crying a bit, "Happy birthday, Harry" dad said, I couldn't breath. "I'm sorry, I need air" I gasped rushing towards the door, I stood outside, leaning against the wall as I took deep breaths of the fresh air. "I'm sorry, he's in shock" I heard Ron say, "we get it, he hasn't seen us in nearly 18 years, except from when he went in the forest to die and we were dead" I heard my mum say, "just give him a minute" said Gin. My thoughts raced, it was amazing but what does this mean? How will this affect my life, I leant on the fence that was outside the pub, my head in my hands. "Harry?" My dad asked opening the door and walking out, "are you ok dear?" Asked my mum, "I'm so sorry guys, it was just such a big shock!" I said straightening, "it's ok" dad said, "it's a lot to comprehend" mum said, "yeah" I said, they stood either side of me in comfortable silence, "I'm so glad you two are here" I said, "us too" mum said, "so are you ghosts or did they do the potion for you two as well?" I asked "we're alive they did the potions" dad said, I hugged him, he hugged me back, I felt a feeling of happiness that I've never experienced, even the true happiness I feel when I'm with Gin is like this, this time it was different. I let go of dad and hugged mum too, I was taller than her. She stroked my hair, "we missed you Harry" she said, "you have no idea how much I missed you two" I said, dad joined the hug and I felt tears in my eyes, I sniffed enjoying the embrace, we stood there for quite a while just happy to be reunited. I heard the door creak open, "Awww" I heard Gin say, we broke off the embrace and I walked over to where Hermione, Ron and Ginny stood. "Mum, dad you've already met them but let me properly introduce you to my friends" I said, mum smiled, she too had tears in her eyes, dad, well he tried to hide them but he did too. "This is Ron Weasley, my best friend, Hermione Granger, my other best friends we've known each other since our first year at Hogwarts, and this is my girlfriend Ginny Weasley, Ron's little sister but she's my other half" I said, mum and dad smiled proudly, "so you've been taking care of our son all these years" dad joked, "yes sir we have" Ron said putting an arm around Hermione's shoulders, she had tears too, typical Hermione. "Me and Gin are getting married and so are Ron and Hermione" I said, "so you're our daughter in law?" Asked mum, Gin nodded proudly, "welcome to the family" mum said with a light embrace, "what a beautiful daughter in law we have" said dad politely and he kissed her hand. "So Ron and Ginny's parents have taken me in all the time and acted like a mum an dad to me, because they Dursley's were awful to me, I can't wait for you to meet Mr and Mrs Weasley though" I said, "I'm sure they're very nice" mum said. "So where do we go now?" Ron asked, "it just occurred to me Lily, we don't have a house anymore, what are we going to do?" Dad asked, "that's true James" said mum thoughtfully, "you can come and stay with us until you find somewhere!" Gin said, she held my hand as we started walking, "wouldn't it be a little bit of a tight fit all 3 of us staying?" Asked mum, "no! We have 8 bedrooms plus a spare, I have 5 brothers a sister and my parents" said Ron, "wow" mum said in surprise, "what about Harry?" Asked dad, "I've been sleeping in Gin's room with her" I said, mum raised her eyebrows, "no mum" I said, "well we'd have to ask them first..." Mum said, "they'll be fine with it honest, they let me stay there all the time" Hermione said, "well how do we get there?" Asked mum, "we'll floo" Ron said, "wait isn't the system down?" I asked, "no, we just hold you that so you'd fly and show off your broom skills to Mr. Potter I mean your dad" Gin said, "please call us James and Lily" dad said, mum nodded in agreement. We walked to the nearest shop containing a fireplace, "where is it you live?" Asked mum, "The Burrow, I'll go first" said Gin, "The Burrow!" She said once she stepped in the fireplace, "I'll go next" I said, stepping in with my powder, I tried it down, "The Burrow!" I said and had that awful feeling but then I stumbled out the fireplace, "we're back!" Called Gin as she saw me, I stepped out the way allowing mum, then dad, then Hermione, then Ron to come through. "Hello guys- oh my word!" Said Mr Weasley walking in, he saw my parents. "Dad this is-" Ron started to say, "James and Lily Potter!" He exclaimed cutting Ron off, "Arthur Weasley" said my dad stepping forward and shaking Mr Weasley's hand, "wait you two know each other?" I asked, "know each other? Arthur was a good friend of ours, we knew him from the Ministry!" Mum said stepping forward and shaking his hand, "wow really?" Gin said, "James and Lily were only the best aurors the world's ever seen!" Mr Weasley said in awe. Mrs Weasley came in "what's all they fuss about? Oh my word" Mrs
Weasley said in shock, "Molly!" Mum said running forward to shake her hand, "James and Lily Potter!" She said, "how do you two know Mrs Wealsey?" I asked, "she was a good friend of mine since Hogwarts and we met up often outside of work with Arthur and Molly" mum said, dad stepped forwards shaking Mrs Weasley's hand. "What are you two doing alive again?" Asked Mr Weasley in surprise, "Hermione, Ron and Ginny here brought us alive with a potion in surprise for Harry's birthday" dad said, "you lot are too kind! We'll have a special meal later in celebration" Mrs Weasley said, "when you said Weasley's we didn't think you meant them!" Said mum, "yeah, Mr and Mrs Weasley have been treating me like their own son" I said, "Harry we keep on telling you call us Molly and Arthur!" Molly scolded. "How about I write an owl to everyone to come here for a party?" I suggested, "yeah!!!" Everyone cheered.
++++++time skip a couple hours later++++++++
:ding dong: "I'll get it" shouted Ron jumping up, I laughed, he's been complaining for ages no ones here yet and it's boring. "Ron! How you doing?" Asked Sirius, dad jumped up, mum laughed, "honestly James you're like a little kid" mum said, I looked at Ginny, she was looking at me, they very much reminded us of.... Well us. "But it's Siriusss" dad whined, "you're such a good influence on our son aren't you" mum asked her eyebrow arched, "what!! He's grown up he doesn't need my influence anymore!!" Dad retorted, mum just rolled her eyes. Sirius walked in, "my God" he gasped, "Molly told me you were back but wow" Sirius said, "Sirius!!' Dad said knocking his good friend back with a man hug, "James" Sirius said happily, James stood next to him a big grin on his face, then suddenly it was like all the stress lines and the age disappeared from Sirius' face and he looked about 10 years younger, he had a big grin on his face too, "Lily, good to see you again too" he said kissing mum's hand, "and you Sirius" she said with a shy smile. "This is great!" Said dad with a grin, "got two good friends again" he said putting his arms around Sirius' and Arthur's shoulders, "mind you where's Moony?" He asked, on Que. there was a knock at the door, "I'll get it" I said already walking out the room. I opened the door and they're was Lupin smiling on the doorstep, "hello Harry!" He said cheerily, "hello Lupin, come in" I said stepping back to let him in, "thank you, I heard James was back?" He asked hopefully, "right through" I said with a smile, I couldn't blame him for wanting to see his old friend. He followed me through to the living room, "James!" He cried "Remus!" Dad cried and the men hugged each other, "great to see you!" Dad said, "you too, oh and Lily" he said kissing mum's hand, "thank you Remus" she said shyly, I'm starting to see a pattern here. "So where's Peter?" Dad asked smiling broadly. You could feel the awkwardness, we all glanced around at each other no one really saying anything. Mum and dad looked confused, "what?" Asked mum, no one said anything, "where's Peter, what's happened?" Dad said worry laced in his voice, "Peter he uh" Remus began but looked away, "Sirius?" Dad asked looking at his friend, "Peter betrayed us and was the reason you died" he said unable to meet dad's eye, "what- what do you mean?" Asked dad shocked, mum looked at him with worry and held his hand, "he gave up your position to Voldemort so he tried to kill Harry" Remus said, "that BASTARD" said dad angrily dropping mum's hand, "James!" Mum scolded but looked equally angry, "where is he?" Asked dad pacing, "dead" I said speaking up, everyone seemed to watch dad, "good" he spat, "don't say that he was your best friend!" mum said, "he was a traitor, Harry could've died!!" Dad said, mum didn't reply, "but I didn't" I said quietly, "I couldn't lose you" dad said, "you didn't have to" Sirius said, "but he lost us" mum said seeming to find her voice, "you're here now" Hermione said, we all looked at her, no one expected her to speak up, "she's right" Ron said looking at her, "and that's all that matters" Remus said. Soon everyone arrived and we celebrated though the night and everyone left. "Well I'm exhausted, would you mind if me and Lily went to our room?" Dad asked "no not at all James" Molly said, "thank you, goodnight" mum said, we all bid them goodnight as they left. Gin put her head on my shoulder, "you're parents are nice" she said, "I like them" I said happily, Hermione yawned, "tired?" I asked, she nodded sleepily, "you don't have to stay down here for us" I said, "yeah just head up I'll be coming soon" Ron said, "m'kay, night" she said kissing his cheek, she hugged me and walked out, "night!" Gin called, "maybe it's time we all went to sleep" Molly suggested, "wait, where's George?" Ron asked, "working night shifts" Arthur said, "ok well me Ms Harry are heading up" Gin said "ok night mate" Ron said I waved my hand tiredly and led Gin upstairs. I being a gentleman did my teeth when she got changed so I wouldn't see her, she did the same when I got changed. I turned around to see Dobby fast asleep on Ginny's sofa, I smiled, Gin came back in, she hugged me her head on my stomach, "had a nice day babe?" She asked, I grinned, "I can't believe you planned this, you're amazing" I said, she pulled away and smirked at me, "I really am aren't I?" She joked, "how could I have been so dumb through first, second, third and fourth year?" I said smiling down at her, "you were a total mug" she laughed, "you weren't exactly the coolest person in the world" I said airily lightly pushing her, "oh yeah? Name one thing I did" she said crossing her arms and raising an eyebrow, "like a mug like me for one thing" I laughed, "no, no, no go on Harry, what did I do?" She asked intimidatingly, I thought for a moment and a smile crept onto my face. "Remember Valentine's Day in your first year?" I said grinning, her eyes widened and she blushed deeply, "oh no" she cringed her hands hiding her face, "how did it go..." I mused, "Harry.." She begged, "His eyes are as green as a fresh pickled toad,His hair is as dark as a blackboard.I wish he was mine, he's truly divine, the hero who conquered the Dark Lord?" I reminisced, "stop" she said blushing, "His eyes are as green as a fresh pickled toad, His hair is as dark as a blackboard.I wish he was mine, he's truly divine,the hero who conquered the Dark Lord." I chanted with a smirk, "nooo Harry please" she begged a deep Crimson, ""His eyes are as green as a fresh pickled toad,His hair is as dark as a blackboard.I wish he was mine, he's truly divine,the hero who conquered the Dark Lord!" I chanted again enjoying myself, she groaned cringing, ""His eyes are as green as a fresh pickled toad,His hair is as dark as a blackboard.I wish he was mine, he's truly divine,the hero who conquered the Dark Lord!" I chanted again, "stop!!" She cried running out, I followed her chanting the poem at the top of my voice, "I WAS ELEVEN!!" She cried covering her ears, I repeated it again, "I hate you!!" She said glaring at me when I stopped, "nah you love me" I said with grin pulling her close and holding her in my arms, she grumbled something under her breath, "I'm sorry what was that?" I said smiling, "I love you" she said grudgingly, I grinned and kissed her, we walked upstairs hand in hand and went to sleep in each other's arms after a few goodnight kisses.

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