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Hermione POV:
I woke up and Ron was awake for once, he was watching me with a slight look of amusement, "Ron?" I asked sitting up and stretching, "you talk in your sleep" he said grinning, I sighed, "who doesn't in this house?" I asked standing up, "oy, oy, oy 'Mione where you going?" Asked Ron standing, "umm, up?" I said, "not yet you're not" he said pulling me back down. "What? Ron!" She cried, "yes?" I asked kissing her, "can I please get up?" I asked "Nope, kiss me first" he said, I rolled my eyes and quickly kissed him, I tried to get up, "that wasn't a proper kiss" he said, I sighed, I kissed him fully in the lips and everything, it took longer than I expected. We got up hand in hand laughing, Mrs Weasley was in the kitchen, looking at a list, she'd nought the ingredients. "Mum! I thought you said we'd all go today" Ron cried, "I'm sorry dear I couldn't wait" said Mrs Weasley sheepishly. "We might as well get on it then, when Harry, Gin, Fred and George get up" I sighed. They come down stairs, "what about us?" Asked George "we were saying we'll start on the potion where you lot get up but that doesn't matter now" said Mrs Weasley, "come on then, let's get started!" Said Ginny rolling up her sleeves, "first we have to... Cut up the dragon heart into tiny pieces, put them in your cauldron, then we need to crush the Gillyweed" said Ginny looking at the page, we did so and read out the next step,"juice the eye, squash the bat droppings and cover the droppings in eye juice" I read, I grimaced as I did this, "now we need yo heat the mixture a bit, when it turns purple we'll put the eye covered droppings in" Fred read, we put the cauldron on the stove, it turned purple so we dropped the droppings into it, we poured in the eye slime and turned the heat off. "Where can we leave this for 45 minutes?" Asked George, "how about in the living room?" Mrs Weasley asked, "but it'll smell" Harry said, "oh well 45 minutes, it won't do any harm" I said, Ron picked up the cauldron and put it on the table in the living room. 45 minutes later, we put it in the oven in exactly at exactly 23.7°c. "We'll have to cope without the oven for the next 3 days but it won't matter cuz soon we'll have Fred back" said George put his arm around where Fred's shoulders would be, "can't wait, maybe if this stuff works we could see it in the shop" said Fred, "ooh that's a good idea, it'll cost a bit of course so we'd rake in loads!" Said George they went off to talk about money and stuff. Nobody really knew what to do that much, we were so excited we couldn't wait for Thursday when the potion'll be ready. "I'll send a owl to Dumbledoor to inform him" I said "you can borrow Hedwig if you want" said Harry, I ran upstairs and grabbed some parchment, "dear Proffessor Dumbledoor,
The Weasley's, Harry and I think we have found a potion yo bring dead alive, it'll be ready in 3 days, come over to the Burrow on Thursday if you want to be brought alive- Hermione" I wrote I tied it to Hedwig's leg, "go find Dumbledoor" I said she hooted and flew off.
George POV:
"Stay here a second Fred, I need to talk to mum about something personal" I said going to the door, "what's it about?" Asked Fred, "it's kinda personal" I said "tell me then, we're twins we tell each other everything" he said, I panicked a bit, he was right, "I don't feel comfortable about talking to you about this" I said "come on George" he said, "no, I'll be back and don't try to listen in Im putting a silencing charm on us" I said, I knew he was confused, you'll know why I lied in a second, I quietly knocked on Ginny's door, she was in there with Harry, probably kissing, "what?" She asked, "shhh" I said putting a finger to her lips she shoved it away, "what?" She asked quieter, "you and Harry meet me in the kitchen in 2 minutes I'll explain then" I told her quietly, she nodded and got Harry, I knocked quietly on Ron's door, "what?" He said, "shhhh!" I said covering his mouth as he objected, he boy my hand to make me let go and then spat on the floor, me and Fred had been experimenting with products for the store so my hand probably didn't taste nice. "What do you want?" Asked quieter, "you and Hermione meet me down in the kitchen now, I'll explain in a second" I told him, he wasn't so quick to go with it as Ginny was, "why?" He asked eyeing me, "just do it, come on" I told him, "fine, Hermione come down to the kitchen with me" he said quietly, "why?" She asked, "shh, I don't know George wants us for something" he said they walked downstairs I walked behind them. I shut the door, Mum was in there talking to Harry, I shit the door, "silencio!" I said pointing my wand to the doors, "what's this about then?" Asked Ron, "I think we should throw Fred a coming back yo life party, so we should get stuff for Thursday" I said, "that's a great idea!" Said Ginny, "yeah, maybe we can get the stuff today, I'll tell George we're getting stuff for the shop but it's a surprise for him what we're getting" I said, "will he fall for it?" Asked Hermione, "yeah, course he will, he trusts me" said, "okay well what do we need?" Asked mum, "I'd say a magic banner from Zonko's" I said, "every flavour beans, chocolate frogs, pumpkin pies, pumpkin juice, nice stuff" added Harty, I nodded, "maybe some cool music" said Ron, I nodded, "you know partying stuff" I said, "ok well I'll get ready you tell Fred whatever you need to" mum said, "we're all coming right?" Asked Gin, "yeah if you want" I said, "wait!" I said as mum went to open the door, she stopped "what?" She asked "step back a sec" I said, she did so I performed the counter spell and opened the door, Fred was trying to listen, "you really did so the silencing spell!" He said, I nodded. "Listen Fred we have to go out to get some stuff for Weasley's Wizarding Wares" I said, "cool, I'll come" he said, "you can't" I told him walking upstairs, "why not?" He asked tailing me, "because it's a surprise stock just for you" I told him, he looked surprise "really?" He asked "yeah because I get my brother back you get a surprise stock" I said, he nodded, "what will I do since the house'll be empty and boring for a ghost like me?" He asked, "ummm, stick some prices on these new products we need yo put out tomorrow" I to,d him handing a list, "and then test out all these" I said handing him a box of test products, he grinned "ok, have fun" he said I pulled on my coat and everyone was ready in yeh living room, I grabbed some Floo Powder, "Diagon Alley!" I cored I felt that feeling before stumbling out of The Leaky Cauldron fireplace I waited for everyone else and then we set off. "Where to first?" Asked Ginny "Zonko's" I replied with a grin, we we walked in the shop bell tinkled, Zonko the owner of the shop came out, "Ah! George! How are you today?" He asked, "hey I'm good, Zonko, you?" I asked, "good, good, what can I interest you in today? Exploding balloons? Zapping lasers?" He asked, "no, no, d'you remember my brother Fred?" I asked "ah yes, quite a shame they young man died so young, my condolences of course" replied Zonko, "well, we found a potion to bring him back so we're throwing him a party, we want to keep the whole him being resurrected hushed" I said, "ah well party stuff over there, tell him once he's alive buy any products half off" said Zonko, "thank you" I replied smiling. We nought some magic banners, some exploding balloons and some never dying candles as well as some ice cube flies for the pumpkin juice. We then went to a grocers store, we bought pumpkin juice, pumpkin pies, chocolate frogs, every flavour beans, and a holographic cake, we'll make to say something like "glad you're not dead!" We got some cool new music, and whole bunch of other stuff, we'll have a cool party alright. We flooed back and hid the stuff in a loose step in the stairs, I ran upstairs to check on Fred, "hey, you're back!" He said he was flying about the room like Superman, he and this cool supermanish belt with ice made you fly. "The Superbelt then?" I said laughing, "Yep this ones a definite" he said "cool, cool" I said absently, "so what did you talk to mum about?" He asked "I uhh-" I said looking about trying to think of something, "is it about a girl?" He asked, "uhh, yes! Yes! How'd you know?" I asked acting, "is it, Scarlet Daveys?" He asked, I blushed no longer pretending, I did like this one girl, she was a beautiful girl that worked in Diagon Alley somewhere, I would always see her about, by our store,we had spoken a few times, she had long brown hair, and a nice smile, she was perfect. "It is!!" He cried triumphantly, "shut it" I mumbled, "so why wouldn't you talk to me?" He asked, "because I uhhh- wanted to hire her and was asking mum if it would muck everything up" I said, "why didn't you talk to me? It's my store too!" He said indignantly, "because you would hire her and I wasn't sure if it was a good idea but mum thought it would be" I said, he nodded but he looked like he didn't quite believe me, we tested our products together for hours until tea.

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