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Harry POV:
++++++++++time skip 1 week++++++++++++
I woke up and realized what day it was, 11th of August. The most beautiful girl ever's birthday, I had got her an extra special present, I can't wait to give it to her.
------------time reverse 3 days-----------
I woke up early to see Ginny sleeping peacefully "aww" I cooed quietly I stroked her cheek and kissed her on the lips she smiled a bit in her sleep. I got out of bed and crept over Ginny's desk where she kept her parchment. I grabbed a piece and a nearby quill and quickly scribbled "be back soon, gone to Hogsmeade for a surprise" I pinned it to the door and slowly opened it making sure it wouldn't creak, I carefully closed it and silently ran down the stairs. I stopped abruptly just in time not to step on the creaky step, I jumped quietly over it and reached the bottom. I walked into the bathroom and got into some clothes I left there last night. When I walked out I went to grab my coat and I heard a voice "Harry? What are you doing up so early" the voice asked, I turned around slowly on the spot to see Mrs Weasley in the kitchen in the middle of pouring herself a cuppa. "Morning Mrs Weasley, what are you doing up so early, I didn't hear you come down" I answered "I didn't hear you come down either dear, and I always get up early but the question is what are you doing up?" She asked again "well I'm actually popping out to Diagon Alley to get Ginny a special birthday surprise" I answered "oh that's nice, what are you getting her?" Mrs Weasley asked "well, with your's and Mr Weasley's permission I would like to ask Ginny to marry me" I said nervously "of corse dear, that's wonderful, she'll love that" Mrs Weasley answered warmly "thank you I'll buy only the best for my Gin" I said lovingly "yes well, I won't keep you then" she said "thanks and Mrs Weasley can you please not tell Gin about this?" I asked stopping in the living room doorway "of course I won't tell a soul" She answered "thank you" I called from the living room "your welcome bye Harry dear" she called after me "bye" I replied before grabbing some floo powder and stepping into the fireplace, "Diagon Alley" I cried throwing it down and erupting into green flames, I closed my eyes and felt the familiar feeling of being separated into a million pieces and being rejoined again. I opened my eyes and I was in The Leaky Cauldron, there weren't many people there as it was 5 O'clock in the morning there were a few drinks passed out but that was about it. I walked into the small courtyard where the old brick wall was. I tapped on a few of them and the wall opened up to the wonderful sight that is Diagon Alley. Although it was early it was still fairly busy, people walking tiredly about, sellers putting up signs outside there shops, people entering and exiting shops or chatting to their friends. I took a deep breath of fresh air happily. "First stop Gringotts" I said to myself. I strolled leisurely through Diagon Alley. I stopped at some of my favour its stores. The book store, I payed Olivander a visit. I bought some sweets to eat whilst I was walking around. I eventually reached the bottom of Diagon Alley where Gringotts was. I walked in and up to an open raised podium thing where a elf was sitting "Mr Potter! What can I do for you?" He said in amazement "Hello I would like to get some money out of my safe please" I asked politely "certainly and what safe may that be?" He asked hurriedly "713" I answered "okay and do you have your key?" He asked "yes here you go" I said handing him a small golden key "excellent if you would follow me Sir" he said hopping down off his chair and guiding me to a door in the back. We walked through the door and jumped into a waiting cart. I held my breath and waited for the sickening feeling of rushing 100000 mph deep down underground. We zoomed forwards and I left my stomach behind. I suddenly felt very sick and dizzy. My hair was waving wildly behind me due to the speed. In what seemed like forever but was probably only about 5 minutes we came to an abrupt stop when we reached my safe. "Here we go, Sir" said the elf, he walked over to the huge safe door and opened it with the key. He swung open the door to reveal thousands of gold coins, I walked in and picked a good few in my pocket "done Sir?" He asked politely "yes thank you" I said walking back out again. He locked it up and we climbed back in the cart. Going up was worse than coming down it felt like you were going to fall out as you were practically vertical. But at last we arrived safely back to Gringotts. "Thank you" I said to the elf as I walked out "you're quite welcome Harry Potter Sir" he replied after me. I walked around for a bit to find the perfect jewellery store. I finally came across one called "Pacamona's" I walked in it was really light inside from the big windows at the front of the shop. The walls were covered in glass with the most amazing looking jewellery behind them. I walked up to the desk where a girl about the similar age was standing. "Hello how may I help you- OH MY GOSH, YOU ARE HARRY POTTER!" She screamed realising who I was "yes I am" I said getting tired of the whole "oh my gosh you are Harry Potter can I have your autograph" routine "you are so hot! I have always dreamt of meeting you!" She said excitedly "erm thanks I guess" I said "but you were kissing me" she said walking towards me "I... Um have a-" she interrupted me "kiss me and you will have anything in here for free" she said leaning towards me "I'm sorry I have a girlfriend" I said stepping back "oh yes, Ginny Weasley, what a lucky girl, but I don't see her do you?" She said walking again towards me "I love her and am not going to go kiss any other girls" I said "oh, but I am not just any girl, I have a lot to offer" she said grabbing my hand "Is there anyone else who works here?" I called around her stepping back but she still had my hand. A slightly older man I'd say about 20 years old came in through a door at the back of the store "is there a problem- Kelly! Stop that!" The man said. The girl who was apparently called Kelly rolled her eyes and walked towards the man, "I'm so sorry about my cousin" he said apologetically "it's fine" I said "what have I told you about flirting with costumers and everyone knows that his girlfriend is Ginny Weasley!" He scolded "but Robert!" She protested "no flirting with costumers!" He said sternly "honestly it's fine" I said walking back towards the desk "Kelly why don't you go into the back room?" He said gesturing to the door behind him "fine!" she said reluctantly and sulked out. "Once again I'm sorry what may I help you with Mr Potter?" He asked politely "I'm looking for an engagement ring for Ginny" I said "oh exciting!" He said I grunted "well come with me then Mr Potter" he said walking around he desk and gestured to a section of glass by the door. "Just have a look at these I'll be over here if you see any you like just call me over" he said politely "okay thank you" I said. There were tons of rings gold ones, silver ones, bronze ones, ones with rubies, ones with emeralds, I wanted Ginny to have the best but it not to be big and showy. I wanted a ring that looked beautiful like her but not to be too big. There was only one that caught my eye though it was a beautiful gold ring encrusted in diamonds. "Excuse me Sir" I called my eyes glued on it "yes, have you found one?" He asked walking towards me. "Yes can I purchase this one?" I asked dragging my eyes off it, "certainly is this a surprise birthday present by an chance?" He asked "how did you know?" I asked "you and Ginny are my favourite celebrities and I know her birthday is soon" he said smiling "oh" I said "in that case then yes it is" I added "well if you would like we could put the rings in a Weasley's wizardry wares bag" he asked "we have a lot of those everyone loves them" he added seeing my face "okay umm yes please" I answered "good choice" he said. He unlocked the glass in front of the ring with key from the key ring on one of those pieces of extendable plastic to stop people stealing the keys swinging from his belt. He took two boxes of the rings out and brought them over to the desk after relocating the glass. "That will be 237 Galleons please Mr Potter" he said with an outstretched hand for the money "wow that's cheap considering the rings but before I pay can I make one small correction?" I asked "yes what is it?" He asked "can I have engraved on the bottom of them "forever and always" please?" I asked okay one second KELLY!" He called "yeah" her voice called out through the door can you engrave "forever and always" on the bottom of Mr Potters engagement rings?" He asked "he's getting married?" She asked sounding a bit disappointed "yes now engrave it please" he said "okay" she said but sounding a bit sad. "In that case it will be 267 Galleons then please" he said I fished a heap of the golden Galleons out of my pocket "here you go" I said placing them in his hand' he counted them and put the rings in the Weasley Wizarding Wares bag once Kelly passed them to him engraved. "Nice doing business with you" he said with a smile "you to" I said walking out the door. I couldn't be bothered to walk anymore because my feet hurt so apparated to the Burrow. "Hello" I called "HAAAAAAARRY!!!!" I heard Ginny yell from somewhere in the house she came rushing in and jumped on me. "You know most people would just say hello" I said chuckling "since when am I most people?" She asked with a smile "what have you got there?" She asked pointing to the bag "you know this is your birthday surprise" I said standing up and offering my hand, she took it and said "bit what is it?" She tried to peak in but I pulled the bag back "you'll have to wait and see" I said laughing at her trying to see what it is "you got me something from Weasley's Wizarding Wares?" She asked with a frown "maybe if I did what would be wrong with that?" I asked "well what would be special about that?" She asked "you will have to wait to see what it is" I said "now if you don't mind me I'm hiding this in Ron's room" I said giving her a quick kiss before walking upstairs. "Ron!" I called "yeah?" He asked "I need to speak to you" I called close to his room "okay come on in" he called. I walked in his room was a mess, him and Hermione were sitting on the bed no doubt kissing. I closed the door and turned on the light as it was really dark "what do you need to talk to me about?" He said pulling on a shirt as he was only wearing jeans "Ginny" I said "what about Ginny?" Hermione asked "do you want to break up with her?" Ron asked gruffly "no, no, no, nothing like that" I said "then what?" Hermione asked curiously "well, it's her birthday soon as I'm sure you two are both aware of" I started "yeah?" They both asked in unison they smiled at each other and kissed each other quickly before turning their attention back to me. "This morning I went out to Diagon Alley and bought Ginny this" I said handing Ron the bag, he opened it up "2 boxes?" He asked "no! look inside the boxes" I said "oh!" He said taking out one of the boxes "it's a ring" he said in confusion "I want to ask Ginny to marry me" I said nervously "YOU WHAT!!!" He said standing up "Ron!" Hermione said pulling him back down "you are going to ask Ginny to marry you!?" He cried "shh" I said "that's so romantic" Hermione said "Ron?" I asked "I don't know" he said holding his head in his hands "I know it's sudden" I said "yeah!" He grunted "but I really love Ginny and I know she loves me too, I promise I will never hurt Ginny" I said he looked up and his eyes softened "but when you're married you've got to you know" he said "well of course we will at some point but only when we are both ready" I said reassuringly "weeeell, I that case okay I guess you can marry Ginny" he said reluctantly "thank you Ron" I said "congrats Harry" Hermione said and hugged me "she's got to say yes first" I chuckled "don't worry she will"
++++++++++++back to normal time++++++++++++++++
"Harry! You awake yet?" Ginny asked excitedly "yeah I'm awake" I said "she rolled me over so I was facing the ceiling and sat on my chest "Hi!" She said "how you doing Gin?" I asked with a smile "amazing! It's my birthday!" She said "I know how could I forget the world's most beautiful girl's birthday?!" I said, she blushed "I love you" she said "I love you too" I answered and kissed her it was only for a minute but it was awesome. "So do you want to get up or kiss me all day?" I asked "hmmmm" she said thoughtfully she kissed me again as her answer, I laughed "as great as that sounds I have to give you a special present" I said her face brightened up "yeah come on come on come on!" She cried jumping off my chest and yanking me out of bed. She dragged me downstairs yelling "yo everybody get up its my birthday!" I was laughing so hard I nearly fell down the stairs. "What?" Everybody asked walking out of the their rooms sleepily "It's my birthday!" Ginny cried "okay" they called "give us a minute" they walked back in. We sat in the living room talking for about 5 minutes and then people started coming down, everyone finally came down. "Right can I have presents now?" She asked excitedly "of course" Mrs Weasley said warmly "who's first?" She asked "me little sis" said Bill handing her a green package "cool cheers Bill" she said giving him a hug. She tore it open and there was a broom cleaning kit. She got a box of Botts Every Flavour Beans from Percy, a new Nimbus 2000 from Ron and Hermione, a necklace with an owl on it from Mr and Mrs Weasley, from George she got a bunch of cool wacky stuff from Weasley's Wizarding Wares, from Charlie she got an awesome dragon book. "What did you get me!!!???" She asked jumping in excitement I grabbed the bag off of Ron who was hiding it behind his back. Everyone but her knew what it was so was smiling madly. I took a box and got down on one knee. "Ginny ever since you have been my girlfriend my life has been amazing. I love every morning being able to open my eyes and see your smiling face. You cheer me up when I am down you're there for me through whatever and I love you. Will you make me the happiest man on earth and marry me?" I said nervously she screamed "OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH! YES!!!!!!" She cried jumping into my arms. I slid the ring on her finger "it's beautiful" she said with tears in her eyes "just like you" I said she laughed crying with happiness "look at the back" I said she took it off and looked "forever and always awww Harry" she cried "I love you so much Gin" I said "I love you too" she cried and kissed me
__________________________________________________________________________________Im so sorry I haven't updated right now my life is crazy I made it an extra long chappie to make up for it I will be updating all my other stories soon as well if you read those too if not I would recommend them. It is hard to remember to update sometimes with school and that and now my grandma has Lung cancer is dying and my life is manic but I promise I will TRY my very best to update more. Anyway I love you guys vote, comment, follow me and share
LGLWardy out xxxxx

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