24: Uh Oh

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Harry POV:
Over the next few days I was under strict commands to rest, I was allowed back to the Gryffindor common room but wasn't allowed to go to any of my lessons or Quidditch practice, and as much to my disproval Gin also missed class to take care of me she did give me an earful but once she got it out she returned to her normal, caring self. It was just after dinner and everyone was playing or watching the Quidditch practice, Gin even skipped this to take care of me and put Ron as temporary captain.

We lay on my bed just talking, "you should've gone to Quidditch" I told her for the millionth time, she laced her fingers into mine, "no I'd rather stay here and take care of you" she said squeezing my hand, "I highly doubt that, you love Quidditch" I reminded her, "true but I love you more" she said moving so she was closer to me. I smiled and sat up to kiss her, she kissed back and put her hand behind my head, I moved mine down to her hips and we stayed in this position whilst we kissed. We fell asleep half an hour later. Ron wouldn't be happy but we're married now.

That was 2 weeks ago now and I was still bed bound, it was so frustrating, tomorrow I'd finally be able to get back to class, I couldn't wait. I just woke up when I heard the door open, "hello?" I called out, a familiar voice answered, "it's just me Harry" Gin replied, she opened my curtains around my bed and set down a tray with food on it. I eyed it hungrily, "brought you some stuff from breakfast" she told me placing it in front of me, I picked it up with my good arm carefully resting it on my lap and beginning to eat, I was starving.

She watched me eat, she went to some of her lessons in the afternoon yesterday. "How was lessons?" I asked swallowing my food, "it was alright, didn't really learn anything new" she said sweeping a strand of her behind her ear, "why's that?" I asked her,  she went to answer but jumped up, "what's wrong?" I asked but she ran to the toilets that were just next to the door, I heard her retching, "are you okay love?" I asked, she coughed, "yeah I'm fine" she said weakly, this is the 3rd morning in a row she's done this, is she sick?

Hermione POV:

Ginny came down to breakfast with us, she left me and Ron when she saw the food, she ran towards the Gryffindor table and started piling her plate with food, "wow looks like she's hungry" chuckled Ron, i watched her she sat down and stared wolfing down her odd breakfast of pancakes and marmite, "yeah wonder what's up with her" I said, me and Ron sat across from her and also began eating. 

Ginny had half a plate left already, "wow this tastes great" Ginny panted in between mouthfuls, "you okay?" I asked concerned, Ron just howled with laughter, "yeah why?" She asked continuing to wolf down her food, "you have marmite on your pancakes" laughed Ron, "yeah I don't know why I just really craved pancakes and marmite" she replied clearing her plate, "but you don't even like marmite" I said, "ah well I guess I do these days" she said, "you sure you good?" I asked, "yes I told you I'm fine!" She snapped, I was slightly taken aback, "whoa calm down" said Ron, "shut up"she said sharply, I shared a look with Ronald and I opened my mouth to say something, "I don't want to hear it now if you don't mind me I'm going to take some food to my husband" she said piling a plate and walking away, picking at it slightly as she went.

We stared after her, "what was that about?" I asked, "I dunno, girls" scoffed Ron, I hit his arm, "owww" he whined.

Ginny POV:

I don't know why I totally flipped out, that was really weird, I was in a perfectly fine and happy mood 2 minutes ago, and I didn't even like marmite did I? I shook it off,  ah well people change, and I guess I am kinda stressed about my exams at the end of the year. 

I got to the portrait hole, "password?" Asked the fat lady, "Lord Voldemort is dead" I said, she swung forwards and I stepped through, nobody was around really except from Neville and Luna snogging on the sofa, aww bless. I walked up to the boys dorm and opened the door, "hello?" Harry said, "it's just me Harry" I replied, I walked to his bed and opened his curtains, he lay on his covers looking like he'd just woken up, I placed his food tray down. He looked at it quickly, "brought you some stuff from breakfast" I said sliding it towards him, he picked up with his good arm and tucked in.

I sat at the foot of his bed and watched him, his hair was a mess and I could see his bare hairyish chest, "how was lessons?" He asked, "it was alright, didn't really learn anything new" I said continuing to watch him, he didn't have his glasses on, I could see his bright emerald green eyes. "why's that?" He asked, I went to answer but suddenly my stomach flipped upside down, I jumped up quickly, "what's wrong?" Harry asked but I rushed to the boys toilet and threw up my whole breakfast down the loo. I retched again and again, the entire contents of my stomach emptying, "are you okay love?" He asked, "yeah I'm fine" I said weakly before throwing up again. 

I heard the door open again, Hermione's voice spoke, "hey Harry, feeling better?" She asked as I threw up again, "yeah I'm alright, Gin's not though" he answered, "Where is she?" Asked Ron, "in the loos throwing up" he answered, the door opened and someone held back my hair, "oh dear" Hermione said, she patted my back as I threw up one last time. 

I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and stood up, "ew" I said looking at the toilet which contained my sick, I flushed it and washed my face, Ron looked at me, "you okay sis?" He asked, "ugh I don't know this is the third day in a row this has happened" I said, "maybe you're sick?" Ron suggested "yeah maybe I should go see Madame Pomfrey" I said, Hermione looked like shocked like she'd just realised something. 

She nudged me, "hey Gin can I speak to you alone for a sec?" She asked, I nodded, "sure" I said. We walked out the bathroom and down to the common room, Neville and Luna were still the only ones there and in lip lock. Hermione turned on me, "what?" I asked, "I don't think your sick" she said, I was confused, "what?" I asked, "think about it mood swings, cravings, throwing up" she said, my eyes widened, Luna and Neville stopped kissing but we didn't notice. "But wait don'y you have to have sex to be pregnant..." Said Hermione, I looked down and gulped, "well...." I said trailing off, Hermione looked surprised, "when?!?" She asked, "2 weeks ago" I said. 

Neville stood up, "Ginny's pregnant?!" He said, I jumped, "Neville shhh" I said, he lowered his voice, "are you sure?" He asked, "well no" I said, Luna stood up to, "it does sound like it" she said, "we should do a test" said Hermione, "yeah" I agreed. "I'll do it" Luna said, she pulled out her wand and walked over to me.

She held it in front of my stomach, "pregi natee" she said quietly so no one would hear, her wand sent out a red spark, it went through my stomach and I had a weird tingling feeling inside my guts, it came out from me and hovered above her wand, it was blue a green cross in it, "you're pregnant" Luna confirmed. 

My head span, I stumbled but Neville stepped forward and caught me, I started sweating, "I- I- oh gosh" I stuttered, Hermione watched me in concern, Luna just stared at my stomach as if imagining my baby. Neville hauled me to my feet, "are you alright?" He asked, I didn't answer, I couldn't believe it, I was still a student and only 18. "Shit" I swore, "I think you should tell Harry" Luna said calmly, I gulped, "what if he hates me" I said quietly, I felt numb with shock, "I've known Harry for years, he'll be over the moon to be a dad soon" Neville said, "he's right" agreed Hermione, I shook my head, "o- okay but you guys need to keep it quiet until I tell my family" I said, they all nodded and I started towards the boys dorm.

I opened the door slowly, I was so nervous my knees shook. Harry and Ron sat chatting on his bed, they laughed and Harry looked at me, "are you okay? You look kinda pale" Harry said, I nodded, "Ron can you give us a minute please?" I asked, he stood up looking worried but nodded and walked out past me. Harry watched me, "what's up babe?" He asked, I shook and wanted to cry, "Harry I'm..." I said, he leaned forward in anticipation, "pregnant" I whispered. 

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