Chapter 19: Finished!

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Ginny POV:
I woke up on the sofa lying on Harry's bare chest. Why aren't I in bed? I wondered. "Harry.." I said, he moved wearily, "hmm?" He asked, his eyes still closed, "what time is it?" I asked, "I dunno, where'd my glasses?" He asked, "here" I said picking up his glasses and putting them on his face. "Thanks it's uhh 7:30" he said, "want to get up?" I asked, "yeah alright" he said scratching his chest. I stood up and walked over to the mirror.
"Ugh I look terrible, I've got a spot" I said looking at myself, sure enough I had a spot on my cheek and my hair was a mess. "Nah you're beautiful" said Harry walking over and wrapping his arms around me, "aww baby" I said turning around and kissing him.
The stairs creaked so we broke apart, Fred stood by the door sipping a cup of tea, "moooorning" he said with a smile, I laughed, "what?" Harry asked, "it's just like when we kissed before Bill and Fleur's wedding remember?" I asked, he nodded. "So what you two up to, today?" He asked crossing the room and sitting down on the sofa, "doing they bathrooms, spare rooms and the library" Harry said.
I let them talk and walked into the kitchen to grab some breakfast for Harry and me. Mum was in there making some food, "morning mum" I said, going to the cupboard and pulling out some cereal, "morning sweetheart" she said, "ok so me, Harry and maybe they boys will finish the house today, ok?" I said, "alright what have you got to do?" Mum asked, I poured two bowls of cereal. "Just the bathrooms, bedrooms and library" I said, "huh cool, so will you have dinner here one last time before you.. Uh, move out?" Mum asked her voice cracked, "mum, mum, of course I will" I said giving her a hug, "I cast believe it, all my little babies are going to be going off in the big world" she said, "aww mum,we're bound to grow up at some point" I said, "I'm fine, I'm fine, go on" she said waving her hand, "ok, I love you" I said going into the living room with the breakfast, George had joined Fred now, "oh thanks Gin" Harry said walking over and taking the cereal. We sat down and told the twins our plan whilst we ate. "Ok well we're just going to get showered and dressed s then go to IKEA, you can tell the other boys and Hermione the plan if you want" I said before walking into the bathroom. I showered and dressed quickly then Harry did the same. "Harry what's taking you so long?" I called after half an hour, "I've got to shave!" He called back, I sighed and ran into the bathroom he was in, he stood over the sink shirtless half of his face shaved then the half covered in white foam. I laughed, "what?" He asked with a smile, "you've got half a beard" I said pointing to the shaving cream, "yeah well now so have you" he said flicking some at me, I glared at him and hit him with a towel. 2 minutes later he came out ready, "cheeky bugger" he said kissing me, I laughed and we apparated. "Right what kind of bathroom do you want?" He asked, I mused, "modern" I said, he pulled a sheet of paper for, his pocket, "the bathrooms and measurements" he told me, I nodded and we walked into IKEA. we got a shower for every room, 2 baths, toilets, sinks, mirrors, window covers, toilet seats, towels ect. We apparated home and sent owls to tej burrow to tell the boys to come give us a hand. They arrived immediately and the bathroom stuff arrived, we directed them where to put what where and we set off to decorate the library. We had bought flooring yesterday. We had soft red cushiony carpet but you couldn't see the walls as they were covered with books, we also had bought for the library, comfy sofas, comfortable tables and chairs, a great big fireplace, a few rugs, lights ect. We installed this all in about 2 hours and were satisfied with the results, the library is always pretty dark but the lights we have are really warm so they ending result was actually really nice and cozy. We had a few sofas and tables and stuff in the middle and some sofas around the shelves so we could sit down wherever we want when we come to read. There was stairs leading to a high balcony that over looked the whole library, but you go through a doorway then the stairs and immediately in front of you, the balcony comes out of the wall almost but goes out pretty far. There's sliding ladders on all 4 of the walls and one either side of the balcony,the place was huge. It was so nice in here, "I think this is one of my favourite rooms" I said with a smile, "mine too" he replied with a grin, he put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me close as we admired our handy work. "Come on let's check on the boys" he said after a few moments, I nodded and we ran back up to the hallways, they were in the living room standing or sitting around chatting. "Oy! What you doing lounging about? There's work to do!" Harry said playfully, "finished" Fred said with a cheeky grin, "what? All of them?" I asked, "all done" he said happily, smiling too, "wow let's take a look!" I said we walked about, they had somehow even got the floor and walls we hadn't told them about. Cool blue tiles and oak wooden vinyl floor, they had out in all the little things like the bins, the cabinets with towels and flannels and stuff in, the toothbrush wall holders ect. "Wow! This is great guys" said ?Harry, "anything for our lil sis and new lil brother" said Charlie clapping Harry's shoulders, we admired the bathroom we were in for a second, "so that's everything?" Asked Percy, "I think so..." Said Harry, "hang on! What about the garden?" Ron asked, "oh that'll be easy look I'll show you, come on" he said and led us to the tip of our garden. He pulled out his wand and muttered a spell, suddenly it was like something from a magazine. We had lush green grass a white marble patio outside the door with a clear glass outdoor table, we had matching clear glass seats that actually looked surprisingly comfortable, they were those kind of S shaped ones that the legs are underneath it. We had a white marble path leading to the gate to the Wizards town. The fence was no longer rickety or faded, it was a rich reddish brown shade. "I say! What's that?" Asked Percy pointing to a weird shape across the lawn a bit, (it was a fairly big lawn), "I don't know, come on let's check it out" I said, it was a wooden platform in an odd shape kinda like a jelly bean there was a panel next to it with buttons on. "Hey what's this?" I asked walk over to it, one was labeled, "down" I pressed that slowly, the platform started to lower itself so reveal a pool, it started filling up with crystal clear water, I pressed another button saying, "warm" the water looked no different but as I dipped my hand in it felt Luke warm, I pressed another button labeled "bubbles" it started bubbling like a hot tub, "this is so cool!" Harry said, "yeah why did good 'ol Sirius never tell us about this?!?" Asked George, "I don't know" I murmured in amazement. It was beautiful, it was pretty deep and had underwater lights but they weren't normal lights they were purple and blue and green, they looked awesome and it had cool steps leading down into it. "But I suppose we should go back to the burrow" Said Ron reluctantly, we all agreed, I pressed the up button, two water drained and the platform raised again somehow it even wet. I still wanted to inspect later the other buttons, some said cold, some said waves and so on and so forth, I would have fun with that later! We apparated back and landed in the living room. "Gin? Is that you dear? Are you back already?" Mum called, "yeah mum!" I answered, "is your house all finished?" She asked, we all nodded, "where's Hermione?" Asked Ron, on queue footsteps sounded quickly on the stairs and she appeared at the door, "all done?" She asked smiling and walking over to Ron, he nodded as he kissed her head, "that's marvellous!" She exclaimed, I grinned, "when we gonna get started on ours?" She asked Ron, "not a problem" he said with a mischievous smile that even Fred and George were impressed with, "what do you mean?" Harry asked, "I cashed in a few favours, all our mates are sorting it out for us now" he said satisfied, "really?" Asked Hermione hopping up and down in excitement, he nodded. "They'll be done by tomorrow" he said, "that's great!" Bill said. We all discussed the new house and had the best meal in a long time in celebration, tomorrow we'd have everyone over ours and Hermione's. We went back late after a great night and I fell asleep in Harry's arms in our new house with the biggest smile on my face.
__________________________________________________________________________________ Sorry it's only short guys! But hopefully because of the context you won't be too mad.... Love you guys, LGLWardy out xxxx

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