Chapter 14: Normal Life At Last (Well As Normal As My Life Is)

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Harry POV:
Ginny claimed she was too tried so I took her up, "come on" I said helping her stand up, she looked exhausted, I'm not surprised after all that's happened lately. I took her hand and led her up, "Harry, I'm tired" she said dragging her feet slowly behind me, I half dragged her to her room, "I know that's why I'm taking you to bed" I said kissing her cheek, and wiping my forehead, I had only succeeded to make it to the bottom of the stairs so far. "Come on let's get you upstairs" I said taking both her hands and walking up backwards as yo face her, she smiled wearily at me, "thanks babe, love you" she said as we finally reached her room, "love you too" I told her, I sat down on the bed facing the other way as she changed into her pyjamas, "done" she said, I turned around, "right let's get you into bed, Love" I said peeling back the covers for her as I stood. She hopped in, I pulled the covers over her, "I'm going back downstairs for a bit, love you" I said kissing her forehead, "Harry, can't you stay with me?" She asked, "Gin, I want-" I began, "please" she pouted, I groaned looking towards the door and back at her, she pouted adorably, "please Harry" she begged, "fine" I said grinning, she giggled as I hopped into bed, lay behind her and wrapped my arms around her, she melted in my embrace and I kissed her neck.
Ron POV:
"They've been up there a while, maybe I should check on them" I said looking up at the ceiling, Sirius just grinned and chuckled, "what?" I asked, "like father, like son" he said, my eyes widened, "right I'm definitely checking on them!" I said jumping to my feet, "leave them be, me and you get our alone time" said Hermione pulling me back down, Sirius chuckled to himself reminiscing, "mum?" I asked, she lips were in a thin line now, "let them have their fun, Ginny's not a little girl anymore" she said sternly, I groaned unhappily. "Still" I muttered. We decided to watch a muggle "film" that was showing, it was called Finding Nemo, it was really good, "Molly, since it's late I was wondering if I could maybe stay the night?" Asked Sirius after the film ended, "of course Sirius, you're like family now after all you've done!" Cried mum, he laughed heartily, "thank you Molly, you're family have done great honour to me too" he said, mum took him to the guest bedroom, "now off to bed all of you!" She called as she left with Sirius, I kissed Hermione and we went up to my room.
Harry POV:
Ginny had fallen asleep immediately after we had finished kissing about 20 minutes ago, she wasn't lying, she really was tired!! I'd been watching her, her beautiful red hair a bit messy now, I moved a strand from her face, she was smiling in her sleep, I was leaning on my elbow looking at her, I lay down to go to sleep, "Harry..." She murmured, I heard Dobby come in. "Mmm?" I asked quietly looking at her, but she was talking her sleep. I lay down and listened to her, "no" she muttered, "Cho..." She muttered angrily, I smiled, it was cute she was so protective over me, "bat bogey" she murmured "Harry" she whispered, fiercely, I looked at her, she sounded very awake but still her eyes were closed and she slept, "I will kill you Cho, Harry... NOOOOOO" she shouted sitting bolt upright, "are you ok, Ginny?" Asked Dobby, she rubbed her eyes, sitting up, "bad dream" she said nodding, Dobby fell back asleep "want to talk about it?" I asked her, she shook her head, "do you love me?" She asked, "more than Hogwarts and Quidditch" I said confused at where this had came from, "ok, goodnight!" She said lying down, she pretended to sleep but I know she was awake. She didn't even kiss me like she normally did.
Ginny POV:
I was having a nightmare, but it was one of those really long ones, this is how it started....
I was walking up stairs after dinner, I had noticed Cho had been watching me and Harry over dinner, "hey, why's Cho watching us?" I asked him as we began walking up the stairs hand in hand, "I dunno" Harry said, we walked up to the common room, "oh I just remembered, I have to speak to Professor Lupin" said Harry, "I'll come with you" I said, "uhh no, it's personal" he said, "I'm your girlfriend, there's no need to be ashamed" I said taking a step towards him, "please Gin it's embarrassing" he said turning red, I sighed "fine, you better be back soon" I said kissing him, I smirked, he smiled weakly and ran down the stairs again. I entered the common room and sat down on the sofa, "where's Harry?" Asked Hermione looking up from her book, "he said he needs to talk to Professor Lupin" I sighed, She exchanged an unsure look with Ron who sat next to her, "what?" I asked "Professor Lupin isn't here, he left the castle this morning in a job for Dumbledoor, he told Harry he was off" said Hermione, my heart dropped, "I'll be right back" I said getting up, "do you want Me to go with you?" Asked Ron caringly, "no it's fine thanks Ron, love you" I said gratefully as I stepped out the portrait, I ran down the stairs and into the corridor, I made towards Lupin's classroom. I stopped the door was slightly open, I could see a shadow of two people on the wall. I listened I heard voices, one was Harry's, "she won't find out" he said, find out what? My mind said, I thought, "no it's fine, he wouldn't" I said to myself, I heard another voice, Cho's.... "It'll be our dirty little secret" she said, the shadows on the wall joined together, I gasped, and ran in, I saw them, Cho sat on the desk, Harry was kissing her, stroking her cheek, they were kissing in a passionate way, the way me and Harry used to kiss me (in the dream, we still do in real life). "Harry!" I gasped, he jumped away from her in shock, his glasses crooked, he had a mark on his neck, "Ginny! Uhhh hey?" He said nervously rubbing the back of his neck, Cho looked at me, smirking in satisfaction, "no" I said to myself quietly "hey? What are you doing?!?" I asked in horror, "it's not what it looks like" he began, "we were making out behind your back" Cho said happily, I took out my wand, "Cho, I will perform the bat bogey hex if you don't shut your slutty mouth" I spat angrily, Harry walked over and put an arm around her defensively, "Harry!?" I whispered furiously, he glared at me, tears pricked my eyes, a tear rolled down my cheek, "Awww poor Ginny, I stole your man, and now you're gonna cry to your big bwother Won who'll make it all better" laughed Cho, "I will kill you Cho!!! Harry ho- I began he took out his wand, "Expelliarmus!" He said pointing at me, as I flew against the wall, I saw him smile and kiss Cho again, "NOOOOOOO!!!" I screamed before waking up, "are you ok, Ginny?" Asked Dobby, I sat up and nodded "bad dreams" I said, he fell asleep, Harry lay next to me "do you want to talk about it?" He asked concerned, I shook my head "do you love me?" I asked, "more than Hogwarts and Quidditch" he said looking up into my eyes, he was confused where this was coming from, that should've been reassurance but the dream felt so real, "ok goodnight!" I said quickly, I lay down pretending to be asleep but I replayed over and over in mind what I saw. I think I got back to sleep after a few hours, although I woke up in cold sweat, I had had more dreams, I don't know why I was suddenly having these dreams, it hadn't crossed my mind once. Harry had been watching me intently, "you ok?" he asked concerned, "uhh, yes" I said moving away a bit which resulted in me falling out of bed, he laughed "you sure?" he asked peering down at me, "pssh, yeah just chilling on the floor, that a problem?" I asked, "nope, so your dreams" he said offering me a hand, I hesitated and took it, he pulled me back up onto the bed, I told him about what I saw in the dreams. HE laughed "that's what got you so worried?" he asked, "don't laugh, it's not funny!" I said hitting his arm, "heh, sorry, look Love, sure I had a thing for Cho once, but I love you not her, honestly I don't know what I saw in her, when I was with her all she did was cry or yell at me" Harry said, I laughed "you really love me?" I asked, "as I said more than Hogwarts and Quidditch" he said moving my hair, she hesitated looking into my eyes and crawled under the covers and snuggled up to me, I put my arm around her, she took my glasses and put them on me, "there, now you can see properly" she smiled, "thanks Love" I smiled as everything came into focus. "And when we get up in a bit, life will be normal, Fred is back to life and he's going to work today, dad who's been working on a job in Japan is back, he's probably home by now" I said, Harry nodded and kissed my head, he kissed me and we lay in bed for a minute or two enjoying our company and got up and getting changed. We walked downstairs laughing hand in hand. "Hello Gin" said Dad walking into the hallway in hsi bathrobe, cup of tea in hand, "Dad!" I cried hugging him, "how you doing Harry?" he asked me, "very good thank you Sir, and you? How was your buisiness trip?" I asked him, "good, I hear your marrying my duaghter, how's he treating you?" he asked me, "Dad!" I cried in embarassment, "is he though?" he asked "yes he is!" I said, "well ok" dad said, Harry laghed nervously, "ah! How you doing little sis?" asked Fred coming out teh bathroom, his hair wet, "good, how is it to be alive?" I asked him jokily, "it's a little weird to think I died to be honest but I can't wait to work again" he said, "hey I'm home!" called Percy from somewhere, "hey!" I called back, "where's Fred?" he asked "in the hallway!" I called he ran out the living room, "good to have you back, Freddy" joked Percy, he ahd changed since Fred died, he became more light hearted and joky almost to make Fred proud, be the brother he never was, "good to see you Perce" Fred said clapping a hand on PErcy's back, "alright well it's gettiong slightly crouded in here" Harry said, "sorry I'll go help your mother Gin" dad said, "yeah I better get changed into more comfortable clothes" said Percy running upstairs, "Fred get your clothes on! We need to go to work!" called George from upstairs, "ok, I'm coming up!" Fred called, "so what's the plan for today?" I asked, "I don't know maybe help your brothers with their store?" suggested Harry, "yeah alright, well first I got to feed the chickens, come with?" I asked him, he nodded, I grabbed the feeding basket and poured some seed in it and went to the coop, "I've never seen your chickens" Harry said, "really?" I asked in surprise, "no" he said looking about, "ok, well this is Maddie, Ron's favourite, Cooper, he's usually our mating chicken, Jean, she's our other mating chicken and here are our new born chicks" I said showing him our chickens, "cool!" he pondered as I let them all out of their special cages and threw seed down, they swarmed, "look hold out your hands like this" I told him showing him, he did so, I looked about and picked up a fluffy yellow chick with a cool lightningish mark across it's wing, I placed it in his hands, "this is my favourite chick, Harry, because it reminds me of your scar" I said, he laughed "I'm so honoured to ahve a chicken named after me" he said, "such an honour I know" I laughed, I paused "can I see your scar again?" I asked, "why?" he asked as he stroked Harry softly with his finger, "I think it's cute" I said smiling, with one hand he lifted his messsy hair to reveal the lightning shaped mark, I was pretty much the only one he showeed it to, he got fed up of people askinng, excpet from when I ask. "Right let's grab some breakfast" he said puttig Harry down as I put them all back in their cages and agthered the egg, "how about fried egg?" I asked holding them up, "sounds good" he laughed, "ohh sorry guys!" I called as we walked back to the house. Fred and George had already left for work, we went into the kitchen had our breakfast and went to the living room, "right let's go to Diagon Alley then" I siad and we flooed there, we quickly ran into Weasley's Wizarding Wares, "hey guys" Harry said as we waked in, "hello, here to help or buy?" asked George hopping down from a ladder he was using to put up a sign, "we're here to help" I said smiling, "okay well Harry you can help George put up that sign there" Fred said handing him a few tools lying on the counter where he was counting money, "cool" he said and went to work securing it with nuts and bolts and stuff, "what about me? What can I do?" I asked, "you sis, can advertise our love potions" Fred said pointing to the display, "why me?" I asked, "you're kidding, a pretty face like yours could earn us galleons!" said Fred tickling my chin in a brotherly, I laughed, "sure ok, I think you need glasses" I said walking over to the potions, "nah, tell 'er Harry" said George, "yeah you're awesome!" Harry said, "heh thanks, now shut up" I joked, a few customers came in, "hello, welcome to Weasley's Wizrding Wares" said Fred jumping forward to greet them, "can I interest you in a love potion?" I asked, he looked at me, he was a guy tall and muscly,he had messy hair like Harry's "hmm maybe" he mused, "go on, a handsome fella like you must have your eye on some lucky lady" I joked, "does it work?" He asked, "course it works!" I said, holding up a bottle, "maybe you and I should try it just to be sure" he said walking towards me and trying to put his arm around me, I ducked under it, sorry love, taken, do you want it or not" I asked keeping my cool, "yeah alright, how much?" He asked smiling at me, "Fred how much?" I called, "5 galleons" he replied, "5 galleons? That's a rip off!!" He said disguted, "ahh but love is priceless" I said, "how long will it work for?" He asked rubbing his chin thoughtfully, "24 hours, if in 24 hours you woo them enough they'll love you with this, what'dya say?" I asked, "ah go on!" He said giving in and pulling out his wallet, he handed me the gold coins and I handed him the bottle, "cheers beautiful" he said, I held back an insult, once he left Harry hopped down from the ladder, "what was that?" He asked, "what?" I asked putting the money in the cash register, "the flirting with him!!" He exclaimed angrily, "it weren't flirting, it was complimenting selling" I said, "yeah Harry, haven't you heard of it, nobody's going to buy anything unless you're nice and you sell it to them" said George, "I don't like it" .harry grumbled, "I love you Harry" I reminded him kissing him, "you better" he said smiling, he kissed my nose before climbing up the ladder again and securing the sign, we helped out there selling and fixing sorts all day, "I'm gonna head home now, I'll tell mum you'll be back soon yeah?" I said to the twins as me and Harry started walking to the door, "hang on a sec guys" said George who was counting the money, "what?" Asked Harry, "you think we're gonna let you do all that hard work all day for nothing?" He asked, "you don't have to give us anything" I said, "we've earned 4 bags of money thanks to you guys!" Cried Fred, next to George were 3 sacks on coins, eh dumped one out to count, "here you are!" He said scooping up a handful of galleons and handing them to us, "thanks George!" I said looking at it in awe, "no prob, tell mum we'll be home soon" he said, we flooed home and walked into the kitchen, Percy was standing there drinking a cup of tea, "hello lil sis" he said, "hey Perce, you seem mum anywhere?" I asked, "upstairs" he said, "thanks Percy" I said running upstairs Harry at my heels, "mum Fred and George will be home for tea they got to count 4 bags of money thanks to us" I called, "ok dear, thank you" she called from one of the rooms. Ron and Hermione walked upstairs laughing, "Harry, Ginny you guys are just on time, Ronald and I were going to watch a film, care to join us?" Hermione asked, I looked at Harry, "yeah alright thanks guys" he said, following them into Ron's room, "where you two been today then?" Asked Ron, "helping Fred and George earn 4 bags full 'a cash" Harry said proudly, "caw, nice one mate!" Ron said sitting on his sofa. We sat and watched James Bond, a nice day in total with life back to normal (well as normal as it can be for a teenage witch dating Harry Potter).

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