27: Announcements

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Harry POV:

I turned over my arm draped over Gin, her head resting on my chest, I smiled my eyes still closed, I loved waking up everyday next to her. She and my baby.

I fell back asleep and dreamt of our baby boy or girl, I dreamt of a son, I dreamt I cradled him in my arms, a pair of brilliant green eyes staring up at me, he cooed softly and I chuckled, "that's my boy" I said proudly and woke up.

Ginny was sat on my chest staring down at me, "hi" she giggled, "hello" I replied in amusement, she giggled again, "a son?" She asked smirking, "I don't mind either way as long as they're happy and healthy" I said, she smiled and leaned down kissing me lightly, "what was that for?" I asked with a grin, "just cuz" she said with a smile, "I do love you Ginerva Potter" I said, "and I love you Harry Potter" we laughed together and I pulled her close.

My hand rested on her stomach, "hey baby" I said softly, she laughed, "I'm your daddy" I said, "you sure you want to?" She asked, "yeah of course!" I said honestly, "thank you" she said, "always" I said with a smirk, "you idiot" she laughed, I agreed "my idiot" she added, I grinned, I felt so happy with the way life was going right now, it's amazing, I'm getting a great education, I can be an aurora, I have a wife and now a kid on the way. 

She stretched, "we'd better get up" she said, I moaned, "do we have to, I'm comfy right here" I said holding her waist and cuddling her, she smiled "yeah me too but we have to get up"  Gin said, "ugh okay" I said, I got up and got dressed with Ginny. I started trying to tame my messy hair whilst she looked at me, "Harry..." she said, "Hm?" I asked, "when are we going to tell everyone?" She asked sitting on ur bed next to me, she put her hand on mine, "whenever you want" I answered looking at her.

 She was quiet for a second, "do you want to tel them today?" She asked, I finished my hair, "sure" I said, she leaned her head on my shoulder, I wrapped an arm around her. There was a knock at the door, "come in"Gin called, the door opened, it was a lanky ginger called Ron. He looked at us, "hurry up you two!" He said, I laughed, "sorry" I said half apologetically, "enough of the lovey dovey, do you want to miss breakfast?" He asked, "right we're coming" Gin said standing up. 

We walked downstairs after Ron, Hermione was sat casually on the big sofa, patiently waiting I assume. Ron walked over to her, softly nudging her shoulder, "Hermione, "we're ready to go to breakfast now" he said, she looked at him, "oh okay let's go then|" she said with a smile. All four of us walked out the portrait hole and started down to the Great Hall. 

My hand was in Gin's as we walked, "guys" I said, they looked at me, "what?" Asked Ron, "me and Ginny want to tell our friends today" I said, Ginny smiled and squeezed my hand, "yeah, we thought it'd be better sooner rather than later" she said, Ron grinned "brilliant" he said, "that's great!" Added Hermione.

We walked down the first set of stairs, "when today will you do it?" Ron asked, Ginny turned to me, "when will we do it?" she asked, I thought for a second, "we can do it now when we get down to breakfast?" I suggested, she nodded, "sounds good to me" she replied, Hermione groaned, "I love all this, it's so exciting you two having a child together" she said, I agreed, "I can't wait to be a father to this little girl or boy" I said snaking my arm around Gin's waist to feel her stomach. 

I stopped, the others walked for a few paces before releasing I wasn't with them, they turned around, "Harry you okay?" Asked Hermione concerned, I nodded, "it just hit me" I said, "what?" Asked Ginny, "we should tell Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall first, considering they've been like a family to us" I said, Ginny nodded, "yeah that's true" she said, "we can stop at Dumbledore's office quickly now before breakfast" Ron said. 

So we turned around and headed up the stairs to Dumbledore's office. We knocked on the secret door outside his office, a muffled voice called out the password and told us to come in as the gargoyle sprung to life leaping out of the way and letting us in. 

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