Chapter 2: Quidditch

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Ginny POV

After tea I wanted to see what the sleeping arrangement was so I like usual dragged Harry along with me. "Hey Mum what are the sleeping arrangements?" I asked a rushing about cleaning Mum Bill and Charlie, Percy and George, Harry and Ron, you and Hermione" she said picking up a sheet of paper with a list of names. "But Mum can't me and Harry sleep together? Anyway Ron and Hermione will probably want to sleep together" I pleaded Mum with puppy dog eyes, "Oh I'm not sure about that dears" she said sternly "why? we're just sleeping!" I said still puppy dog eyesing mum, "well, if you don't do anything-" Mum began "wait, Mum are you suggesting me and Harry shag?!?!" I asked horrified. "well..." she began "I can't believe you'd-" I started loudly but Harry cut me off "easy love, Mrs Weasley I would never think about such things with Ginny yet I'm only 17 and she's 16, we're too young to think about that stuff" Harry said switching between looking at me and Mum "yeah I am only 16! How could you think me and Harry shag! Just because we love each other! You are so unbelievable Mum!" I finished rather loudly but no one else heard I stormed into the living room and Harry chased after me after apologising to a rather surprised mum with her hands held up in surrender. I groaned when I sat down heavily on the sofa, Harry sat down next to me and held my hand and rubbed my back soothingly. "What's wrong with you?" George asked as he and Ron who were talking about Quidditch teams, "nothing, it's just we asked for the sleeping arrangements and mum thought we were shagging" I said grumpily "well are you?" asked George just as sternly as mum "No!" I said dignantly "you better not be!" Ron added strictly "right that's it Harry we're going somewhere where people won't think we're shagging!" I said getting up sharply "okay" he agreed quite happily "oh and I swear you two not anything like that yet!" he said seeing Ron and George's suspicious looks "not them two as well!" I muttered as for once Harry dragged me upstairs. "So what doo you want to do then?" I asked when we got outside my room. "how about watching a DVD?" he asked "what's a DVD?" I asked "it's a muggle thing, its a circular piece if metal called a disc and stored in side of the disc is somethin called a video, a video is taken on a camera which is a device used to take pictures but a muggle camera takes videos as well a pictures. a video basically records what happens in real life to be replayed and watched. In the video muggles act out a film. So they pretend to be someone else for entertainment as it is videod and watched on DVDs" Harry explained patiently "I know what a camera is you idiot" I said jokily slapping his chest "okay chill out, so do you want to watch a film?" he said laughing "what's a film?" i asked "it's a DVD, just a diffrent name there's also a tape, documentory but that's a factual one and a video and episode/ series" he siad smiling. "okay sure" I replied walking into my room and plonking myself down on my sofa in front of the television and patting the spot next to me for Harry to sit down. He summoned a DVD player and a few DVDs. "What about some popcorn?" I asked smiling at him cheekily "What about some popcorn, what?" he asked smiling back even more cheekily "please" I said pleading him with my puppy dog eyes, he looked away knowing if he looked at my eyes he would give in "what about if you begged me?" he said smiling "Harry James Potter get the damn popcorn or no kisses for a month!" I said death galring him "or that'll work" he said kissing on top of my head and pulling a big bowl of popcorn out of thin air and handing it to me "thanks Baby love you!" I said as if nothing happened, "your welcome Love I love you too" he replied looking slightly scared still from my threat. After about 20 minutes Ron and Hermione came up to see what we were doing. "See Ronald they're just watching a film" Hermione said to Ron who was probably worried about what we were doing like the over protective brother he is. He cocked his head in confusion so Hermione went over the whole concept of fillms. "Oh!" he said "hey guys can we join you?" Ron asked "Harry?" I asked "sure!" he replied I was snuggled against Harry's chest his chin resting on my head when Ron sat down Hermione positioned herself in a similar fashion. "what'ya watchin'?" Hermione asked "Cinderella" Harry replied, Hermione raised her eyebrows and laughed "What?! It's fot Ginny!" he said dignantly "sure it is Harry!" said Hermione sarcastically "it is!" he cried "don't listen to them baby!" I said lifting up his chin and kissing him "it's actually a really decent film" I said after we broke apart "really? what's it about?" Ron asked "it's about a girl whose mother dies so her father remarried and when he died the woman became the girls stepmum and she had two ugly stepsisters as well and they all mistreated her as a slave, until she snuck out to a ball she wasn't allowed to attend and that's where we are" I summed up "oh cool" he said his eyes glued to the screen however mine started to feel heavy I yawned "you tired?" Harry asked "yeah a little bit" I lied struggling to keep my eyes open "okay, well if you need to you can take a nap" he said soothingly. Aww he's the best boyfriend ever! I thought before sleep got the best of me. "Gin" a kind caring voice whispered "Gin wake up" it said warm soft hands shook me softly I groaned "come on Gin wake up" it said once again so kind so reasuring I felt a pair of lips on mine making me tingle with pleasure, I opened my eyes to see a pair of emarald green eyes stare into my milk chocalate ones. the exact same emarald green eys that makes my heart melt and has the ability to take my breath away and unable to do anything but stare deeply into them. "every morning I can wake up to see you takes my breath away and makes me feel like I'm the luckiest person alive I love you more than I can say beutiful" Harry said I yawned and answered "back at'ya my handsome Shakespeare" I said and kissed him, we kissed for about a few minutes before breaking apart both grinning ear to ear. "come on I'll help you get up" he said loyally standing up and offering a strong hand to me, I accepted it and he hoisted me out of the soft, warm bed into the cold, fresh world. "Can you do me a favour Gin?" he asked looking once again down into my chocolate brown eyes he's quite a few inches taller than me. "Do you even need to ask?" I said jokily "whatd'ya need and I'll be there" I said poetically "1. hold this for me" he said taking off his sh9irt tio reveal a well built chest with a firm six pack resting on a slender built stomach his muscular arms attached to his rugby player squared shoulders. He saw me starimg and drooling slightly and asked smiling cheekily "like what you see" I nodded vigrously "well part 2 you'll like I usually do push ups and chin ups in the morning and I was wondering if you could count for me" he explained "okay sure" I said cooly although feeling happy inside at his request "sound" he said and dropped down to the floor into the push up position "ready?" he asked "yep" I answered "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,3,7,38,39.40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50" I counted, I then counted to 50 on chinups as well by the time he'd finished he was sweaty and panting. "whew! new reccord" he said wiping sweat off his forehead, he went to kiss me again but I pulled away "not until you've had a shower smelly" I said laughing at his unhappy face, he showered then I showered and then finally we walked downstairs hand in hand. "where is everyone?" I asked "oh they had breakfast ages ago but I waited for you" he said as we walked into the kitchen, "oh okay thanks Harry" I said reaching for two breakfast bowls "no, you sit down, I'll make us breakfast" he said pushing me into a chair. "But Harry-" I tried "no I insist just relax anything for my Gin" he said crossing his arms we had a glaring competition then but he won for once "fine!" I said knowing I was beat and threw my hands up in asperation, he just smiled. I watched him as he quickly got out two cups, put water in the kettle and set it onto boil, put two teabags into the cups, got out two bowls, fillled them with Wiz-flakes, put some bread in the toaster, poured the water into the cups, took the toast out and buttered it, then took the teabags out and added milk to the tea and cereal in a mere matter of minutes then put it all on the table then for fun summoned a single rose in a delicate, thin glass vase placed it in the centre of the table next to it were two lit candles and used the darkness spell to dim the lights in the room romantically. "How-?" I asked he cut me off "after years of slaving away for the Dursley's you tend to learn a little grace" he said smiling and sitting down "why didn't you just use magic?" I asked "it's not as romantic and heartfelt then" he said biting into a slice of toast. "The dead has arisen!" announced George jokily as Harry cleared our dishes when we finished "oh shut up you!" I said joking along "how'd you sleep" George said wiggling his eyebrows "fine thank you" I said sophisticatedly "didn't talk in your sleep did you?" said George tickling me "heeheeheehee, No! Stop that! no I did not" I said giggling for George knows my most ticklish spots. "well... actually..." Harry said rubbing his neck "oh gosh" I said putting my head in my hands "what did I say" I asked depite not really wanting to know the answer as I was already cringing terribly. "You kept saying Haaaaarwy! I wuv you! and Go near my man Chwo and I'll ninja kwick you off Hogwartsss" he said laughing "meh that ain't so bad once I heard her say Nooo! He's mineee! Haaaaaawy Potter's aaaall mineeeee!" said Bill casually walking in with a mug in his hand "crush alot?!" cried George I turned a deep crimson "Guys!!!!!" I cried so embarrassed "Percy! tell him what you caught her doing a few months ago!" called Bill then Percy walked in grinning and said "Oh yeah a few months ago I heard groaning coming from her room so I went to check on her and saw her heavily making out with her pillow in her sleep, and saying "Harry! You the best boyfwiend ever I wuv you and pwease never weave me!" everyone but burst into laughter including Harry but he mouthed to me "love you" I blushed so much I looked like I was a suffocating fire truck that was bleeding. I dragged Harry into the living room away from the laughing Weasley's "and for the reccord I think it's cute you talk in your sleep especially the one about ninja kicking Cho!" he said seeing me blush

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