Chapter 10: half term and going home

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Fred POV:
I came back as a ghost and reunited with them all, as it was the weekend I spent all day with them catching up, but it was half term so I was going home. I was kind of worried to see mum's reaction. It's amazing, I'll be able to live at home again, well not live... I'm dead... And I'll work as well! I can't wait!! I was aloud to sleep in the common room as an exception. Ur was weird, ghosts actually sleep and cry and still feel and we eat and drink too! But I had another treat for Harry. Dobby was a ghost too. But he was currently hiding out at the burrow. Mum didn't know though. "Morning Fred!" Said Harry beaming, "morning Harry" I replied smiling, to think he'll soon be my brother in law. "Better get packing then, Mrs Weasley's going to freak when she sees you, I'm just worried how she'll react when she can't hug you" said Harry picked up a few books and stuffing them into his trunk. "Don't worry, I know just what to say" I said tapping my nose, he laughed, "you know it's great seeing you alive, all of you really!" He said putting down his trunk and sitting on it. "Harry!" Cried Gin running up to him and kissing him hard, he stumbled but caught her, I chuckled watching them,by hey did look cute, I must admit. "Morning Fred!" Said Ginny radiating pure happiness she had the biggest smile glued to get face. "Guys we got to go!" Said Ron putting his head around the door. Ginny went to pick up her trunk but Harry insisted on taking it, I gave him an approving look. Harry, Gin, Ron, Hermione me and George walked to boats. I walked back a bit with George. "So how's business at the shop like?" I asked grinning, amazing we're thriving more than ever now" he said, "I'm so glad I get to see little Ronniekins and Gin grow up" I said sighing, "Gin's getting married though, can you believe it? It seems like just yesterday she was telling us all she would grow up and marry Harry Potter" said George laughing. "Wait I just had a weird thought, I'm going to have to attend my own funeral" I said, George laughed at the look on my face. We arrived at the boats, Harry and Gin were talking, Ron was kissing ?Hermione. I looked at George and we nodded in understanding. "Aww is ickle Ronniekins kissing his girlfriend?" I started, "ickle Ronniekins is growing up" cooed George, "shut it" he said turning red, "Aww ickle Ronniekins has a temper!" Said George, "I think ickle Ronniekins should learn a lesson" I said nudging him, he fell into the lake, "great, Fred if you weren't dead I'd kill you!!" He said, but he had a small smile tugging at his lips. I gave him a hand out. "Dryio!" He said pointing at his clothes with his wand, his clothes were immediately dry. We hopped in the boats and just talked we soon arrived at the station where the Hogwarts Express already was waiting for us, everyone clambered on excitedly. I just took it in a nut before I got on also, I missed this place when I died. We all took one cabin, I saw that Diggory guy going towards his old crowd, Cho seemed pretty happy. "Anything from the trolley dears?" Asked the old lady, "my my, Mr Weasley you're alive!" She said shocked as she saw me, she remembered me from years of me and George creating trouble on the way to and from Hogwarts. "No, I'm a ghost actually" I said grinning, "oh" she gasped stumbling back, "can we have 6 chocolate frogs and 6 every flavour beans?" Interrupted Hermione, she nodded and handed them her, Hermione reached for the money, "no Hermione it's on me" I told her, "no I can't ask that of you, you just came back and everything" she said, "no, as a celebration of my coming back, I'm paying" I said firmly, "fine" Hermione sighed. I gave the lady the money and she moved on. I ate my chocolate frog and nearly choked seeing the card, "what?" Asked George, the card read "Fred and George Weasley, well known trouble making twins. Unfortunately Fred Weasley died in the war against Voldemort as a hero" there we were grinning chucking fireworks. "We're cards!!" Cried George, "so am I!" Said Harry, his read "Harry Potter, the boy who lived, fought and killed Voldemort in the war as on many other occasions. Part of the Golden Three" with Harry and his wand out a determined look in his face. "And me!" Said Ginny, "Ginny Weasley a brave and determined wizard fought in the war and girlfriend of Harry Potter" she was there smiling sweetly. "Us two" said Ron. Ron's "Ron Weasley, keeper. Best friend of Harry Potter and boyfriend of Hermione Granger. Fought in the war. Part of the Golden Three" Ron was standing with his arms crossed smirking. Hermione's "Hermione Granger, well known genius wizard. best friend of Harry Potter, girlfriend of Ron Weasley. Fought in the war. Part of the Golden Three". "Wow I can't believe it" Hermione said, we are powerful wizards I said flexing my muscles, "what muscles are you trying to show?" Joked Gin squinting. It wasn't long before we had arrived at the Burrow. "Me first" I told them quietly as we sneaked up, they nodded. "Mum I'm home" I called, I heard a scream, Mum came to the door, holding a frying pan and white as a sheet. "Is it you?" She asked, "I'm a ghost" I told her, she sobbed with happiness, "I'm sorry to say, you can't touch me, you go right through" I told her, tears formed in her eyes, but they were different. "Oh Fred, I can never hug you again?" She asked sadly, I shook my head gravely, "mother, I may not be touched, but I still can eat, drink, sleep, cry, feel, live my normal life except from the fact I can't have relationships or be touched. I can still talk to you. I will still get up, have breakfast, go to work, come home and eat tea, go to bed and repeat" I told her, she nodded and wiped her eyes, the rest came in. "Oh my dears" she said hugging them in turn. She looked at me sadly. "I love you mum" I said, "oh Fred, my baby, you're still- dead... But that doesn't mean I will stop loving and caring for you" she said. "Come on, I'll take you to our room, you're side... We never touched it... It's exactly the same as it was last year when you left for school" George said and we raced upstairs.
Molly POV:
Fed and George raced upstairs, I collapsed in a chair at the table, "mum, are you ok?" Asked Ginny, I sobbed, "Oh Fred!" I cried my head in my hands, "mum he's back! There's no need to cry" Ginny said, sitting across from me and holding my hands, "I want so badly to hug him and kiss him and never let him go. To know he's alive and never had to suffer in such a way!" I cried uncontrollably, "who knows mum, maybe we could find a spell of something, or make one" said ?Ron coming to hug me, I hugged him tight, "I know, I know, I've just missed him and dreamt of seeing him for so long now, and he's dead!" I said, "can you just give us a minute, babe?" Asked Ginny turning to Harry, he nodded "of course" he said, "I'll go too" said Hermione and they left to the front room. "You say he's back but he isn't really, he died, he saw the light, it may be his soul, but his body is dead" I sobbed again, "oh mum don't say that, we can do something, I'm sure of it, we lot are one of the most powerful wizards, we'll find something" Ron said, "you're right I'm just being silly, and I don't want Fred to hear me upset" I said wiping my eyes, I stood up, Ron and Ginny hugged me, I kissed their heads, "what lovely children I have" I said and went to make dinner.
Fred POV:
Poor mum. I had heard everything, she's right, I'm dead, I'm no longer alive, my soul is just bound to the earth, it was my choice but was it right. What if they couldn't find a spell. Voldemort came alive but I don't want to use any dark magic or anything. "Fred whatever you're thinking don't, mum's just a bit shocked, but Ron's right we can find a spell or make one even, they are very powerful wizards" George said putting a hand on my shoulder, "Coldemort came back alive, I know, but I don't want to use dark magic" I said, "I'm certain there's a way that isn't bad, if not I will make one, I promise you, I will bring you to Life fully" George said, "ok, I'm going to take a nap, ghosts have to sleep too, and there' said lot to take on" I said, he nodded, I went to my room, everything was exactly the way I left it last year when I left for school not knowing I wouldn't be back for a long while.
__________________________________________________________________________________ hey guys LGLWardy here, so what do you think, Fred being brought back to life with a spell or nah? It's up to you guys, comment and tell me what you think. Thanks Love ya guys
LGLWardy out xxxxxx

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