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Sick Xu weizhou

At lunch time

After finish morning class Xiao Zhan come to University's cafeteria and sat their usual table without order anything and start waiting for his friends to come. After 10min waiting Wang yibo, Huang Jingyu, jia Zhengyu, Zhou Cheng, yu bin come Xiao Zhan at them and say "hey" to them and they respond with smile and "hey" to Xiao Zhan too but Wang yibo avoid Xiao Zhan and didn't say "hey" nor look at him just sat on his usual seat beside Xiao Zhan. Xiao Zhan feel pang in heart and lower his head with some sadness.
After 2min Jiang song, Emily Qi, and Zhou meng come say "hey" to their friends and sat on their seat. All of them order their order and start digging in silence.

"By the way guy's where is Xu weizhou I didn't see him in the morning nor now?" Xiao Zhan break the silence.

"Yess! I also didn't see Xu weizhou ge?!" Asked yu bin and Emily Qi.

"Ahh! He is sick so he leave for 2days and after evening class I go to see him" Reply Huang Jingyu.

"What! Why I don't know this!" Said Zhou Cheng in some worried tone.

"How! When he get sick!" Asked Xiao Zhan in some shocked and worried tone.

"Where he is now! In hospital or home" asked Zhou meng.

"I'll come with you after evening class okay!" Said jia Zhengyu to Huang Jingyu.

"Yess! Mee too!" Said Xiao Zhan.

"Mee too" said Zhou Cheng and Zhou meng.

"Same here!" Said yu bin and Emily Qi.

"I'm in too! Said Jiang song.

"Ok ok fine! We will go to him after evening class and you are not coming yibo?...!" Said Huang Jingyu.

"I'm also coming!" Asked Wang yibo with cold tone before replying yibo glance to Xiao Zhan with corner of eyes.

"Ok so decided we will go to see a sick Xu weizhou. Chuckle Huang Jingyu.

After finish their lunch all of them starting to their classes but Xiao Zhan just looking at Wang yibo in sad eyes while got up from the table Xiao Zhan get a last glance at Wang yibo before go to class and unconsciously a drop of tear roll down to his cheek and Xiao Zhan wipe it immediately.

"Why am I crying for no reason!" Mumble Xiao Zhan and left.

Wang yibo get a last glance at Xiao Zhan before Xiao Zhan leave after Xiao Zhan disappeared Wang yibo smile at him.

"Sorry bunny! I have to do that! Mumble Wang yibo in sad tone and left for class.

After evening class end Xiao Zhan, Wang yibo, Huang Jingyu, Zhou Cheng, Jia Zhengyu, Jiang song, and yu bin come to University's gate and wait for Emily Qi and Zhou meng.
After 5min waiting Zhou meng and Emily Qi come to their friends.

"Sorry for late!" Say Zhou meng.

"And thank you for waiting!" Say Emily Qi.

"It's ok but why are you late!" Asked Xiao Zhan.

"We have to submit our assignment today so that's why we're late!" Said Zhou meng.

"Ok ok now let's go guy's!" Said Zhou Cheng.

"Zhou Cheng I'll go with Huang Jingyu in his car you go. okay!" Said Xiao Zhan.

"And I'll go with Zhou Cheng." Say Zhou meng.

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