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Next morning everyone get ready had breakfast and goes out to roam the beautiful Hawaii till evening and decide to have dinner at restaurant after dinner the elders went back to Villa and others stay for some long to take a walk near the beach and eat fry sea shell and shrimp.

"This shrim is so tasty I never eat it before like this." Said Jiang Song with satisfied smile

"Yeah Mee too." Said Emily Qi

"It's really tasty I want to eat more." Said Xiao Zhan and pout

"No Zhan baby this is enough we will eat next time ok." Said Xuan Lu

"Yes i also want to try it next time." Said Zheng shuang

"By the way when is Zhou Cheng and Zhou Meng are coming?." Asked Hai Kuan

"After 15 days." Said Jia Zhengyu

"Of course they will it's their honeymoon afterall." Said Huang jingyu and laugh

"Yes and don't worry jingyu when your time comes you can also go for your honeymoon as much long as you want." Said Cao Yuchen and wink at Huang jingyu

"Of course I will." Said Huang jingyu smirking and looking at Xu weizhou who is blushing hearing it

"Guy's let's go mom told us to come back." Said Zheng shuang and everyone nod and went back to Villa

Next morning they went to Hawaii's Small Village to tour where is a beautiful waterfall mountain, Animals and Sea they look around the Village and tast many dishes of the village and goes back at evening like this everyday they goes to different different Villages and cities of Hawaii and explore red Lawa, Blue sea, water house, beautiful waterfall mountain's and all its been 20 days for them in Hawaii they are still exploring the whole Hawaii as much as they can with Zhou Cheng and Zhou Meng who come back from their honeymoon 4 days ago.

Currently they are in the Villa in cinema room watching "Twilight" Movie eating and drinking with everyone Suddenly Zhou Meng feeling uneasy and rush to the bathroom everyone stop the movie and run after Zhou Meng who is Vomiting in bathroom Zhou Cheng rush to her and pat her back everyone is waiting outside of the bathroom worriedly after some minute Cheng and Meng come out of the bathroom.

"What happened Meng? Are you sick?." Asked Carmen Lee

"How are you feeling now?" Asked Crystal Zhang

"Do you want us to call the doctor." Asked Mrs. Zhou and Mrs. Huang

"No I'm fine I was just feeling uneasy nothing to worry." Said Zhou Meng and smile at them

"Are you sure Meng?" Asked Zhou Cheng

"Yes i am let's go now we still have movie to watch." Said Zhou Meng and everyone laugh

Zhou Meng start to walk towards the cinema room suddenly she feel dizzy and faint and was about to fall on floor but Zhou Cheng caught her and take her to room while Mrs. Zhou call the doctor who is her friend from here after sometime the doctor arrived and check in her while everyone is waiting worriedly for the doctor to come out after checking Meng and tell them what happened to her. After sometime the doctor come out and told them that Zhou Meng is 5 days pregnant and congrats them and give the medicine and leave while everyone is happy but Zhou Cheng is still processing what is the doctor said and after some minute start to dance in happiness and rush to Zhou Meng who is awake and smiling when she saw Zhou Cheng she smile wide and hug Cheng and both share a sweet kiss.

Saranghae 💜

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