Chapter-28 *confession-2*

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" this is n..not true don't s..say this!" Yell Xiao Zhan shaking head rapidly. Wang yibo get shock, surprise and hurt seeing Xiao Zhan's reaction.

"Y..yes I love you I love you Zhan...." Again Wang yibo cut of by Xiao Zhan.

"No! D..don't lie I know e..everything don't lie l..leave me!" Said Xiao Zhan chocking in words as crying Wang yibo taken aback by Xiao Zhan's statement.

"W..what do you mean? tell me Zhan!" Asked Wang yibo in confusion but deep down he knew what Xiao Zhan mean.

"I..I heard everything t..that night and Huang Jingyu's...." Utter Xiao Zhan but cut of by Wang yibo.

"Fuck! This is all misunderstanding! Said Wang yibo looking at Zhan in guilt.


*Sigh yibo*

"Yes! It's all my fault I..I misunderstood Huang Jingyu and said those words but I..I'm regretting now!" Said Wang yibo in more guilt, hurt and angry on himself as Xiao Zhan have to suffer more because of his so called misunderstanding.

"W..what are you t.. talking about?" Asked Xiao Zhan as he get more confuse Wang yibo take long breath and tell Xiao Zhan everything as some tears in eye's while Xiao Zhan crying again hearing the truth and feeling somewhat little bit guilty.

"I'm sorry I was just misunderstand everything! Please forgive me! I love you only you." Again Wang yibo confess with tears looking into Xiao Zhan's eye's who is a crying mess now.

"I..I love you too!" Confess Xiao Zhan too and hug Wang yibo who is immediately hug back.

"I love you so much! Said Wang yibo as break the hug looking at Zhan and glancing at his pinkish and juicy lips.

"I love you too I'm so happ...." Xiao Zhan cut of by the sudden kiss and get shock but kiss back after some second.

After 10min of kiss Wang yibo break the kiss because Xiao Zhan is breathless and peck on Zhan's forehead and interlock their hands smiling at each other with full of love eye's and start walking in the garden.

Meanwhile with Huang Jingyu and Xu weizhou

Huang Jingyu and Xu weizhou look around the city taste the many delicious food of guilin and right now they are sitting in silence enjoying the stars near the lake little bit away from the hotel suddenly Huang Jingyu speak.

"Xu weizhou!" Call out Huang Jingyu looking at Xu weizhou


"Do you like someone? Or do you also dating like Zhou cheng and Yu bin?" Asked Huang Jingyu still looking at him while Xu weizhou's eye's wide in shock and started coughing hearing and Xu weizhou patt his back.

"! Said Xu weizhou turn red unknowingly

"Then why is your cheek are red? Asked Huang Jingyu touching Xu weizhou's cheek who's cheek now turn bright red now.

"I.. I'm not!" Slap Huang Jingyu's hand away looking other side.

"Good! I don't want to share you with anyone." Said Huang Jingyu unconsciously and Xu weizhou's eye's wide open in shock and Huang Jingyu immediately added after realising.

"No I..I didn't mean it!" Utter Huang Jingyu and got up.

"L..let's go we have to go back now!" Said Huang Jingyu walking towards the car leaving shocked, confused and blushing Xu weizhou.

That's it for today I will try to update as soon as I'm free 😊

Saranghae 💜

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