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Next morning all of them leave Taiwan to Hawaii with flight and after 8 hour they arrived Hawaii and goes to Hawaiian Villa which Carmen Lee buy it when they plan to stay for 1 month or so.

"It's so tiring I just want to sleep after we reach the Villa." Said Huang jingyu as they are on the way to Villa

"I know I'm also tired." Said Xu weizhou and rest his head on back seat

"Heh look at this baby he is still sleeping after sleeping in flight." Said jiang Song lightly pinching Zhan's cheek and Zhan groan in sleep

"Don't disturb him!." Warn Yibo to Jiang Song

"I dare not to when you are here." Said Jiang Song under his breath and rolled his eyes as Wang yibo is driving and beside him is Huang jingyu, Xu weizhou, Zhan and Jiang Song are in passanger seat in back

After half an hour they reach the Villa and come out of the car while Xu weizhou wake Xiao Zhan up being glared by Yibo. They goes inside the Villa and direct went to the room whichever they want and take some rest till tonight.

At Night

Everyone is having dinner in peaceful silence but not with two couple who is flirting with each other under the table without being anyone's notice.

Xiao Zhan and Wang yibo is sitting beside each other, Huang jingyu and Xu weizhou sitting beside each other too suddenly Wang yibo put hand on Xiao Zhan's thigh who jump in sudden action and look at yibo in shock but yibo give him No expression Wang yibo rub Zhan's thigh and Zhan get goosebumps and get flustered yibo slowly trace his hand to near Xiao Zhan's member but didn't touched it instead put inside Xiao Zhan's t-shirt and rub his waist with thumb sensually Xiao Zhan trying hard to surpess his moan due it his face got tomato red Yibo smirk evilly seeing Zhan and continue doing his work but suddenly Carmen Lee speak worriedly.

"Zhan baby are you ok? Do you have fever why your face is so red?" Asked Carmen Lee worriedly and Xiao Zhan look at her in shock and tension

"Yes your face is so red baby what happened? Do you want me to call a doctor." Asked Crystal Zhang worriedly

"N...No mom ahh~ I...I mean I'm fine I'm just ahhm~ feeling hot." Xiao Zhan complete the sentence with difficultly and grip on fork tightly

"Oh thank God I thought your having fever." Said Carmen Lee and smile

" mom ahm~" Said Xiao Zhan and glare ag yibo who is enjoying with a smirk

On the other side when Carmen Lee and Crystal Zhang asking to Xiao Zhan Huang jingyu understand what happened with Xiao Zhan and Smirk at Yibo. Huang jingyu glance at Xu weizhou who's focus on eating ignoring whatever happening around him but suddenly Xu weizhou feel someone touching his member and shiver at it and slowly look at the person who is touching him and saw Huang jingyu Smirking eating like nothing happen Xu weizhou glare at Huang jingyu and hit him on leg hard but unfortunately jia Zhengyu yelp in pain Xu weizhou immediately take his foot back and eat like nothing happened while Huang jingyu trying not to laugh at this.

Saranghae 💜

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