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"Yes Lulu!"

"What is the second and last news?" Asked Xuan Lu and the whole dinning table fell in silent once again.

"Ah yeah I almost forget this." Said Crystal Zhang composing herself in chair while others are looking at her in question again.

"When I, Carmen Lee, Mrs. Huang, Mrs. Zhou, and Mrs. Cao were fixing Kuan and Shuang's wedding date we also fix Lulu and Yuchen's wedding and their wedding is after 8 days from Kuan and Zhang wedding." Finish Crystal Zhang while others gasp in shock, surprise, happiness, excitement and sadness.

"Honey why didn't you say this big news early to me?" Complain Wang yizhou.

"No jie not going to Marry that peacock face." Pout Xiao Zhan.

"Yes we don't like that peacock face." Said Zhou cheng crossing arm's across his chest.

Everyone in the table asking Questions and complaining to Crystal Zhang except Xuan Lu because she is blushing like Crazy from happiness while looking down ignoring their conversation.

"Stop with your Questions and complains everyone." State Crystal Zhang and everyone become silent.

"I will answer your every single question later but first let me ask Lulu." Said Crystal Zhang.

"Lulu we know it's your and Yuchen's right to know first but we fix your wedding without letting you know first I hope you can understand." Said Crystal Zhang in some guilt.

"No mom it's ok I'm happy whatever you do I can understand." Said Xuan Lu politely still blushing slightly.

"So Lulu do you agree to marry Yuchen after 8 day's?" Asked Crystal Zhang while others looking at Xuan Lu in response.

"Ye..yes mom." Agree Xuan Lu blushing hard.

"I knew that you will say yes after all you both love each other from one year." Grin Zhou Cheng but shut his mouth as Crystal Zhang give him a serious look.

"And Lu we direct held your wedding so there is no engagement will held." Said Crystal Zhang in sad voice but lu nod her head in understanding.

At Wang Mansion

Everyone is eating in pin silence only fork, plate and spoon's sound can be heard not until Carmen Lee spoke.

"I have something to say." Said Carmen Lee and everyone stop eating except Wang yibo but Carmen Lee ignore him as yibo's in bad mood.

"Yes mom!"

"Yes honey!"

"Ahem after 4 days is your wedding in guilin Kuan." Said Carmen Lee while Kuan choke on his own saliva in shock, surprise, excitement and happiness, Darren Wang gasp in shock and surprise, Wang yibo look at her mom in some shock but didn't show.

"I know this news is shocking and sudden so after 2 days we are going to guilin pack your stuff as soon as possible." Say Carmen Lee before anyone say anything.

"Ok mom!" Said Hai Kuan with a smile.

"We will talk later ok honey." Said Carmen Lee before Darren Wang say anything and Darren Wang nod he's head in understanding while Wang yibo is listening without saying anything and continue eating.

"And Xuan Lu and Yuchen getting married After 8 days of Kuan and Shuang's wedding." Finish Carmen Lee.

"This is really too much to handle this for soon to be married couples." Scoffe Wang yibo.

"Yibo don't worry when your time will come like this we will see what you will do." Said Hai Kuan.

"I will not do anything like what they say and decide." Said Wang yibo coldly and got up from the chair leaving Carmen Lee and Darren Wang in surprise and tension.

Ok so that's it for today I will update after my exams which is on 6 October to 12 October I hope I can get pass on exam's pray for me please. 🤧


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