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On the other side Jia Zhengyu and Jian song currently is in the theatre buying tickets and popcorn and drinks after that they goes to to watch the movie.

"Let's sit over their" said Jiang Song pointing at the first row seats holding popcorn in hand and drag Jia Zhengyu and the movie start

After 2 hour or more the movie is about to end suddenly on the screen kissing scene pop up cause both of them to spill the popcorn and drink as they both jump in embarrassment but unfortunately all the popcorn fell on jia Zhengyu by Jiang Song.

"I...I'm sorry I didn't mean to...." Apologize Jiang Song face turn red and start to clean the popcorn on jia Zhengyu but Jia Zhengyu hold his hand stop him doing so Jiang Song turn crimson red as he saw his hand is stop right on jia Zhengyu's chest he can feel the Jiang Zhengyu's well bulid chest turning more red then ever and immediately take his hand back not looking at him and got up as the movie is end.

"L...let's go the is end" stutter Jiang Song walking away

"Huh! Yeah right" Said jia Zhengyu as got up and follow Jiang Song

"Let's go to the hotel it's already late" says jia Zhengyu and Jiang Song nod and they both get in the car. the awkward silence fell in the car as non of them talk just pray to god that the ride is finish soon.

Next morning

Everyone wake up get ready and meet in the garden where the wedding decoration is going on and have their breakfast there too while our new newly couple is sitting front of each other glancing and smiling at each other without anyone knowing on the other side between Huang jingyu and Xu weizhou, jia Zhengyu and Jiang Song is awkwardly sitting beside each other glancing at each other without saying anything suddenly Crystal Zhang speak.

"Kid's do you want to look around the city?" Asked Crystal Zhang and everyone nod their head except Huang jingyu and Xu weizhou

"Ok then let's go after the breakfast!" Said Carmen Lee and everyone nod including Huang jingyu and Xu weizhou

After breakfast everyone goes to their room to get ready except Wang yibo who is following Xiao Zhan without anyone notice not even Zhan. Xiao Zhan reach the his room and enter the password and enter the room and about to close the door but suddenly Wang yibo enter and close the door behind him and Xiao Zhan jump in shock to see Wang yibo out of nowhere.

"What happened baby?" Asked Wang yibo pecking on Zhan's nose with smirk

" scared me! W..what are you doing here? Asked Xiao Zhan looking down blushing

"To see my boyfriend!" Smirk yibo and pull Xiao Zhan by waist towards him

"W...what are........." Zhan cut of by the kiss but soon respond the kiss blushing



After 10 minutes Wang yibo break the kiss and kiss on Zhan's forehead and speak.

"I miss you!" Said Wang yibo kissing on Zhan's nose who is now blushing hard

"I... I miss you too!" Said Xiao Zhan shyly and hug yibo who hug back smiling

"Let's meet downstairs in a while" said Wang yibo breaking the hug and leave the room

Hey my lovely reader's it's been a very long while i know and I'm very sorry for not updating 😔 I'm really sorry I will try to update as much as possible now as my apologize to you guy's I hope you won't to mad anymore 😀


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