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"All of you stop with your question can you give them a chance to explain." Said Hai Kuan and everyone get silence

"Let's start Zhou Cheng and Zhou meng" said jia Zhengyu with grin

"Actually we like each other from a long time but didn't confess to each other." Said Zhou cheng with ears turning red

"15 days ago we accidentally meet at restaurant with our friends and we misunderstood as each other's hm boyfriend and girlfriend." Said Zhou meng blushing

"And after 2 days we confess at the same time and we are together now." Said Zhou cheng holding Zhou meng's hand

"Wow what a nice story!" Grin Huang Jingyu, jia Zhengyu and Cao Yuchen while Hai Kuan, Zheng shuang and Xuan Lu give them a "I'm happy" face.

"Ahem..! I..I also want to say something" said Yu bin glancing at Emily Qi who's playing with her fingers looking down nervously.

"Say!" Said Huang Jingyu

"What is it Yu bin?" Asked Jiang song and Zhou meng unison

"We are listening!" Said Zhou cheng, Xuan Lu, Cao Yuchen and jia Zhengyu

*Take long breath*

"I'm in love w..with Emily Qi and we are dating!" Said Yu bin nervously looking at everyone who's reaction is like "I know this" "I'm happy" and some had "are you fucking kidding me" like this reaction Huang Jingyu about to say suddenly Emily Qi said.

"Y..yes we are dating Jingyu ge!" Said Emily Qi to Huang Jingyu who is giving death glare to Yu bin.

"Congratulations to you both!" Congratulate Xuan Lu, Zheng shuang and other while Huang Jingyu is still giving death glare to Yu bin but not until Xu weizhou hold Huang Jingyu's hand and give him "are you done now" look.

"It's look like everyone has their own plan for tonight then me and Xu weizhou will going outside and roam around the city right?" Suddenly said Huang Jingyu looking at confuse Xu weizhou with smile.

"Yes!" Said Xu weizhou and smile back at him

"Then Jiang song and I will also going out for a movie! What do you say Jiang song?" Said jia Zhengyu

"Of course yes I don't want to be left alone." Said Jiang song

"wait wait guy's where is Zhan and yibo? Zhou meng Suddenly asked and everyone realise they both didn't join them and suddenly Yu bin said.

There! Zhan ge is sitting there." Said Yu bin pointing at Xiao Zhan who is sitting on a single chair near the table lost in thought little bit far away from them.

"What happened to him?"asked Xu weizhou

"Don't know but why is Zhan staying away from us?" Said Zhou meng

"He is not talking much nor he is as cheerful as before." Said Jiang song

"yes and whenever I look at him he is always lost in thoughts and when I try to talk to him he always avoids the question and give his fake bunny smile with empty eye's." Said Zhou cheng with sad face and sigh.

"Zhan always share everything with me but now he is not saying nor he talking like before! I miss my A-xian." Said Xuan Lu tears in her eyes while Cao Yuchen hug her .

"We have to find out what happened to him and help him!" Said Jiang song

See ya in next chapter ✌🏻

Saranghae 💜

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