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Last day of Exams

"Hey guy's let's go and celebrate what do you say?." Asked Huang jingyu

"Right man." Said jia Zhengyu

"Of course let's go." Said Zhou Cheng and Jiang Song

"Ok let's go." Said Zhou Meng and Emily Qi

"Let's go yibo." Said Zhan and hold yibo's hand

"I and Xu weizhou are leaving see you at the club." Said Huang jingyu and leave with Xu weizhou

"I and Emily Qi are leaving too bye." Said Yu bin and leave with Emily Qi

"Me and yibo are leaving too." Said Xiao Zhan and leave with yibo

"Let's go darling." Said Zhou Cheng and leave with Zhou Meng

"Let's go we are only left." Said jia Zhengyu and leave with Jiang Song

At the Club in private room

"Let's cheers for our upcoming Career." Said Zhou Cheng and everyone drink one glass except Xiao Zhan who is sipping juice sulking because yibo said him not to

"One more glass for Our University life." Said Huang jingyu and everyone drink another glass

"I think I can't drink anymore I'm quitting." Said jiang Song and Sat beside Xiao Zhan

"Let's drink!!" Shout Huang jingyu and drink the whole bottle of wine

"Stop drinking jingyu you will get drunk and I'm not going to send you home." Said Xu weizhou and snatch the bottle

"Yibo!! Come here!." Order Xiao Zhan still sulking and pouting and yibo goes to Zhan and sat beside him where Jiang Song is sitting

"Yes love." Said yibo as he kiss Zhan's forehead

"Your not going to drink anymore ok because we are going to long drive." Said Xiao Zhan and giggle

"As my love wish let's go then." Said Wang yibo and get up and extend hand for Zhan to hold and they both left the club

"Xu weizhou my love my life I love you so much." Said Huang jingyu little bit drunk and Kiss on Xu weizhou's cheek

"Aish! Jingyu your are drunk what should I do." Said Xu weizhou and shake his head

"You know I love you so much my love i want to marry you and have cute cute babies with you just like you." Said Huang jingyu and grab Xu weizhou's cheek as Xu weizhou is blushing hard hearing this

"Jingyu s...stop the nonsense." Said Xu weizhou and try to get away from Huang jingyu's grip on his cheek but suddenly Huang jingyu kiss him softly and he get surprise but still kiss back after some second

"Wow man look at them they are making out front of us." Said Zhou Cheng surprise and laugh

"Darling I also want a kiss come on kiss me fast i want...." Zhou Cheng cut of by the kiss and immediately kiss back Zhou Meng

"What is this! They both are making out." Said Yu bin in disbelief and Emily Qi blush seeing them

"Can I kiss you too?" Asked Yu bin smiling at Emily Qi who nod shyly at him and immediately smash his lips on her

"WTF! Are they crazy or what! everyone is start to making out leaving poor single soul." Said jiang Song glaring at the couple's and drink in on go

"Indeed they are crazy but in love." Scoffe jia Zhengyu glaring at them too

"I know I think we should leave before they could do anything more." Said jiang Song and get up

"Yeah your right but where should we go?" Asked jia Zhengyu

"Hmm let's go and take a walk outside." Said jiang Song and leave behind him jia Zhengyu

Saranghae 💜

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