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After 15min Carmen Lee come out of the kitchen and weng tk Zhan.

"What is yibo doing this long in room after coming to the university?!" Said loud enough to hear Zhan. Zhan pres the paused button to stop the TV and asked.

"What happened mom?" Asked Zhan in confusion.

"Zhan baby can you go to yibo and tell him to come downstairs." said Carmen Lee with most sweet smile and Zhan can't say no to her after this sweet smile of Carmen Lee.

"Ok mom I'm going." Said Zhan and run to stairs.

*I have to take it slowly without knowing anyone* Carmen Lee talk in mind and left for kitchen.

Xiao Zhan is standing in front of Wang yibo's door for a few minutes and knock the door but didn't get any response Zhan knock the door several time still get no response. Zhan decide to open the door when Zhan hold the knob door is not locked and open. Zhan slowly enter the room and found no one in the room Zhan was about to leave but stop after sec thought and decide to look at yibo's room.

In bathroom

Wang yibo is taking long shower after done showering yibo was about to grab the towel without looking but suddenly remember that he forgot to bring the towel in hurry.

"Fu*k! How can I forget the towel" yibo is mumbling to himself and heard a footsteps in his room yibo thought it was Carmen Lee and speak in the bathroom.

"Mom can you give me towel I forget to bring with me" said yibo

After hearing yibo's voice Zhan got startled and blushed after realising what yibo said.

"Mom are you hearing me." Again yibo say in the bathroom and Zhan come out of his fantacy.
Zhan slowly took the towel from the closet and walk nervously to the bathroom door and knock. Yibo open the door reach his hand outside of the door and take the towel from Xiao Zhan's hand and wrapped around his waist and come out of the bathroom and stand in bathroom's door drying hair with fingers and didn't realise pair of eyes is staring at him in a daze.

After some sec yibo look up and shocked to see Zhan. Zhan is still standing there where he was and looking at yibo's well built half abs and waist which is half cover towel Zhan gulp and cold sweat come out of his temple. Zhan suddenly come out of his Wonderland after hearing a voice.

"What are you doing in my room?" Asked Wang yibo in cold voice with scary face Zhan was about to leave the room but stop when yibo speak again.

"I'm asking you what are you doing in my room?" Yibo asked stepping forward.

"I..I..I come to t..t...tell that" Zhan is uttering and stepping backwards.

"Tell what?" Asked yibo still stepping forward.

"Th..that Ca..Carmen Lee is a..asked to c..come d..down." Zhan complete the sentence with uttering and still back stepping but stop when Zhan's leg touch the edge of the bed but yibo is still coming forward to Zhan and became very close to Zhan.

Hlo my lovely reader's it's been long time I've update how are you doing all?
I hope everyone Doing well. 🐱

first: I'm really sorry for updating late you know I'm a lazy cat but I'm still trying to update on time 👀

Sec: next chapter will be some spicy you'll love it or some disappointed😉☹️

Third: if you want to read my other stories you can read it on Manga toon and it's bl and BTS FF and yizhan stories.

"Hate at first sight" BTS FF chatstory
"Bad romance" bl chatstory


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