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Zhou mansion

    "Sorry I was late for dinner!" Said Jiang song and sit on his own chair

"It's ok song" said Mrs. Zhou

"By the way mom when are we leaving tommorow?" Asked Zhou meng looking at Mrs. Zhou

"At afternoon! Why?" Said Mrs. Zhou

"Nothing yu bin and I are going to the mall Tommorow for Hai Kuan ge and Zheng shuang jie's wedding gift." Said Zhou meng glance at yu bin

"I'm coming with you too!" Said Jiang song

"Okey you can go with them." Said Mrs. Zhou

Cao mansion

    "Mom I'm not having dinner at home!" Said Cao Yuchen wearing the jacket

"But Yuchen the dinner is already place on the table." Said Mrs. Cao

"Sorry mom! Suddenly had a meeting with the client and maybe I will not come home tonight." Said Cao Yuchen

"What! But we are leaving tommorow!" Said Mrs. Cao with shock

"I know mom! And I'm coming and I will directly come there And my luggage is packed remember to bring with you ok" said Cao Yuchen

"Hmm ok!"

"Ok bye mom see you tomorrow" Yuchen bid his bye and leave the mansion

Next morning at afternoon

   Everyone left for guilin with their family and  Wang family is already in guilin at hotel in their own respective rooms meanwhile Wang is in his own room tok planning how to propose love of his life Xiao Zhan.

With everyone except Wang yibo

Xiao family, Huang family, Zhou family and Cao family arrived in the guilin at hotel and now elder's is talking with eachother on the other side rest of all talking and  enjoying with each other except Wang yibo and Xiao Zhan as Wang yibo is in his room and Xiao Zhan is sitting alone little far away from everyone with blank face without talking, laughing and etc just lost in thought with blank face.

"Happy advance marriage life to both of you" said Zhou meng with happy and excited and give a sweet smile looking at soon-to-be bride's Zheng shuang and Xuan Lu who is slightly blushing while both soon-to-be groom beside them smiling.

"Hai kuan ge and Cao Yuchen ge why don't you guy's go on a date with your soon-to-be wife!" Suggest Xu weizhou and everyone look at him with "what a great idea" look.

"Yeah! Your right Xu weizhou!" Said Cao Yuchen glancing at Xuan Lu who is blushing hard now.

"Yeah this is good idea" said Hai Kuan glancing at Zheng shuang with a smile who is blushing hard too.

"Then what are we going to do for tonight?" Asked Jiang song

"Not me coz Zhou meng and I are going on a date too." Blurted out Zhou Cheng and everyone snap at him with "are you serious" look while Zhou meng is blushing in embarrassment glaring at Zhou Cheng.

"What are you and Zhou meng!" Said Huang Jingyu in disbelief.

"When are you both?" Gasp Xu weizhou.

"Why don't we know about this?" Asked jia Zhengyu.

"And how can you hide with us!" Said yu bin, Jiang song, Emily Qi and Zheng shuang while other are still processing from the sudden burst.

See u in next chapter 🙂

Saranghae 💜

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