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Promise and last wish.

Cao's mansion

Mr & Mrs. Cao Sitting on the couch talking some random things and cao yuchen is in the office and jia Zhengyu is playing video game in bedroom. Xi weizhou and Huang Jingyu plying and talking in Xu weizhou's bedroom. Mrs. Cao got up on the couch and about to go but stop coz she got a message from Crystal Zhang.

                    In conversation

Crystal Zhang: come to our usual place with your husband tonight and everyone is coming too.

Mrs. Cao: ok we will be on time.
Mrs. Cao: but why so suddenly?! There is something serious matter?

Crystal Zhang: I don't want you to give stress but it's about children. We have not much time for that thing.

Mrs. Cao wait WHAT? Is Xiao Zhan's birthday coming?

Crystal Zhang: yes! Only six month left for his birthday. That's why we are meeting.

Mrs. Cao: ok I understand.

Crystal Zhang: let's talk when we meet.

Mrs. Cao: ok

                     End conversation

Mr. Cao notice Mrs. Cao still standing there in a daze and ask.

What happened why are you still standing? Ask Mr. Cao but Mrs. Cao not response him.

What happened honey? Is something wrong?! Again Mr. Cao ask.

Mrs. Cao come to her senses and come to Mr. Cao and sat beside him.

Tonight We are meeting with others on our usual place. Said Mrs. Cao

Why? What's the matter? Ask Mr. Cao

Zhan is turning 23 after six months. Say Mrs. Cao with tense expression.

So why are you so tensed? Asked Mr. Cao in confusion.

You don't understand what I mean! Say Mrs. Cao.

Then explain me I will understand dear wife. Said Mr. Cao with a smile.

Before Xiao Zhan's birthday we have to tell children what will going to happen on birthday.
Now you understand what I mean?! Say Mrs. Cao

What? Scream Mr. Cao in shock.

We have not much time left we have to tell them as soon as possible but children will understand us after knowing?!. Said Mr. Cao.

Yes! That's why we are meeting tonight! Said Mrs. Cao.

Ok let's go it's already evening. Said Mr. Cao and got up.

Ok! Let's go but first we have to inform kid's that we are going out.

Mr & Mrs. Cao heading towards upstairs but stop in shock that Huang Jingyu Heard them when they see Huang Jingyu standing on stairs. Mr & Mrs. Cao not utter a word for 2min nor Huang Jingyu.

How long are you standing here Jingyu? Asked Mr. Cao with a awkward smile.

Not long! I was going to drink water. Said Huang Jingyu with a light smile.

Oh ok! Mr & Mrs. Cao relieved after hearing.

It's good thing that you come Jingyu can you inform jia Zhengyu and Xu weizhou that we are going out tonight and I think we will be late for dinner. Asked Mrs. Cao

Okey uncle I will inform them. Say Huang Jingyu.

Thank you son! We are leaving then bye. After saying bye Mr & Mrs. Cao leave the mansion and after drank the water Huang Jingyu back to Xu weizhou.

After one and hour Crystal Zhang, Carmen Lee and others arrived in a house not big not small but all the five families can live in the house. All of them sitting in the living room and discussing something about serious.

Xiao Zhan's birthday is coming after six months and we have to tell them. Say Crystal Zhang.

What will going to happened on birthday. Said Mrs. Zhou.

We have to tell them before birthday. Said Mrs. Cao.

Will children understand about doing this to them?! Said Mrs. Huang.

What if they don't understand us and refuse to do? Said Mrs. Zhou.

Our kid's are mature they will understand the situation. Said Carman Lee.

We knew they are mature but what if they refused to do and now days kid's do what they want!. Said Mrs. Cao.

They can't refused coz it's our parents promise and their last wish which they want after their death and our parents do this responsibility to us so we have to fulfill their promise and last wish no matter what!. Said Carman Lee.

We know our parents want to change their friendship into relationship between families. Said Crystal Zhang.

They will understand us ok! Said Carman lee.

But when will we tell children about this? Asked Mrs. Zhou.

We will not tell them till Zhan's Birthday party! Say Carman Lee.

But why not we tell children before Zhan's birthday? Asked Darren Wang.

Coz If we tell them before birthday they will not accept this that's why and if we tell them on birthday party they will not refuse coz we have many guests who attend the party so it will easy for us. Explain Carman Lee.

OK I understand. Said Darren Wang.

Hlo my lovely reader's 😄 long time no see 😁 I'm really sorry for late update  🤧 I will try to update on time. So I know this chapter is boring☹️ but I'm asking how is the chapter?🤠 If u like the chapter vote plz if don't still vote plz 😖

Saranghae 💜

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