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Next morning

Everyone Xiao, Wang, Zhou, Huang and Cao family is in the Mall shopping for 5 or 6 hour after that they decide to have lunch together because it's almost 4 in the evening and they forget to eat lunch because of shopping after eating lunch for 1 and half an hour they decided to go back home because tomorrow early morning they have flight to Taiwan to take.

Xiao Mansion

"Ahh I'm so tired today." Said Crystal Zhang and sat on the couch

"Yeah Mee too mom " Said Xuan Lu and Goes to her room to take rest

"Cheng go and take Zhan to his room his already asleep on the way he must be tired a lot." Said Crystal Zhang caressing Zhan's hair

"Ok mom." Said Zhou Cheng and take Zhan to his room

"He's so heavy pig!" Mutter Zhou Cheng after putting Zhan on bed and tug him in blanket

Next morning everyone leave the China to Taiwan from early morning flight and soon they arrive to Taiwan and leave the airport to goes to the Villa where they booked the villa for Wedding. After some time they arrive at the Villa and goes to their own room to take rest.

At evening they didn't go anywhere just stay in the villa unpacking and looking around the Villa at night they have their dinner and after that they goes to sleep.

Next morning

"Children you can go and look around we have to see the decorations the wedding is tommorow." Said Crystal Zhang

"And don't get too tired and take care of yourself's" Said Carmen Lee

"Ok we will." Said everyone in unison

Everyone leave the Villa and look around the city together and had lot of fun and eat the lunch outside and again start to explore the city after lunch till night. At night they come back had dinner with everyone and goes back to sleep.

Cheng and Meng's marriage day

Everyone is already in the Ceremony place in garden of the Villa where the priest Calling groom and family and guests are waiting for groom and bride to come after sometime the groom come and after that the bride come and they Vow to each other and they put the ring in their finger and kiss each other after that the priest announce them husband and wife. Everyone is congratulating the new wed couple and enjoying the the party. At Dinning table everyone is sitting eating drinking and talking suddenly Carmen Lee speak up loud enough to taking their attention towards her.

"I'm very happy today because my lovely Zhou Cheng and Zhou Meng get married." Said Carmen Lee and everyone clasp

"We are leaving tommorow to Hawaii for 1 month!" Said Carmen Lee and everyone gasp in great surprise

"I know your in great surprise but yes this is the surprise." Said Carmen Lee and smile

"Wow mom really!!!" Said Zhan excited and hug her

"OMG I can't believe " Said Emily Qi and Xuan Lu unison

"Nice huh!" Grin Huang jingyu and jia Zhengyu

"I'm excited!" Xu weizhou

"It will be fun man." Said Jiang Song and jia Zhengyu unison

"Yes." Said Crystal Zhang

"One more thing Zhou Cheng and Zhou Meng where do you plan to have your honeymoon?" Asked Crystal Zhang

"We decide to go to Bali mom." Said Zhou Cheng

"Ok then when is your flight." Asked Mrs. Zhou

"In one and half an hour mom." Said Zhou Meng

"Oh ok take care yourself's when you reach there." Said Mrs. Zhou and Zhou Cheng and Zhou Meng nod

After one hour Zhou Cheng and Zhou Meng leave for the airport to Bali while everyone enjoy with the guest and at Evening the guest bid their goodbye and leave and they all of them goes to back to their room tired and sleep.

Saranghae 💜

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