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Everyone get ready and goes to see around the city taste guilin's special dishes whenever Wang yibo and Xiao Zhan get their chance alone they kiss, hug and hold hands without being notice while Huang jingyu and Xu weizhou left alone there will be some awkwardness between them and will say some embarrassing words which the awkwardness increase more so they both dicide to just stay silent and on the other side with jia Zhengyu and Jiang Song forget about yesterday and enjoy with each other and everyone till the night everyone goes back to hotel had dinner in their own room and sleep.

Next morning

Wedding day

Everyone get ready for the wedding goes to the garden where the wedding is held and enjoying the wedding talking and dancing till the bride and groom arrived after some time the priest call the groom first and after that the priest call the bride and Vow to each other and do the entire ceremony and in last they did the kiss.

"Now I may announce the husband and wife" said the priest and everyone clasp and congrats the new wedded couple and enjoy the party with everyone

At evening the new married couple bid their bye to the family and leave to honeymoon while others also to their room to take rest.

Next morning at 7am

Xiao Zhan and Wang yibo decide to meet at the garden knowing no one will be awake this early morning yibo and Zhan is walking in the garden holding hands talking randomly but suddenly Huang jingyu come in front of them out of nowhere causing Xiao Zhan to jump in shock and immediately pull his hand in yibo's while Wang yibo standing still with "I don't care" face.

"What are you doing here?" Asked Wang yibo coldly while Zhan is looking down in guilt and embarrassment

"Oh! But don't you think this question should be mine right?" Said Huang jingyu in sarcastic voice glaring at Wang yibo who glare back at him

"Why do you are in garden alone and holding hands or should I say everything is ok between you two and now you are together as well without anyone knowledge right?" Said Huang jingyu Still Sarcastically looking at Xiao Zhan happily and glaring at Wang yibo.

"Yes we are together!" Said Wang yibo and Huang jingyu nod while Xiao Zhan snap at him in surprise for being straight forward but didn't say anything

"And... I'm sorry jingyu!" Said yibo guiltily

"It's ok I don't mind anything but still if you do hurt zhanzhan again I will punch you in the face remember this!" Said Huang jingyu and smile devilishly

"And I'm glad you both are finally togehter and congrats" said Huang jingyu and hug yibo who hug back immediately slightly smile

"I..I'm sorry too Huang jingyu!" Said Xiao Zhan with some tears in eye's still looking down in guilt.

Hearing Xiao Zhan's voice Wang yibo and Huang jingyu break the hug and look at him Zhan in Coo Huang jingyu walk to Zhan and about to hug him but Wang yibo pull Xiao Zhan towards himself and hug Zhan possesivly startling both Zhan and Huang jingyu.

"No touching he is mine!" State Wang yibo coldly glaring at Huang jingyu who scoffe at him

"Seriously yibo! Tsk he is brother to me!" Said Huang jingyu sarcastically glaring back at yibo

"I don't care he is mine!" State again yibo hugging more possesivly Zhan

"S...stop yibo I.. I can't breathe" wiggle Zhan in yibo's tight embrace Huang jingyu look at poor Zhan and can't control his laugh

"Yeah yibo my poor baby will die before he marry you!" Said Huang jingyu laughing but stop as yibo throw him a glare

"Ok ok fine I'm leaving and don't worry I will not tell anyone about you." Said Huang jingyu and leave

Yibo loosen the grip on Zhan and put his head on Zhan's shoulder who is a blushing mess

"Let's stay for sometime like this" said yibo and close his eyes

Saranghae 💜

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