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      Yibo with looking away and Zhan looking down goes towards where Carmen Lee and other are sitting.

"Zhan baby come here sit with me." Carmen Lee Say in sweet voice Zhan nodded and sat beside Carmen Lee and yibo sat with Huang Jingyu infront of Xiao Zhan.

"Why are you so silent Zhanzhan after come back from yibo's room did he bully you." Carmen Lee look at yibo with death glare but Zhan didn't say anything just keep looking at his feet.

"Mom am I looking bully in your eyes? Seriously!" Scoffe yibo

"Yes you are! Zhan baby if this brat bully you ever come to Carmen Lee mom ok I will make him on line" Said Carmen Lee death glaring at Wang yibo.

"No mom he doesn't bully me I'm just hungry!" Said Zhan with a pout and look at Carmen Lee.

Yibo's heart skip seeing Zhan's pouty lips and think about their kiss. Carmen Lee, Xuan Lu and Huang Jingyu just admiring the beauty of Xiao Zhan with sparkle eyes suddenly all of them come out of their world when hear a car sound and look at the main door as two man enter the main door.

"Good evening everyone" said Darren Wang and give his bag to Servent.

"Good evening everyone." Said hai kuan and give his bag to Servent.

"Good evening and welcome home Darren dad and Kuan gege" greet Zhan with his bunny smile.

"Good evening uncle and Kuan gege" greet Xuan Lu with smile.

"Good evening and welcome home honey and my baby" Said Carmen Lee with smile.

"Good evening uncle and Kuan gege" greet huang Jingyu with charming smile.

"Good evening dad and gege" greet with poker face.

"Honey and Kuan go and get fresh up fast Zhan baby is hungry waiting for you." Said Carmen Lee with sad voice and Zhan pout.

"Oh I'm sorry Zhan I will be in a minute ok."  Said Darren Wang and walk to his bedroom followed by Carmen Lee.

"Ok Darren dad." Said Zhan still pouty

"I'm sorry too Zhanzhan I'll be back as fast as possible" said hai kuan and leave for his bedroom.

"It's ok gege I'm waiting." Said Zhan and suddenly his gaze goes to yibo who is already looking at him deeply without blinking with admiring and lovingly Zhan blink multiple time but yibo still didn't blink one time like this Wang yibo and Xiao Zhan looking at each other's eye's deeply with love, care, shyness, admiring etc for 20min.
But someone couldn't take this anymore in hunger and frustration and break their eye contact with loud shout.
(Of course this person is non other then Huang Jingyu)

"What are you both staring at each other everyone already leave for dinner when are you planning to come?" Said Huang Jingyu In hunger and frustration.

"Y..yes I'm coming." Xiao Zhan run from their.

"Are you coming or not." Said huang Jingyu rolling his on Wang yibo.

"Don't you dare to Rolle your eyes on me." Wang yibo say coldly and leave.

I know this chapter is boring sorry for this☹️

Saranghae 💜

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