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Next morning at Xuan Lu and Cao Yuchen's wedding day

Everyone wake up early and are in dinning table eating breakfast except Xiao Zhan who is still sleeping soundly without caring anything while other's are having breakfast including Wang yibo.

"Where is Zhan?" Asked Carmen Lee

"Still sleeping!" Answer Zhou Cheng

"What! Aiya this baby is still sleeping on his jie's wedding day!" Said Crystal Zhang

"Don't worry mom I will wak him up!" Said Xuan Lu

"No you have to go to the parlour yet Lulu" Said Mrs. Zhou

"Yeah she is right! Jiang Song go and wake up Zhan." Said Mrs. Huang and Jiang Song nod and about to up get up from the chair but Huang jingyu speak

"No song you eat I will go and wake Zhan baby up I'm almost done." Said Huang jingyu getting up on chair and smirk at Wang yibo who is glaring at him
Xu weizhou and Jiang Song notice it and laugh almost but control themselves from laughing and Huang jingyu left.

In Zhan's bedroom

Huang jingyu enter the room and start to wake up Zhan by shaking him who groan in sleep but didn't open his eyes Huang jingyu again shake Xiao Zhan but fail and try multiple time but still fail and mumble frustrated.

"Why the heck Zhan is not awaking it's not like they fucked on the date." Mumble Huang jingyu frustrated and heard the door open sound and saw Wang yibo come in glaring at him.

"What are you doing here?" Asked Huang jingyu knowing what yibo is doing here very well but pretend it

"Get the hell out of here jingyu!" Said yibo coldly and sat beside sleepy Zhan

"Tsk I'm just teasing man you don't need to be a jelouse brat." Said Huang jingyu and leave

"Hey baby wake up." Whisper yibo softly in Zhan's ear caressing his hair but Zhan turn to other side pouting but didn't wake up

"Wake up baby or I will kiss you" but still Zhan didn't wake up and turn back to facing yibo and yibo kiss him and Zhan kiss back immediately in sleep thinking it's strawberry but suddenly open his eyes when feel a hand on his inside t-shirt Caressing the tummy and get away immediately without looking at the person who touch his tummy.

"Relax baby it's me don't be scared." Said yibo softly and Zhan look at him slowly and start blushing

"I told you if you don't get up I will kiss you but I'm sorry I frightened you." Apologize yibo

"! I was just shock but do you really have to k...kiss me?" Asked Zhan still flustered and yibo just smirk at him

"Alright now your wake up go and get ready we are leaving in a 2 hour to church." Said Wang yibo and leave

At church

Everyone is present in the church waiting for the bride and groom including new married couple Zheng shuang and Hai Kuan who come back yesterday from honeymoon to attend the wedding. Everyone stood up when the bride and groom arrived and clasp for them and they walk to the stage holding hands after that the priest start the ceremony and announce Cao Yuchen and Xuan Lu husband and wife and everyone congratulate them and enjoy the party while with Xu weizhou and Huang jingyu are back to normal and enjoy the party till Xu weizhou and Huang jingyu challenge each other to drink three bottle of wine and who will lose they have to listen to the winner do whatever they say to do and in last Xu weizhou lost and Huang jingyu win.

"Now Xu weizhou *hic* you have to listen to me!" State Huang jingyu to Xu weizhou who is now drunk

"Yes *hic* I know no need to say *hic* you bastard." Curse Xu weizhou at Huang jingyu who is slowly getting drunk

"Hey Xu weizhou and Huang jingyu are you both coming to meet Xuan Lu and Cao Yuchen they are leaving!" Asked jia Zhengyu as he aproach them

"No! *Hic* we are leaving." Said Huang jingyu putting hand on Xu weizhou's shoulder

"Okey be careful on the way then both of you your already drunk like hell!" Said jia Zhengyu and leave them

"Let's go to *hic* wait where should we go?" Asked Huang jingyu to Xu weizhou

"Let's go to my house *hic* No no one is there *hic* hmm let's go to the hotel right *hic* hotel." Said Xu weizhou smiling like an idiot at Huang jingyu who nod and goes to the car tipsily and tell his driver to drive to hotel after 30 minutes of ride the car stop at hotel and come out of the car and tell the driver to go back and give his phone to the driver saying he don't need it and enter inside the hotel and book the VIP room after that one of the service staff lead them to the room and enter the room Huang jingyu sat on the bed and Xu weizhou lock the door.

Ahem I think next chapter will intresting so be prepared dears😏

Saranghae 💜

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