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Next morning

Xiao Zhan awake at 8am do morning routine and come downstairs for breakfast and great Crystal Zhang, Wang yizhou, Xuan Lu and Zhou Cheng.

"Mom dad when you come home last night?" Asked Xiao Zhan

"Yeah! I just think to ask you but Zhan asked before me." Say Zhou Cheng

"We come near 10pm last night." Said Wang yizhou



"Hmm mom dad why you meet all of sudden?" Asked Xiao Zhan with bunny smile

"Yeah! Whenever something happened or something important matter have to discuss you go thier. So what happened can you tell us?" Said Zhou Cheng with serious face.

After hearing Crystal Zhang and Wang yizhou stop eating and look at each other with nervous face for some minutes.

"Ehh! Nothing important babies just business matter." Said Wang yizhou

"And we haven't meet for long time so we just meet and have some fun together through business matter nothing much." Said Crystal Zhang

"Ohh!" Zhou Cheng

"Not fair mom dad!" Angry pout Zhan

"Why baby?" Asked Crystal Zhang

"I also haven't meet with Carmen Lee mom and others." Said in baby voice with cute pout

"Aww sorry baby" say Crystal Zhang

"Zhan not accept your sorry!" Again said with angry pout

"Then what will we do for Zhan baby to forgive us?" Asked Wang yizhou

"Hmm Zhan wants to meet Carmen Lee mom!" Said Zhan With puppy eyes 👀

"Okey" agree Wang yizhou

"I'm going with Zhan too." Said Xuan Lu

"Yaay jie coming with Zhan tonight to surprise carman lee mom." Said Zhan in excitement and happiness

"Ok ok baby now finish your breakfast." Said Crystal Zhang Zhan nodded and start eating again

Wang mansion

Carmen Lee, Darren Wang and hai yis eating breakfast after some minute Wang yibo come sat on the chair and start eating breakfast while eating Wang yibo asked.

"Mom dad when did you come last night?" Asked Wang yibo

"I think at 10:30pm why yibo?" Asked Carmen Lee

"I just want to know why so suddenly you meet with others at penthouse!" Said Wang yibo

Carmen Lee and Darren Wang look at each other for some sec Carmen Lee said.

"Nothing we just haven't meet with others that's why we decided to meet and have some fun." Said Carmen Lee

After hearing Wang yibo didn't asked much. After some minute silence Carmen Lee speak.

"I want to asked you something Kuan!" Say Carmen Lee with serious face and everyone stop eating and look at Carmen Lee.

"Yes mom." Answer Hai Kuan

"Kuan I want you to get married! If you like someone or have gf tell me if you don't have any I will select for you good and beautiful girl." Said Carmen Lee

"But mom I...." Hai Kuan cut of by Wang yibo

"Wow really ge! Why don't you tel mom you already have gf." Said Wang yibo

"WHAT!! Really Kuan?" Asked Carmen Lee in surprised and hai Kuan look ag yibo in disblief that yibo will say this after some minute silence Wang yibo again said.

"Yes mom! Gege why are you still not telling c'mon tell mo about you." Said yibo

"Kuan tell us! What yibo is saying true or not?"
Asked Darren Wang

"Yes dad mom." Finally hai Kuan said the truth

"When did you meet? How is she? What is her name? Do I know her?" Carmen Lee asked many questions in one go

"Mom can you stop and let ge to speak." Said yibo in frustration

"Ok okey. Say Kuan I'm listening." Said Carmen Lee

"Yes you know her mom very well and she is beautiful, cute, and mature and her name Zheng shuang." Said Kuan with head down

"What!!! Really Kuan." Carmen Lee become surprised and got up from the chair

"Really Kuan?" Asked Darren Wang in shock and surprise

"Yes mom and dad." Said hai Kuan

"Can you si down mom or want to stand still!" Said Wang yibo

"Okey! I'm very happy for you kuan you choose the perfect girl." Said Darren Wang

"When did you start dating her?" Asked Carmen Lee

Hlo my lovely reader's long time no see I hope you all are doing well. Sorry for late update I will try to update on time.😊

I know this chapter is boring sorry for that 🙂

Saranghae 💜

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