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Xiao mansion

     Xiao Zhan is in his bedroom taking long showr after 35min shower Xiao Zhan come out of the bathroom in bathrobe and come to Closet and thinking which one should he wear. After thinking a lot Zhan choose a white t-shirt, black pant, and on top pink sweater after getting ready Zhan come downstairs and see Xuan Lu is on the phone talking with someone. After some minute Xuan Lu come to Zhan who is standing looking at her and asked.

"Zhan why are you standing here are you going out somewhere?" Asked Xuan Lu

"Jie how can you forget that we are going to Carmen mom home." Said Zhan with pout

"Aiyaa! Sorry a-xian I will go and get ready." Said Xuan Lu

"Ok jie." Said Zhan And Xuan Lu leave for getting ready.

Xiao Zhan sat on the couch and text Huang Jingyu.

                      In conversation

Xiao Zhan: where are you Jingyu?

Huang Jingyu: at friend home

Xiao Zhan: your not coming then (puppy eyes emoji)

Huang Jingyu: aiyaaa Zhan I'm coming after you

Xiao Zhan: oh ok!

Huang Jingyu: let's talk later

Xiao Zhan: hmm bye

                          En conversation

Xiao Zhan put phone aside and start plying with fingers with adorable smile on his face. After some minutes Xuan Lu come downstairs after getting ready.

"A-xian I'm really let's go." Said Xuan Lu

"Ok jie."

"Wait a-xian!" Stop Xuan Lu

"Why jie?" Zhan asked in confusion

"Let me inform mom before going." Said Xuan Lu


Xuan Lu go to the kitchen and see Crystal Zhang doing some cooking and approach her.

"Mom" call Xuan Lu

"Yes Lu" answer Crystal Zhang

"Zhan and I are going to Carmen Lee aunty." Said Xuan Lu

"Ok! Take care Zhan." Said Crystal Zhang

"Yes mom" said Xuan Lu and left

Wang mansion

Wang yibo is in his bedroom thinking which outfits should he wear after thinking a lot Wang yibo decided to wear blue grey t-shirt, blue jeans and on top black shirt, and black watch and put them on bed.

"Wait why am I happy and why acting weird like my girlfriend is coming to meet my home." yibo thinking in mind

"No! I'm wearing this coz I want to wear this that's all." Still thinking in mind

After some minutes Wang yibo go to take shower.

Carmen Lee is in the living room reading magazine suddenly heard car horn and thought that Derren Wang or Hai Kuan is early come. Carmen Lee heard foot steps entering living room and turn to look.

"Surprise mom" giggle Zhan in happiness

"OMG my baby is here!" Carmen Lee said in surprise and hug Zhan.

"Oh Lu is also here" said Carmen Lee still in surprise

"Hello anuty lee" Lu greet Carmen Lee and hug her

"Come come let's sit first." Said Carmen Lee. Xiao Zhan and Xuan Lu sat in the couch.

"Zhan Baby and Lu why you didn't tell me before coming?" Asked Carmen Lee

"I just want to surprise you." Giggle Zhan

"Yeah Zhan said he wants to surprise you that's why we didn't tell you before coming." Said Xuan Lu

"Thank you Lu and Zhan baby for coming." Said Carmen Lee with smile

"I'm missing you so we come to meet you." Said Zhan with bunny smile

"Lu and Zhan baby your not going before dinner got it." Said Carmen Lee with still smiling

"Thank you aunty lee but we wil he late for home." Politely refuse Xuan Lu

"I said it that's it and Zhan baby wants to stay right baby?" Asked Carmen Lee to Zhan

"Yes I want to stay please jie!" Said Zhan while making puppy eyes and nodding

"Ok." Agreed Xuan Lu

Xuan Lu, Carmen Lee and Xiao Zhan talking random things after 30 or 48min talking Carmen Lee asked.

"Lu can you help me in the kitchen?" Asked Carmen Lee

"Sure aunty lee" said Xuan Lu with smile

"So let's Start cooking before Hai Kuan and Darren Wang come." Said Carmen Lee and Xuan Lu nodded

After Xuan Lu and Carmen Lee left. Xiao Zhan on the TV and start watching SpongeBob with bunny smile.

Saranghae 💜

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