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Wang yibo stop eating as hear Xiao Zhan's name and look at Xu weizhou with shock and hurtful eye's.
Huang Jingyu also stop eating look at Wang yibo in anger who is looking shocked and hurt.

"Xiao Zhan is not coming for lunch and I'm going to him." Said Huang Jingyu and leave Wang yibo heard this and left from there without saying anything leaving everyone double dumbfounded.

"What is this happening here?" Asked Jiang song with confuse expression.

"I don't know! I'm confused." Said jia Zhengyu

"Mee too." Said yu bin and Emily Qi unison

"I think something serious happened between the three of them." Said Zhou meng

"Did they fight or something?" Asked Zhou cheng

"I don't know but looks like it." Said Xu weizhou

With Xiao Zhan and Huang Jingyu

Xiao Zhan sitting in his empty classroom alone with blank face lost in thought Zhan suddenly feel a hand on his shoulder and look at up who's hands is this.

Saw it is Huang Jingyu and remember last night's scene and tears automatically coming out of his eyes. Huang Jingyu feel bad seeing Xiao Zhan state and hug him while patting his back.

"Shhh it's ok Zhan don't cry I understand you." Comforting Xiao Zhan

"Jingyu he..he said he don't" said Xiao Zhan and cry more

"Zhan don't cry I'm here with you and that idiot don't deserve your love nor your tears so stop crying." Said Huang Jingyu

"But I him and he..he hate me now." Xiao Zhan cry even more

"No Zhanzhan he don't hate you and no one can hate a beautiful and innocent creature like you." Said Huang Jingyu. After 15min of crying Xiao Zhan calm down and said.

"I..I never talk to him nor I show my face to him." Said Xiao Zhan in cracky voice

"It's ok Zhan I understand that and I don't want to talk to him too." Said Huang Jingyu in little bit angry voice but Xiao Zhan got confused and look at Huang Jingyu with doe eye's.

"Why?" Asked Xiao Zhan

"Nothing your innocent so you don't understand it." Continue Huang Jingyu.

"Zhan don't you eat lunch?" Asked Huang Jingyu with his eyebrows crossed in questionable look.

"I'm not hungry." Said Xiao Zhan and pout

"If your not hungry then I'm not hungry too." Said Huang Jingyu and sat beside Xiao Zhan

"You didn't eat lunch yet?" Asked Xiao Zhan in confusion



"I want to eat with you but your not eating so neither I am!" Said Huang Jingyu and cross his arm

"Aish your such a baby Jingyu!" Said Xiao Zhan and shake his head

"Look who is saying." Said Huang Jingyu in teasing voice and Zhan pout

"I'm hungry Jingyu!" Said Xiao Zhan in baby voice still pouting and look at Huang Jingyu

"Awww you so cute Zhan baby you wait I'll be back with lunch." Said Huang Jingyu and got up and Xiao Zhan nod like puppy

After some time Huang Jingyu come back with strawberry milkshake, steaks, cupcakes and cold coffee.

Good night 😪

Saranghae 💜

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