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Time skip to 1 day before going to guilin

At dinner time

Xiao mansion

     "Lu, Cheng and Zhan baby do you all pack your bags?" Asked Crystal Zhang

"Yes mom!"

"Yes mom!"

"Yes mom!"

"Good! Remember we are leaving tommorow afternoon." Said Crystal Zhang eating and rest nod their head as yes.

*I don't want him to see me nor I want to but it hurt remembering to that cruel night but this is good I knew before I hope anything more*
*But it hurts so much no nothing will happen Zhanzhan will not come infront of him nor talk to him j..just ignor him yeah*
*But I..I c..can't do anything when I see him I don't want to go but how can I not!* "Sigh"
*It's Hai Kuan ge and Zheng shuang jie's wedding*

Wang mansion

   "Kuan and yibo do you pack your stuff?" Asked Carmen Lee.

"Yes mom!" Said hai kuan and yibo nod his head as yes.

"Hmm get ready tommorow morning then!" Said Carmen Lee

"Morning!but mom we planned to leave in afternoon." Said hai kuan while yibo continuing eating lost in thought

"Yeah but change the plan" said Darren Wang

"Why dad?" Asked hai kuan

"We have to take care of the arrangement's there and Darren also have some work to attend there." Said Carmen Lee

"Ok." Hai kuan nod His head and look at yibo with confusion as yibo is still lost in thought's

*After 3 days finally I can see my love and I will confess to him that how much I love him*
*He finally will be mine very soon!* Smile for 2 second and Carmen Lee notice the smile but didn't say anything.
*But why he is avoiding everyone at University nor did he coming to cafeteria at lunch to eat with us*
*Could he by chance h..hear me and Huang Jingyu no no this can't be happened*
*Huang Jingyu! First I have to make it up to him then I will confess to my baby Zhan*

Huang mansion

"Did Everyone done with their packing or not?" Asked Mrs. Huang

"Yes mom!" Said Zheng shuang

"Already done mom!" Said Emily Qi

"And what about you Huang Jingyu?" Asked Mrs. Huang raise her brows at Huang Jingyu

"I will pack after dinner mom!" Said Huang Jingyu continuing eating

"Better you do after dinner!" Said Mr. Huang

"I know mom no need to worry." Said Huang Jingyu and rolle his eyes

"And get ready on time we are leaving tommorow afternoon." Said Mrs. Huang and everyone nod their head as yes and continuing eating.

Hey my lovely reader's 👋🏻

I hope your doing well and k know bzy with life *sigh*

Sorry for late update I suppose to update on 12oct after exam's but I couldn't coz where I'm living there is not much network so I'm having many prblm bcz of network but still I'm trying to update whenever I get the chance.

See yaa in next chapter

Take care


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