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"aunty I'm going home bye good night." Huang Jingyu bid his goodbye and left the mansion.


Carmen Lee, Xuan Lu and Xiao Zhan talking and Darren Wang and Hai Kuan is in study room doing meeting on video call.

"Aunty it's getting late we should have to leave now." Said Xuan Lu

"But jie I want to talk more with Carmen Lee mom." Pout Zhan

"Next time A-xian we are getting late." Said Xuan Lu with a smile and Zhan nodded

"I will go and tell Huang Jingyu that I'm leaving." Said Xiao Zhan

"Ok go but fast A-xian" said Xuan Lu

"Yes jie." Said Xiao Zhan and run to upstairs

Xiao Zhan reach Wang yibo's room and saw the door is slightly open Zhan grab the door knob and about to open the door but stop after hearing what Wang yibo said and tears start to drop on his cheek Zhan clench his heart with another hand tightly and continuing crying silently Zhan is still standing trembling there where he was and crying. Zhan can't take anymore and left from them while controlling and wiping his tears which is coming uncontrollably.

"Jie let's go I'm sleeping." Said Xiao Zhan controlling his tears

"Ok A-xian bye aunty." Xuan Lu hug Carmen Lee

"Bye Zhan baby take care." Carmen Lee Hug Xiao Zhan

"Hm you too Carmen Lee mom." Said Xiao Zhan and force smile a little and break the hug

                  End flashback

In car

"Jie I'm sleeping let me sleep ok." Said Xiao Zhan still controlling his tears to fall from his eyes

"Ok A-xian when we reach home I will wake you up." Said Xuan Lu and pat Zhan's head

"Hmm" Zhan hmm and turn his face other side and start crying silently

*I knew it he didn't me he will hate me after this*

*I..I never come close to him nor I will talk to him*

*He don't love me he h..hate hate me*

*I..I will never show my face to him again so he don't need to see me yes I will never again show my face to him*

Xiao Zhan keep talking in mind and cry silently until he deep fall asleep. They reach the Xiao mansion and Xuan Lu come out of the car and goes other side car door and open the door Xuan Lu try to wake up Xiao Zhan but he didn't awake. Xuan Lu goes Inside the mansion and told Zhou Cheng Xiao Zhan is sleeping in the car and bring him to his room. Zhou Cheng did what Xuan Lu said and goes to sleep in his room.
On the other side Huang Jingyu left the Wang mansion start his bike and drive bike to Xiao mansion while Ridding the bike Huang Jingyu many time try to call Xiao Zhan but Zhan is not picking up so Huang Jingyu called Xuan Lu and asked why Xiao Zhan not picking up his call Xuan Lu said Xiao Zhan is sleeping and his phone on silent mode after hearing this Huang Jingyu ride his bike to Huang mansion.

With Wang yibo

   After hearing all about what Huang Jingyu said Wang yibo fell on his knees and a tear escape from his eyes whatever Wang yibo said is eating him inside in guilt, and misunderstanding His heart is aching like hell All of this Wang yibo feeling right now and cursing himself for misunderstood his best friend's feeling Wang yibo know he love Xiao Zhan more then anything but he also can't see his best friend's broken heart
Because of him so Wang yibo said all of those for his best friend (Huang Jingyu).

Poor yibo and Zhan this is all yibo's misunderstanding 😢😭😭

Saranghae 💜

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