Chapter-32 *first date-1*

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Skip time to the one day before Xuan lu and Cao Yuchen's marriage

Everyone is busy for marriage preparation and all the four families are staying at Xiao mansion Wang, Zhou, Huang and Cao family till the Wedding while Wang yibo plan to surprise Xiao Zhan with the first date with Huang jingyu's help tonight and on the other side Xiao Zhan told Everything to Xu weizhou and Jiang Song  about him and yibo's are in relationship and their reaction are like "are you really are our little Zhan baby how can you hide this from us" Xu weizhou knows already because Huang jingyu told him but still he try to act surprise and betray coz he actually was.

At midnight at 12am

                        In Zhan's bedroom

Currently Xiao Zhan is taking a shower after some time Zhan come out of the bathroom in bathrobe and suddenly heard a knock on the door and goes to open the door in bathrobe and surprise to see Wang yibo at this hour and about to say something but before Zhan could say anything yibo come inside immediately and close the door behind him and speak.

"Baby go and change fast we don't have much time." Said Wang yibo pecking on Zhan's lips and sat on the bed while Zhan is still standing dumbfounded

"Baby go we can't be late." Repeat yibo and  Zhan turn to him with confused look

"Where are we going and what we will say to mom and others?" Asked Xiao Zhan

"They will not know anything because we are not say to them! Now baby go and change or want me to help you or are you coming in this." Said yibo looking from up and down at Xiao Zhan with a Smirk Xiao Zhan blush and look at himself confusedly and blush hard seeing he is still in bathrobe

N..No!!" Whisper yell Zhan and fast goes to closet to get the dress and run to bathroom while Wang yibo look at Xiao Zhan with love and lust but control himself

"Yibo can you tell me where are you taking me and if mom knows I'm not here she will get worry..." Said Xiao Zhan after coming out of the bathroom pouting. Yibo's eye's stuck on Zhan yibo without saying anything get on bed and walk to Zhan and capture his lips with his own and kiss him passionately and Zhan kiss back with same passion. After 10 minutes of kissing yibo break the kiss and look at Zhan with love and lust who is gasping for air as face get red yibo still control himself and take his hand in his and kiss on the knuckle with the most charming smile at Zhan as Zhan's heart beating fast as he is already a blushing mess by yibo's sudden action.

"Your looking beautiful love." Whisper yibo in soft voice caressing Zhan's face who is smiling shyly at him

"Let's go I have a surprise for you before I lost my mind." Said yibo smirking and Zhan look down still blushing

Wang yibo take Xiao Zhan tip toeing with the help of Huang jingyu and leave the mansion and walk to the other side of the road where Huang jingyu park the car for them as not to caught by others yibo and Zhan sat on the car and yibo start to drive to the five star restaurant which he booked. After half an hour they arrived to the restaurant and get out of the car Xiao Zhan is still confused and asked.

"What are we doing here yibo? We already eat dinner!" Said Xiao Zhan looking confusedly at yibo

"It's a surprise baby and don't ask anything just come" said yibo and hold Zhan's hand and take him Inside

"yibo this is......" Zhan is so much surprise to see the inside restaurant because the restaurant is for couple

"Shhh just follow me love" said yibo smiling and get to the roof top by elevator and meet the waiter who is waiting for them and greet them smiling at the roof top door seeing them and yibo give the waiter nod and continue walking Zhan is still confused but get surprise seeing the roof top decorated with beautiful red petals and tiny lightings and the white petals on ground decorated beautifully leading the way. Zhan look at yibo giving his bunny smile and hug him happily.

"This is for me?" Asked Zhan smiling still hugging him

"Of course love." Said yibo smiling

"I'm very happy." Giggle Zhan and peck on yibo's cheek

"Let's go there is more." Said Wang yibo ruffling Zhan's hair and start walking on white petals holding Xiao Zhan's hand in his.

Saranghae 💜

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