Chapter 5

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Loki's POV:

I was woken up by the sun's beams pouring into my chambers; I had overslept for some reason, I am usually up before the sun peers over the horizon. I laid on my bed staring at the high ceiling of my bedroom. Today is going to be Yrsa's first official day as my personal help. Was I nervous? Yes, for some perculiar reason. The sight of her sprouts a weird feeling from my stomach, I also get hot flashes thinking about how her eyes light up when I speak to her. This is NOT normal but I no longer cared. But she is my maid; yet why do I find myself thinking about putting her up against the walls of my chambers? With my hand wrapped around her neck, my lips slowly and intimately gliding across hers, enveloping her in a long and sensual ki... I was pulled out of my thoughts by a soft knock on my door. I slowly climbed out of bed and walked over to the door. I unlocked it and opened. There she was; hair twisted and tied neatly, she wore that wretched maid uniform but even in that drab and distasteful thing, she looked beautiful. I realised I gaping at her when she asked, "Is something the matter, my Prince?" I slightly shook my head and said, "No, not all little one. Come in." My voice low and husky, I hoped she did not realise that it dripped with lust and hunger. What is wrong with me? 

I had shown Yrsa where I keep my cleaning appliances and left them to her use. I then grabbed one of my plethora of books and proceeded to my bedroom couch to give her space to sweep my floors. Yrsa started sweeping in the kitchen area, slowly made her way to the lounge then my study, the washroom and now, she was nervously sweeping in my chambers, throwing me small glances over her shoulder when she thought I wasn't looking. My book was no longer of any importance; she had all my attention. Her body swayed along with broom around my bedroom; she moved so gracefully, even though she was sweeping. Eventually, I continued reading my book, deeming it rude to keep on gawking at her body... Soon, she was done with my floors. My chambers were well kept and clean so she did not have to do much. After putting back the appliances in the small closet situated near my washroom, she nervously walked over to the couch I was sat on, stood before me fiddling with her blouse with her eyes on the floor and said, "Is there anything else you need me to do for you, Prince Loki?" She said timidly. I looked up from my book and smirked, loving the sight of her in that state, she looked so vulnerable, so submissive... I placed my book to the side and clasped my hands over my right lap and said, "No, that is all for now," I then stood up, about a meter away from her and clasped my hands over the small of my back, "I do have a question though, Yrsa." She slowly looked up at me, eyes slightly widened. "Come here." I said nonchalantly, smirk still smeared on my face. Her eyes were locked onto mine as she slowly approached me. She stood mere centimeters away from me, her soft and short breaths audible. 

"Why does your breath hitch and quicken whenever I speak with you?" I asked her. Her eyes fell to the floor and I watched her swallow hard, her cheeks turned a bright pink. I knew the answer, I just wanted to hear her mellow, soft voice say it. "Look at me when I speak with you." I said, my voice low and demanding. Yrsa whipped her eyes up and looked at me once again, immediately following my instruction, she is too obedient. "Now, answer my question. I do not intend on repeating myself to you." "I-I just get flustered around you, Prince Loki." She said, her voice soft and timid, I wonder how her moans would sound... "Is that so? And why is that?" I asked as I tilted her chin up with my right index finger. Her mouth fell slightly open and a whimper escaped from her lips; mmh, that sound again. I chuckled lightly, let her chin go and sat back down. Her eyes followed every movement I made. "Why do you insist on making that sound every time I touch you? Or does it just happen?" I looked up at her, poker face enveloping my facial features; I would not allow her to find out my truth before I knew hers for sure. She gulped again and looked down to the floor, her hands shaking slightly. "I do not know, my Prince. It just happens." Her voice was shaky. "You are lying, you know the truth. Tell it to me. Now." I demanded. She looked at me with pleading eyes, as if non-verbally asking me to not force her to tell me her secret; how she felt about me. I sniggered, thoroughly amused with her squirming. "Tell me." I said again. Yrsa sighed shakily, let her hands cover her already light pink face. She looked at me, eyes filled with shame and a hint of lust, her mind racing with ways to phrase what she wanted to say. 

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