Chapter 4

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Yrsa's POV:

It was early morning when I awoke; I could tell because it was still dark outside. My chambers were beautiful; a lot more extravagant than the one I had back home, which was just one very small room. The chambers I was currently inside of were probably the size of my family's whole house. The bed I laid on had cotton white sheets, the duvet was a light shade of green. The bed itself was huge, a little too big for my liking but I did not mind at all; it was so soft, I could lay in it all day but I knew I would never get the chance. I had work to do, as a maid, of course. I sighed thinking about the events that transpired last night in Prince Loki's chambers. The image of his bare body suddenly appeared in my mind and I quickly shook my head to think about ANYTHING else, this is NOT right. He is a prince and I am a lowly maid, why am I having such thoughts about him? Well, it is very hard not to think about that body of his hovering over mine, while having my legs wrapped around his wai... Yrsa! NO! What the hel is wrong me? I was pulled out of my thoughts by a soft knock on the door. I whipped my eyes towards the door; could it be Prince Loki? "Enter." I said softly. The door opened slowly and in came Aunt Freyer. I will not lie; I was a little disappointed. "Good morning, my dear Yrsa. How did you sleep?" She asked with a smile as she closed the door and approached my bed. I rubbed my eyes and sat up, "Good morning, Aunt Freyer. I slept well." I was lying; I did not sleep all that well, I kept having indecent dreams about... him. 

"That is wonderful, my dear. Now, I am glad you have awoken this early. The time is half-past-five and you have to bathe, clean your chambers and eat before attending to Prince Loki for the rest of the day." Aunt Freyer said as she pulled the covers off of me. A small shiver came over my body at the sudden cold and I let out a small huff. Aunt Freyer laughed a bit and said, "My darling, you will have to adapt to waking up in the morning, Prince Loki is quite the early riser himself." I slowly climbed out of my bed and stood on the black tiled floor of my room. I stretched and let out a small groan. "I will run you a bath while you make your bed." Aunt Freyer said with a small smile on her face as she made her way to what I would assume was my washroom. I quickly unwrinkled the sheets, tucked them in under the mattress, spread the duvet over the sheets, unwrinkled it as well and put all the pillows up against the headboard of the bed frame. There were quite a lot of pillows. I started to undress; I took off my oversized sleeping shirt and my sleeping cloth and set them neatly on my bed. I then made my way to the washroom and found my aunt pouring lavender scented bath salts in the steaming water in the tub. "Listen Yrsa, sweetheart. You are to use these lavender bath salts all the time, Prince Loki loves the scent of lavender and uses ones like these himself." Aunt said while reaching for a small purple bar of soap and set it on the rim of the tub. I looked at her with a confused expression on my face, "Why do I have to smell like his favourite scent? Can't I bathe with the soaps I am used to?" I asked. "My darling, that is what personal servants do, they have to be presentable to their masters." Aunt said. Master? Was I to call him that now? I am NOT his possession. I was a bit annoyed. Aunt Freyer must have noticed this because she said, "Yrsa, do not worry. Of course, you are not his possession, if that is what you are worried about, and you are not obliged to call him master, Prince Loki will be enough." She looked at me with worried eyes, came closer to me and placed her left hand on my left arm and squeezed softly. "You will get used to all of this, darling, I promise you." Aunt said then smiled. I smiled weakly back at her. I was not going to get used to this. All these rules; things were better at the farm, at least there I could wear whatever I wanted. Here, I was to wear a uniform, have my hair combed in a certain way; it didn't seem fair, well for the lower working class, nothing ever seemed fair. 

Soon, I was naked in the bath tub, washing my body with a body scrubber. Aunt had told me that once I had finished my bath, I should head down to the servant dining hall for breakfast. I did not even know where that was. I smeared the lavender bar all over my body; I now understood why Prince Loki loves the scent of lavender, it smells amazing. Now I just hope, with the scent on me, he could like m...  Yrsa, stop it! I mentally slapped myself. I shook away the thought and proceeded to climb out of the tub, grab a cotton towel and dry myself. I drained the water in the tub and cleaned it. I then made my way to my bedroom and sat on my bed, thinking about my brother and father. I missed them so much already. It was Wednesday today and I would only get the chance to write to them on Friday. I swallowed the lump that was forming in my throat, stood up and made my way to the dresser that stood below a mirror that hung on the wall above it. I caught a glimpse of myself in it; my hair was a mess. I had packed away my clothes and shoes last night after Prince Loki allowed me to come and rest for the night. I grabbed the comb I had placed on the dresser and started combing my hair. I decided to just twist my hair into singles and tie them neatly. Once I was done with my hair, I pulled on the lotion drawer and took out the non-scented lotion my aunt had brought along with her when she came up to my chamber for my use. I applied the lotion on my body and within five minutes, I was done. When I looked over to the wardrobe on the right side of my room, I noticed the maid uniform hanging on the door of the wardrobe. I sighed heavily. It looked like old people robes. It was cream-coloured and was a two piece. The skirt looked like it was long enough to cover all the way down under my knees and calves. The blouse had long sleeves, a V-neck design and buttons that went down to waist level, it also did not have a collar. The material of both pieces of looked comfortable, though, maybe they were cotton. The sandals that stood below the maid uniform were straw-y and looked rough and uncomfortable, they were also cream-coloured. 

Soon, I had gotten dressed and was standing in front of the full body mirror, trying to admire myself but failing; I looked like someone's mother. The blouse was a bit baggy and the sleeves reached up to my thumbs and pinkies, the skirt was long; ending at my ankles. I thought about how I could look more like my age and less like Aunt Freyer then I remembered the trinkets my father and brother had bought for me two days earlier. I walked over to the bedside dresser and pulled out the small box. I opened it and took out the earrings and necklace. I set the box back in the dresser drawer and closed it. I walked back to the mirror and started putting on the jewellery. I grinned at the sight: I looked nice. Suddenly, I heard a soft knock on my door, "Enter." I called out softly. The door opened slowly and my mouth immediately fell open; it was Lady Frigga, the Queen! I turned around and bowed quickly, "Good morning, Your Majesty." I said with my eyes on the floor. "Rise, little one. Good morning to you too." Her voice was so mellow and tender it made all my nerves calm. I rose from my bow and looked at her in the eye. She was so beautiful; her eyes were light grey, she had narrow pink lips, her nose slightly pointed and the bridge of it straight and smooth, her light complexion complementing her every facial feature. She indeed looked like a queen, like a goddess. She smiled softly and said, "Thank you my dear, you look quite gorgeous yourself." Could everyone read minds in the royal family? She looked at me with amused eyes and laughed softly and said, "No, only Loki and I can. Thor has neither the composure nor the will-power for such an ability. He only ever focuses on brute strength rather than cerebral power." I nodded lightly in response and smiled. "I am sure you are wondering why I am here." Lady Frigga said then gestured towards the couch that stood at the foot of my bed. I walked over to it and sat beside her. "There are just a few things I need to inform you about Loki before you start with your work today. My son is very neat and would much rather pick up after himself than have a maid. He does not allow a lot of people inside his chambers, only you and I are allowed inside beside himself and his brother, of course. So please my darling, respect his every wish and follow whatever he may have you do, alright?" Lady Frigga said with a weary smile on her face. I nodded and said, "I will respect his wishes and follow any type of instruction he will give to me. I promise you this, Your Majesty." Lady Frigga then put her right hand on my left knee and said, "Thank you, my darling. I am sure he will not be hard on you, he seems quite fond of you." I looked at her with wide eyes, my heart started racing. What did Her Majesty just say? Prince Loki seems fond... of me? Lady Frigga then stood from the couch and headed for the door. Before she departed, she looked back at me and said, "And I can tell you are quite fond of him, too." She grinned then closed the door behind her. 

A few minutes had passed since Lady Frigga left my chambers, the sun was starting to rise; its rays slightly peering over the horizon. I was still on the couch, mulling over what the queen had said to me minutes before. Prince Loki is fond... of me. I was interrupted from my thoughts by a soft knock on my door. I stood up, walked over and opened the door. Aunt Freyer was standing in the doorway with a soft smile on her face. "Hello again dear. My my, you look quite beautiful." She said. "Thank you, Aunt Freyer." I said while smiling bashfully and touching my necklace. "I came to accompany you to the dining hall, are you ready my dear?" Aunt Freyer asked and I nodded my head in response. "Let me get the keys to my chamber then we'll be on our way." I quickly went in, grabbed the keys off of the bedside dresser and headed for the door. I locked the door and Aunt Freyer and I set off for the dining hall. The walk to the hall was long, I could not remember how many turns we took and I was sure I would get lost on the way back if I was not accompanied. 

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