Chapter 28

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Narrator's POV: 

Back in Asgard, the royal family was in shambles. Thor and Frigga had tried to talk Odin out of going to war with Loki and Yrsa but Odin was too infuriated, felt too disrespected and so he readied his royal guard for battle. A week had past since Loki and Yrsa left for Jotunheim and Loki's absence was taking it's toll on Thor. He was in his chambers, laying on his bed staring at the ceiling when a small knock sounded on his golden coloured door. "Enter." Thor's loud voice called out. Suddenly, in a flash of gold, Frigga appeared seated on the edge of Thor's bed. "Good morning, my boy." She greeted softly. Thor shifted his head to the side, grinned weakly and uttered, "Good morning, mother. What brings you to my chambers so early?" "Am I not allowed to check on my son now?" Frigga murmured as she looked to Thor with sad eyes. "Of course you are. Where is father if you're here?" Thor enquired as he shifted upwards and leaned his back against the bed frame. Frigga sighed as she stood and went to an open window. "He's out with the elite troop that will be fighting directly alongside him once he arrives in Jotunheim." Frigga paused as she tried to hold back the tears that were fighting to be set free, "Your father plans on killing Loki and Yrsa, I'm afraid that there isn't anything anybody will say to try convince him otherwise. He's out for blood." Frigga turned to look at Thor with an anguished expression splayed across her face. "Is there any way we can at least warn Loki and Yrsa of the coming danger?" Thor asked as he slid out bed and went over to his mother by the window. "No, there isn't, they are too far away. We just have to hope that Yrsa's sight will help them see the danger before it reaches them."  Thor sighed heavily and wrapped his arms around his mother's shoulders. Good luck, brother - Thor thought to himself. 

Yrsa's POV: 

Loki and I arrived in Jotunheim around a week ago. I could feel myself getting stronger with each passing day and I was worried my body would not be able to handle so much power so I had asked Loki to accompany me to the royal temple so we could find out what exactly was going on with me. When we arrived there, we were met by a royal guide. She, I assumed, was standing at the base of the staircase that led to the temple doors. As Loki and I approached her, she knelt, tilted her head to the floor and uttered, "My king and queen, it is an honour." Her voice was raspy and coarse but still contained remnants of what sounded like tenderness in it. "Rise." Loki spoke in a low voice. The guide rose and began to speak, "My name is Gypr, I am the royal guide of the Jotun temples. Whatever you need to see in the temples regarding all of Jotun history, I can be of assistance." Gypr was tall, like unbelievably tall, she was probably two and a half meters tall. 

Loki and I walked into the temple hand in hand with Gypr a few meters behind us. The inside of the temple closely resembled the inside of the castle but it had tapestries and ice sculptures of all the past kings and queens of Jotunheim. Gypr told us the names of each of the leaders and what they accomplished while they ruled over the land. Once we reached the end of the long hall we were walking in, I saw a tapestry that was not yet complete. I turned to Gypr and asked, "This one, why is it not yet complete?" Gypr looked over to the intricately forged tapestry and tilted her head to the side. Loki cleared his throat and spoke, "May I interject?" Gypr's blood red gaze moved onto her king and she replied, "Of course, your Majesty." "Well, from my knowledge, Yrsa, I think this tapestry is ours. Do you not see the little infant there near the bottom right corner of the tapestry? That, my darling, is me. And there, on the top left corner is you. This is our story and it isn't complete yet because we're still writing it." I looked closer at the fabric with the moving figures on the wall; I could see my father and mother holding me on the day of my birth, I saw the day mother and father came back with Houlde while I sat with Aunt Freyer, I saw the day my mother passed away. Tears stung my eyes as I moved my gaze across the fabric and saw the day Loki and I met. "Loki, this is beautiful." I muttered softly. Loki then kissed my left cheek and I heard his voice in my head- yes, darling, it is -. 

After a few minutes of admiring the tapestries that were glittered all across the walls of the temple, I turned to Gypr and asked, "Excuse me, do you know anything about royal lineage powers?" "Yes, your Highness. Those are powers that are given to queens that are not of Jotun blood. I am assuming you have them, my queen?" Gypr asked as she looked to me. I nodded my head and she continued, "Well, the source of your power is Jotunheim herself and since you reside here now, your power is limitless." I furrowed my brows as I tried to process what Gypr was telling me. "Will my body be able to handle that much power?" I enquired. Gypr smiled then replied, "In time, your Majesty's body will accustom to the all the power running through your iced veins. Day by day, you and King Loki will grow stronger." Suddenly, my head began pounding, I shrieked and hit the ground hard with my knees. "Yrsa!" I heard Loki shout as he quickly grabbed me by the arm to help steady me. Then, that's when I saw it; Odin rallying his troops, they were sparring with one another as Odin looked on, I could hear him speaking with them, convincing them that we were the ones in the wrong, that we had betrayed the kingdom of Asgard and her people, that we had committed treason. I also saw Thor and mother, they seemed to be against the idea of a war, I could sense the aching of both their hearts. The pounding in my head quickly stopped and I held on to Loki as I staggered to my feet. "What did you see?" Loki asked me with a deep look of concern on his face. I looked to him and said, "Odin is ready for battle, my love. His troops have already been rallied. He is out for blood, Loki, he plans on killing us both and destroying Jotunheim." Loki's gaze slowly travelled to the floor as he began to pace up and down the room. "And what of mother? Did you see her at all in your vision?" Loki enquired as he came to a halt and tossed his gaze towards me, his eyes shining with a hint of tenderness. "Mother does not like the idea of Odin waging a war on us, she and Thor tried speaking with Odin in an attempt to talk him out of this whole thing but to no avail." I uttered. "We have to be ready as well, the last time Odin went to war with my kind, he almost killed off the entire population and nearly destroyed the entire realm." Loki spoke, his voice low, as he began to pace up and down again. "Sire, would you like me to summon the kongelig hær?" Gypr enquired. "Yes, tell them to assemble in the training grounds in the lowest floor of the castle." Loki said as he grasped my right hand in his left one and walked us over towards the door of the temple. "Yes, my liege." Gypr called out after us. 

kongelig hær - royal army

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