Chapter 22

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Yrsa's POV: 

I was still with Loki and Queen Frigga in the relics room. I had just found out that Odin was holding Aunt Freyer as his personal prisoner. How was I even going to help her? Odin has made it clear that he considers me a fugitive so asking nicely is totally out of the question. "What if we just sneaked into father's personal dungeon? He is usually out of the palace late in the evening so we could try getting to her then." Loki said suddenly, stirring me abruptly from my thoughts, as he stroked the side of my arm comfortingly. I turned and smiled at him wearily, he was worried as well, I could see it in his eyes; probably empathising with me or maybe because he liked my aunt or maybe a bit of both. Queen Frigga was slowly pacing up and down with her hands clasped behind her back and her gaze firmly set on the floor. The subtle sound of her dress swooshing across the floor was the only sound echoing in the large room. "Loki is right , perhaps you two could sneak in tonight when the moon is at its highest point in the night sky. Odin and I will be out late, we may not even return until late in the afternoon tomorrow." Queen Frigga spoke softly as she came to a stand still and looked at Loki and I. 

So we all agreed on a plan; the time now was a little after three in the afternoon so Loki and I were to wait in his chambers until the stroke of midnight after Queen Frigga and Odin leave. When midnight strikes, Loki and I will sneak through the palace to the royal dungeons. So, Loki helped me up and all three of us made our way to the main block of the palace where the royal quarters were situated. Quickly, Loki and I sneaked through the corridors as Queen Frigga smiled at us and made her way to the passages that led to the throne room. Suddenly, Loki took my left hand in his right one and whispered, "I'll get us to my chambers faster." and then before I could even ask him what he meant, we were in his bedroom. I stumbled at bit but Loki pulled me towards him before I lost my balance. "Loki," I said dryly, "please warn me next time before you do that." Loki just chuckled, walked me over to his bed and sat me down. The bed felt so unbelievably soft beneath me, maybe because I hadn't been on it for a little over a month or so; come to think of it, I hadn't been in Loki's chambers in a little over a month. I sighed heavily and laid back on the bed. The lavender scented duvet hugged onto my body and welcomed my figure back with open arms. "How did it come to this? How did we end up... here?" I muttered softly with my eyes closed. "Well, I teleported us here, if that's what you're asking, dear." Loki said in all his sarcastic glory. I chuckled slightly and said, "Loki, you know what I mean." Loki snickered before saying, "Everything escalated so quickly. But for a couple of weeks, we were happy; just you and I, no family drama, no Odin, no imprisonment. Just my love and I in the safe oasis of my chamber walls, enjoying one another's embraces." He laid next to me on his back as well, sighed lightly and continued, "Odin just does not want to see me happy, he doesn't want me to live my life free of his authority like Thor. He thinks I'm reckless, dangerous, so he just wants to keep me under his thumb and use me like a puppet, control me." 

I turned my head to the side and looked at Loki. He had his gaze firmly set on the high ceiling of his bedroom. "Loki." I murmured. "Hmm?" He responded obliviously. "Loki, look at me." I said softly. He pulled himself out of his thoughts and gazed at me, his face wearing a faint smile. "What is it, darling?" He muttered. "Why do let him do this to you? Why let him win? You always do this; you always allow him to have so much power over how you act. Do you seek his approval?" Loki blinked at me. There was silence. He rose from the bed and walked over to his bedside couch. I sat up on the bed and observed him, waiting for him to answer my question. After what seemed to be an eternity of silence, Loki spoke, "Yes, I do. Finding out I was not who I believed myself to be all those years broke me. I had felt like an outsider all of my life and then, I finally found out that I am an outsider and that pained me deeper than I care to let on. Odin is the only father I know and having him tell me that I was nothing more than one of his relics found at war tore me apart. What happened with the Frost Giants and Laufey was my way of trying to prove myself to him but even then he denied me. I had thought that I did not need to be acknowledged by Odin but I found myself causing so much trouble and a small part of me did those things just to get his attention. Deep down, all I want is for him to just show me that he cares, tell me that I am more than just something he stole from Jotunheim." Loki had his elbows set on his knees and his gaze was on the floor; his eyes looked watery, like he was holding back tears. My heart suddenly ached, it was as if I could feel his heartbreak, his anguish and torment. "Loki." I whispered as tears started rolling down my cheeks. He looked up and gave me a melancholy smile. He was letting me feel his emotions. Loki had always been so secretive about how his family dynamic was with me but now, he was being... vulnerable... with me. I stood up from the bed and walked over to him. I knelt in front of him, cupped both his cheeks in my hands gently and whispered, "Thank you for letting me in. I know it isn't easy but thank you." Loki looked deeply into my eyes and muttered, "Hold me." He took my hands in his, allowed me to rise from the floor and let my legs sprawl over his thighs. I sat on his laps and wrapped my arms around his neck as he wrapped his arms around my torso and rested his head on my chest. We sat like this for a long while saying nothing, we were just enjoying one another's embraces. It felt right... it felt like home. 

"Yrsa?" Loki whispered against my chest. 

"Yes, Loki?" I replied softly as I stroked his dark locks. 

"Will you marry me?" He asked abruptly. 


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